Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals in Science, Education and Therapy
The references in this section are related to the use of animals in science (both the natural and social scientific sciences), education, and in human therapy and rehabilitation. This section also includes specific academic disciplinary overviews.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
For category definitions and criteria for inclusion, please click here.
Use the links at the bottom of the page to "Jump" to a category.
Adkins, S.L. and D.W. Rajecki. 1999. Pets' roles in parents' bereavement. Anthrozoös 12(1): 33-42.
Agnew, Robert. 1998. The causes of animal abuse: A social-psychological TRCNF analysis. Theoretical Criminology 2(2): 177-209.
Alger, Janet and Steven Alger. 2003. Drawing the line between humans and animals: An examination of introductory sociology textbooks. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 23(3): 69-93.
Allen, Michael W., Matthew Hunstone, Jon Waerstad, Emma Foy, Thea Hobbins, Brit Wikner, and Joanne Wirrel. 2002. Human-to-animal similarity and participant mood influence punishment recommendations for animal abusers. Society and Animals 10(3): 267-284.
Anderson, David C. 1992. A pathfinder for animal research and animal rights. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 11(2): 129-136.
Anthony, R. and Paul B. Thompson. 2004. Biosafety, ethics and regulation of transgenic animals. In S.R. Barekh (ed.), The GMO Handbook: Genetically Modified Animals, Microbes and Plants in Biotechnology, 183-206. Totoway , NJ : Humana Press.
Archer, John E. 1986. Ethical issues in psychobiological research on animals. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society 39: 361-364.
Arkow, Phil. 2004. Pet Therapy: A Study and Resource Guide for the Use of Companion Animals in Selected Therapies, 9th Edition. Stratford, NJ.
Arluke, Arnold. 1987. Reasons for the sociological study of animal research: The experimenter as guinea pig. Bulletin of Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PsyETA ) 6(2): 8-9. SUMMARY
Arluke, Arnold. 1988. Sacrificial symbolism in animal experimentation: Object or pet? Anthrozoös 2(2): 98-117. SUMMARY
Arluke, Arnold. 1990. The individualization of laboratory animals. Humane Innovations and Alternatives in Animal Experimentation 4: 199-210.
Arluke, Arnold. 1990. Moral elevation in medical research. Advances in Medical Sociology 1: 189-204. SUMMARY
Arluke, Arnold. 1990. Uneasiness among laboratory technicians. Lab Animal 19(4): 20-39.
Arluke, Arnold. 1991. Going into the closet with science: Information control among animal experimenters. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 20(3): 306-330.
Arluke, Arnold. 1994. ‘We build a better beagle': Fantastic creatures in lab animal ads. Qualitative Sociology 17(2): 143-158.
Arluke, Arnold. 2002. A sociology of sociological animal studies. Society and Animals 10(4): 369-374.
Arluke, Arnold. 2003. Ethnozoology and the future of sociology. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 23(3): 26-45.
Baird, Robert M. and Stuart E. Rosenbaum. 1991. Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
Balcombe, Jonathan. 1999. Animals & society courses: A growing trend in post-secondary education. Society and Animals 7(3): 229-240.
Balcombe, Jonathan. 2000. The Use of Animals in Higher Education: Problems, Alternatives, & Recommendations . Humane Society Press.
Baldry, A.C. 2004. The development of the PET scale for the measurement of physical and emotional tormenting against animals in adolescents. Society and Animals 12 (1): 1-17.
Baldwin, Elizabeth . 1993. The case for animal research in psychology. Journal of Social Issues 49(1): 121-132. SUMMARY
Banks, Marian R. and William A. Banks. 2002. The effects of animal-assisted therapy of loneliness in an elderly population in long-term care facilities. Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences 57(7): M428-M432.
Barber, Theodore Xenophon. 1993. The Human Nature of Birds: A Scientific Discovery with Startling Discoveries. New York: St. Martin's.
Barker, S.B., A.M. Best, M. Fredrickson, et al. 2000. Constraints in assessing the impact of animals in education. Anthrozoös 13(2): 74-79.
Barker, S.B., K. G. Rasmussen, and A. M. Best. 2003. Effect of aquariums on electroconvulsive therapy patients. Anthrozoös 16 (3): 229-240.
Barr, Garcia and Harold Herzog. 2000. Fetal pig: The high school dissection experience. Society and Animals 8(1): 53-69.
Baudrillard, Jean. 1994. The Animals: Territory and Metamorphoses. In Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor: University Michigan Press.129-141.
Beck, A.M., G.F. Melson, P.L. da Costa, et al. 2001. The educational benefits of a ten-week home-based wild bird feeding program for children. Anthrozoös 14(1): 19-28.
Becker, Ernest. 1981. From animal to human reactivity. In G. Stone and H. Faberman (eds.). Social Psychology Through Symbolic Interaction, 2nd Edition, 91-95. New York: Wiley.
Becker, Marty and Danelle Morton. 2002. The Healing Power of Pets: Harnessing the Amazing Ability of Pets to Make and Keep People Happy and Healthy. New York: Hyperion.
Beirne, Piers. 1995. The use and abuse of animals in criminology: A brief history and current review. Social Justice 22(1): 5-27. SUMMARY
Beirne, Piers. 1999. For a nonspeciesist criminology: Animal abuse as an object of study. Criminology 37(1): 117-147.
Beirne, Piers. 2002. Criminology and animal studies: A sociological view. Society and Animals 10(4): 381-386.
Berland, Jody. 2009. "The Elephant in the Classroom." International Journal of Inclusive Education 13:7: 799-811.
Bernstein, P. L., E. Friedmann and A. Malaspina. 2000. Animal-assisted therapy enhances resident social interaction and initiation in long-term care facilities. Anthrozoös 13(4): 213-224.
Birke, Lynda. 1991. Science, feminism and animal natures II: Feminist critiques and the place of animals in science. Women's Studies International Forum 14: 451-458.
Birke, Lynda. 1994. Feminism, Animals, and Science: The Naming of the Shrew. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Birke, L. 2003. Who-or what-are the rats (and mice) in the laboratory. Society and Animals 11 (3): 207-224.
Birke, Lynda and Jane Smith. 1995. Animals in experimental reports: The rhetoric of science. Society & Animals. 3(1): 23-42.
Birke, Lynda and Mike Michael. 1995. Raising the profile of welfare: Scientists and their use of animals. Anthrozoös 8(2): 90-99.
Bizerril, Marcelo Ximenes A., Carla Cruz Soares, and Jean Pierre Santos. 2011. Linking community communication to conservation of the maned wolf in central Brazil. Environmental Education Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 1: 815-827.
Blewitt, John. 2011. The media, animal conservation and environmental education . Environmental Education Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 1: 711-718 .
Blewitt, John. 2011. Critical practice and the public pedagogy of environmental and conservation media. Environmental Education Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 1: 719-734.
Bjerke, T., B.P. Kaltenborn and T.S. Odegardstuen. 2001. Animal-related activities and appreciation of animals among children and adolescents. Anthrozoös 14(2): 86-94.
Blanchard, Jay S. and George McNinch. 1984. The effects of anthropomorphism on world learning. Journal of Educational Research 78: 105-110.
Blum, Deborah. 1994. The Monkey Wars. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bolton, Maggie and Cathrine Degnen (eds.). 2010. Animals and Science: From Colonial Encounters to the Biotech Industry. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bowd, A.D. 1980. Ethics and animal experimentation. American Psychologist 35: 224-225.
Bowd, A.D. 1980. Ethical reservations about psychological research with animals. Psychological Record 30: 201-210.
Bowd, A. D. 1990. A decade of debate on animal research in psychology: Room for consensus? Canadian Psychology 31: 74-82.
Bowd, A.D. 1993. Dissection as an instructional technique in secondary science: Choice and alternatives. Society and Animals 1(1), 83-89.
Bowd, Alan D. and Kenneth J. Shapiro. 1993. The case against laboratory animal research in Psychology. Journal of Social Issues 49(1): 133-142. SUMMARY
Brensing, K and K. Linke. 2003. Behavior of dolphins towards adults and children during swim-with-dolphin programs and towards children with disabilities during therapy sessions. Anthrozoös 16 (4): 315-331.
Broida, John, Leanne Tingley, Robert Kimball and Joseph Miele. 1993. Personality differences between pro- and anti-vivisectionists. Society and Animals 1(2): 129-144.
Bryant, Clifton D. and W.E. Snizek. 1976. Practice modes and professional role playing among large and small animal veterinarians. Rural Sociology 41: 179-92.
Burkhardt, Richard. W. Jr. 2005. Patterns of Behavior: Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and the Founding of Ethology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Budge, R. Claire, John Spicer and Ross St. George. 1998. Health correlates of compatibility and attachment in human-companion animal relationships. Society and Animals 6(3): 219-234.
Buettinger, Craig. 1997. Women and antivivisection in late nineteenth-century America. Journal of Social History 30(Summer): 857-872.
Burgon, H. 2003. Case studies of adults receiving horse-riding therapy. Anthrozoös 16 (3): 263-276.
Bustad, L. 1980. Animals, Aging, and the Aged. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Carbone, Lawrence G. 1997. Death by decapitation: A case study of the scientific definition of animal welfare. Society and Animals 5(3): 239-256. SUMMARY
Carmack, B. and J. Becker. 1988. Staff stress. Lab Animal 17(2): 21-22, 25-28.
Clark, Margaret A. 1999. This little piggy went to market: The xenotransplantation and xenozoonose debate. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 27(2): 137-152.
Colby, P.M. and A. Sherman. 2002. Attachment styles impact on pet visitation effectiveness. Anthrozoös 15(2): 150-165.
Compton, David M., Kerri L. Deitrich and Summer D. Johnson. 1995. Animal rights activism and animal welfare concerns in the academic setting: levels of activism and the perceived importance of research with animals. Psychological Reports 76(1): 23-31.
Conn , P.M. and J. Parker. 1998. Animal rights: reaching the public. Science 282(5393): 1417-1417.
Cooper, Adrian G. 1992. Canine corrections - the human animal bond behind bars. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 33(8): 515-517.
Costall, Alan. 1998. Lloyd Morgan and the rise and fall of ‘Animal Psychology'. Society and Animals 7(2): 13-29.
Crawford, Jacqueline J. 2003 . Therapy Pets: The Animal-Human Healing Partnership. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
Crews, David. 1994. Animal Sexuality. Scientific American. (January 1994): 108-14.
Cuningham, Paul F. 1995. Topics Awaiting Study: Investigable Questions on Animal Issues. Society and Animals, Vol. 3, No. 1.
Cunningham, Paul. 2000. Animals in psychology education and student choice. Society and Animals 8(2):191-212.
Darwin, Charles. 1871 /1981. The Descent of Man. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Darwin, Charles. 1859 /1985. The Origin of Species. New York: Penguin.
Davis, H. and D. Balfour (eds.). 1992. The Inevitable Bond: Examining Scientist-Animal Interactions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Davis , Hank and Jennifer A. Gibson. 2000. Can rabbits tell humans apart? Discrimination of individual humans and its implications for animal research. Comparative Medicine 50(5): 483-485.
DeMello, Margo (ed.). 2010. Teaching the animal: human-animal studies across the disciplines. New York : Lantern Books, 2010.
Dewsbury, D.A. 1990. Early interactions between animal psychologists and animal activists and the founding of the APA Committee on Precautions in Animal Experimentation. American Psychologist 45: 315-327.
Dodds, W. Jean and F. Barbara Orlans (eds.). 1982. Scientific Perspectives on Animal Welfare. New York: Academic Press.
Donowitz, Leigh Grossman. Pet therapy. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Disease 21(1): 64-66.
Driscoll, Janis Wiley. 1992. Attitudes toward animal use. Anthrozoös 5(1): 32-39. SUMMARY
Eddy, J., L.A. Hart and R.P. Boltz. 1988. The effects of service dogs on social acknowledgments of people in wheelchairs. Journal of Psychology 122: 39-45.
Emel, Jody, Chris Wilbert and Jennifer Wolch. 2002. Animal geographies. Society and Animals 10(4): 407-412.
Erickson, R. 1985. Companion animals and the elderly. Geriatr Nurs (New York) 6(2): 92-96.
Fadeli, Moneim A. 1997. Animal Experimentation: A Harvest of Shame. Hidden Springs Publishers.
Fano, Alix. 1998. Lethal Laws: Animal Testing, Human Health, and Environmental Policy. New York: Zed Books Ltd.
Farias-Tomoszewski, Sarah, Sharon Rae Jenkins and Jean Keller. 2001. An evaluation of therapeutic horseback riding programs for adults with physical impairments. Therapeutic Recreation Journal 35(3): 250-257.
Farnsworth, Bruce Evan. 2011. Critical Conservation photography as environmental education: focus on the pedagogues.Environmental Education Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 1: 769-787.
Field, Peter B. 1989. Animal images in college psychology texts. The Animals' Agenda (October), 14. SUMMARY
Fine, Aubrey H. 2006. Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy: Theoretical Foundations and Guidelines for Practice. Academic Press.
Fleischmann, Kenneth R. 2003. Frog and cyberfrog are friends: Dissection simulation and animal advocacy. Society and Animals 11(2): 123-143.
Flynn, Clifton P. 2003. A course is a course, of course, of course (unless it's an animals and society course): Challenging boundaries in academia. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 23(3): 94-108.
Fogle, Bruce. 1991. The changing roles of animals in Western society: Influences upon and from the veterinary profession. Anthrozoös 12(4): 234-239.
Foucault, Michel. 1994. The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Vintage.
Fouts, Roger S. 1998. On the psychological well-being of chimpanzees. JAAWS. 1(1): 65-73.
Fox, Michael Allen. 1986. The Case for Animal Experimentation. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Fox, M.W. 1982. On the use of animals in research. American Psychologist 37: 598-599.
French, R.K. 1999. Dissection and Vivisection in the European Renaissance. Aldershot, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate.
French, R.D. 1975. Antivivisection and Medical Science in Victorian Society. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Frey, R.G. 1996. Medicine, animal experimentation, and the moral problem of unfortunate humans. Social Philosophy and Policy 13(2): 181-211.
Frohoff, Toni,; Peterson, Brenda. 2003 . Between Species: Celebrating the Dolphin-Human Bond. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books; Berkeley, CA: Distributed by the University of California Press.
Funk, M.S.M. and B.A. Smith. 2000. Occupational therapists and therapeutic riding. Anthrozoös 13(3): 174-181.
Furnham, A. and C. Heyes. 1993. Psychology students' beliefs about animals and animal experimentation. Personality and Individual Differences 15: 1-10.
Furnham, A. and A. Pinder. 1990. Young people's attitudes to experimentation on animals. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Association 10: 444-448.
Gallup Jr., G.G. and J.W. Beckstead. 1988. Attitudes toward animal research. American Psychologist 43(6): 474-476. SUMMARY
Gallup Jr., G.G. and S.D. Suarez. 1980. On the use of animals in psychological research. Psychological Record 30: 211-218.
Gallup Jr., G.G. and S.D. Suarez. 1985. Alternatives to the use of animals in psychological research. American Psychologist 40: 1104-1111.
Gallup Jr., G.G. and S.D. Suarez. 1987. Antivivisection: Questions of logic, consistency, and conceptualization. Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 7: 81-93.
Garner, Robert . 1995. The politics of animal protection: The rhetoric of science. Society and Animals 3(1).
Garner, Robert. 2002. Political science and animal studies. Society and Animals 10(4): 395- 401.
Gerbasi, K.C. 2003. Animals & society college courses. Society and Animals 11 (3): 283-285.
Gerbasi, Kathleen C., David C. Anderson, Alexandra M. Gerbasi and Debbie Coultis. 2002. Doctoral dissertations in human-animal studies: News and views. Society and Animals 10(4): 339-346.
Gigliotti, Carol. 2008. “Sustaining Creativity and the Loss of the Wild” In M. Alexenberg (ed.) Educating Artists in a Digital Age: Learning at the Intersections of Art, Science,Technology and Culture. Bristol, UK: Intellect Press/Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Gigliotti, C. 2009 "Artificial LIfe and the Lives of the Non-human." Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture. Issue 9, Spring, p. 17-31.
Gluck, J.P. and S.R. Kubacki. 1991. Animals in biomedical research: The undermining effect of the rhetoric of the besieged. Ethics and Behavior 1(3): 157-173. SUMMARY
Greek, C. Ray and Jean Swingle Greek. 2003. Specious Science: How Genetics and Evolution Reveal Why Medical Research on Animals Harms Humans. Continuum International Publishing Group.
Greek, C. Ray, MD, Jean Swingle Greek, DVM and Jane Goodall. 2000. Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals. New York: Continuum.
Greek, Jean Swingle and Ray C. Greek. 2004. What Will We Do If We Don't Experiment on Animals: Medical Research for the Twenty-First Century. Trafford Publishers.
Gregory, Neville G. 2005. Physiology and Behaviour of Animal Suffering (Universities Federation for Animal Welfare). Blackwell Publishers.
Groves , Julian McAllister. 1994. Are smelly animals happy? Competing definitions of laboratory animal cruelty and public policy. Society and Animals 2(2).
Guerrini, Anita. 2003. Experimenting with humans and animals: From Galen to animal rights. Johns Hopkins Introductory Studies in the History of Science. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Guillermo, Kathy Snow. 1993. Monkey Business: The Disturbing Case that Launched the Animal Rights Movement. Washington, DC: National Press Books.
Hagelin J., B. Johansson, J. Hau, et al. 2002. Influence of pet ownership on opinions towards the use of animals in biomedical research. Anthrozoös 15(3): 251-257.
Hansen, K.M., C.J. Messinger, M.M. Baun, et al. 1999. Companion animals alleviating distress in children. Anthrozoös 12(3): 142-148.
Haraway, Donna. 1988. Primatology is politics by other means. In R. Bleier (ed.). Feminist Approaches to Science, 71-118. New York: Pergamon Press.
Haraway, Donna. 1989. Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science. New York: Routledge.
Harbolt, Tami and Tamara H. Ward. 2001. Teaming incarcerated youth with shelter dogs for a second chance. Society and Animals 9(2): 177-182.
Harness, Hallie and Howard Drossman. 2011. The environmental education through filmmaking project. Environmental Education Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 1: 829-849.
Hart, Lynette A., Benjamin Hart and Bonita Bergin. 1985. Socializing effects of service dogs for people with disabilities. Journal of the Delta Society (Winter) 64-65.
Hartinger, Werner. 2005. The Animals Are Our Brothers and Sisters: Why Animal Experiments Are Misleading and Wrong. Temple Lodge Publishing.
Haugen, David M., (Ed.). 2000. Animal Experimentation. San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press.
Hayhurst, Chris. 2000. Animal Testing: The Animal Rights Debate. New York: Rosen Pub Group.
Heimlich, Kathryn. 2001. Animal-assisted therapy and the severely disabled child: a quantitative study. Journal of Rehabilitation 67(4): 48-54.
Helsing, K.J. and M. Monk. 1985. Dog and cat ownership among suicides and matched controls. American Journal of Public Health 75(10): 1223-1224.
Hepner, Lisa. 1994. Animals in Education: The Facts, Issues and Implications. Albuquerque, NM: Richmond .
Hergovich, A., B. Monshi, G. Semmler, et al. 2002. The effects of the presence of a dog in the classroom. Anthrozoös 15(1): 37-50.
Herz, Susan E. 2001. Before pigs' germs fly: Xenotransplantation and a call for federal action. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10(4): 441-444.
Herzog Jr., H.A. 1991. Conflicts of interest: Kittens and boa constrictors, pets and research. American Psychologist 46: 246-248.
Herzog Jr., H.A. 1993. Human morality and animal research: Confessions and quandaries. The American Scholar 62(3): 337-349.
Herzog Jr., Harold A., Tamara Vore and John C. New. 1988. Conversations with veterinary students: Attitudes, ethics, and values. Anthrozoös 2: 181-188. SUMMARY
Hoffmann, W.A. and J.S.J. Odendaal. 2001. The effect of behavioral therapy on dog phobia response patterns. Anthrozoös 14(1): 29-37.
Holden, Constance. 1990. Animal rights activism threatens dissection. Science 250, (9 November): 751. SUMMARY
Holland, Alan, and Andrew Johnson (eds.). 1998. Animal Biotechnology and Ethics. London; New York: Chapman & Hall.
Hughes, Helen. 2011. Humans, sharks and the shared environment in the contemporary eco-doc. Environmental Education Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 1: 735-749.
Irvine, Leslie. 2002. Animal problems/people skills: Emotional interactional strategies in human education. Society and Animals 10(1): 63-91.
Jamison, Wesley V. and William M. Lunch. 1992. Rights of animals, perceptions of science, and political activism: Profile of American animal rights activists. Science, Technology, and Human Values 17(4): 438-458. SUMMARY
Johnson, David. 1990. Animal rights and human lives: Time for scientists to right the balance. Psychological Science 1(4): 213-214. SUMMARY
Johnson, Kathleen R. 2001. Animal experimentation: A guide to the issues. Anthrozoös 14(2): 117-119.
Jones, Susan D. 2003. Valuing Animals: Veterinarians and Their Patients in Modern America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Kappeler, Susanne. 1995. Speciesism, racism, nationalism or the power of scientific subjectivity. In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.) Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations . Durham : Duke University Press.
Kelly, J.A. 1986. Psychological research and the rights of animals: Disagreement with Miller. American Psychologist 41: 839-841.
Kemp, Martin. 1999. Science in culture: Animal arts. Nature 401(6755): 744.
Kistler, John M. 2004. Animals are the issue: library resources on animal issues. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Information Press.
Koda, N. 2001. Anthropomorphism in Japanese women's status terms used in talk to potential guide dogs. Anthrozoös 14(2): 109-111.
Knight, Sarah, Aldert Vrij, Kim Bard and Doug Brandon. 2009. Science versus Human Welfare? Understanding Attitudes toward Animal Use. Journal of Social Issues, July 23: 463-483.
Kruse, Corwin R. 1998. Who said that? Status presentation in media accounts of the animal experimentation debate. Society and Animals 6(3): 235-243. SUMMARY
Kruse, Corwin R. 2002. Social animals: Animal studies and sociology. Society and Animals 10(4): 375-379.
Kyle, Glenna M. 1991. A legal and scientific critique of the use of animal data in proving causation. Courts, Health Science and the Law 1(4): 429-433.
LaFollette, Hugh and Niall Shanks. 1996. Brute Science: Dilemmas of Animal Experimentation. Oxford: Routledge.
Langford, M.J. 1989. Animal welfare and human welfare. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 22(2): 95-103.
Langley , Gill (ed.). 1989. Animal Experimentation: The Consensus Changes. New York: Chapman and Hall.
Lansbury, Coral. 1985. The Old Brown Dog: Women, Workers, and Vivisection in Edwardian England. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Lederer, S. 1992. Political animals: The shaping of biomedical research literature in twentieth- century America. Isis 83(1): 61-79.
Lock, Roger. 1994. Dissection as an instructional technique in secondary science: Comment on Bowd. Society and Animals 2(1).
Lundin, Susanne. 1999. The boundless body: Cultural perspectives on xenotransplantation. Ethnos 64(1): 5-31.
Lynch, Michael. 1985. Art and Artifact in Laboratory Science: A Study of Shop Work and Shop Talk in a Research Laboratory. Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Lynch, Michael. 1988. Sacrifice and the transformation of the animal body into a scientific object: Laboratory culture and ritual practice in the neurosciences. Social Studies of Science 18: 265-289. SUMMARY
McAllister, Julian Groves. 1997. Hearts and Minds: The Controversy over Laboratory Animals. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Macy, Phyllis. 1990. Research with animals and the new zeitgeist. American Psychologist 45(11): 1269-1270. SUMMARY
Mader, B.L.A. Hart and B. Bergin. 1989. Social acknowledgments for children with disabilities: The effects of service dogs. Child Development 60: 1529-1534.
Margadant-van Arcken, M. 1989. Environmental education, children, and animals. Anthrozoös 3: 14-19.
Marr , C.A. , L. French, D. Thompson, et al. 2000. Animal-assisted therapy in psychiatric rehabilitation. Anthrozoös 13(1): 43-47.
McCorkle, Constance M. and Marina Martin. 1998. Parallels and potentials in animal and human ethnomedical technique. Agriculture and Human Values 15(2): 139-144.
McGiffin, H. and N. Brownley (eds.). 1986. Animals in Education. Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Animal Problems.
Melson, Gail F. 2002. Psychology and the study of human-animal relationships. Society and Animals 10(4): 347-352.
Michael, M. and Lynda Birke. 1994. Enrolling the core set: The case of the animal experimentation controversy. Social Studies of Science 24(1): 81-95.
Michael, M. and Lynda Birke. 1994. Accounting for animal experiments: Identity and disreputable "Others". Science, Technology, and Human Values 19(2): 189-204.
Michael, M. and Lynda Birke. 1995. Animal experiments, scientific uncertainty, and public unease. Science as Culture 5(2): 248-276.
Midgley, Mary. 1989. Are you an animal? In Gill Langley (ed.). Animal Experimentation: The Consensus Changes. New York: Chapman and Hall.
Miller, Neal E. 1983. Understanding the use of animals in behavioral research: Some critical issues. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 405: 113-118.
Miller, Neal E. 1985. The value of behavioral research on animals. American Psychologist 40: 423-440.
Miura, A., J.W.S. Bradshaw and H. Tanida. 2002. Attitudes towards assistance dogs in Japan and the UK : A comparison of college students studying animal care. Anthrozoös 15(3): 227-242.
Moore, Deborah E. and James T. Hannon. 1993. Animal behavior science as a social science: The success of the empathic approach in research on apes. Anthrozoös 6(3): 173-189.
Montgomery, Georgina. 2005. Place, Practice and Primatology: Clarence Ray Carpenter, Primate Communication and the Development of Field Methodology, 1931-1945. Journal of the History of Biology. 38, (3): 495-533.
Montgomery, Georgina M. 2009. Infinite Loneliness: The Life and Times of Miss Congo. Endeavour 33, no. 3, 101-105.
Morgan, J.M. and J.H. Gramann. 1989. Predicting effectiveness of wildlife education programs: A study of students' attitudes and knowledge towards snakes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 17: 501-509.
Moriarty Jr., D.D. and Allen, J.L. 1986. Researcher responsibilities, not animal rights: A comment on Rollin. American Psychologist 41: 842.
Mullin, Molly H. 1999. Mirrors and windows: Sociocultural studies of human-animal relationships. Annual Review of Anthropology 28: 201-224.
Mullin, Molly H. 2002. Animals and anthropology. Society and Animals 10(4): 387-393.
Mur, Cindy. 2004. Animal Experimentation. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.
National Research Council. 2002. Animal Biotechnology: Science-Based Concerns. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Nelkin, Dorothy. 1992. Living inventions: Animal patenting in the United States and Europe. Stanford Law and Policy Review 4: 203-210.
Nemeth, David J. 1989. A study of the interactions of human, pig, and the human pork tapeworm. Anthrozoös 3(1): 4-13.
Nibert, David A. 2003. Humans and other animals: Sociology's moral and intellectual challenge. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 23(3): 4-25.
Nickell, Darcy and Harold A. Herzog, Jr. 1996. Ethical ideology and moral persuasion: Personal moral philosophy, gender, and judgments of pro- and anti-animal research propaganda. Society and Animals 4(1): 53-64.
Nicoll, Charles S. and Sharon M. Russell. 1992. Animal rights, animal research, and human obligations. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences 3(4): 271-277.
Noske, Barbara. 1992. Deconstructing the animal image: Toward an anthropology of animals. Anthrozoös 5(4): 226-230. SUMMARY
Noske, Barbara. 1993. The animal question in anthropology. Society and Animals 1(2): 185-190.
Orlans, F. Barbara. 1993. In The Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Padmavathi, R., K.N. Maruthy and M. Vaz. 1998. The perceptions of first-year medical students on animal and human experiments in physiology. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 42(1): 127-130.
Parslow R.A. and A.F Jorm. 2003. The impact of pet ownership on health and health service use: Results from a community sample of Australians aged 40 to 44 years. Anthrozoös 16(1): 43-56.
Paul, Elizabeth S. 1995. Us and them: Scientists' and animal rights campaigners' views of the animal experimentation debate. Society and Animals 3(1).
Pearson. Elissa, Jillian Dorrian, and Carla Litchfield. 2011. Harnessing visual media in environmental education: increasing knowledge of orangutan conservation issues and facilitating sustainable behaviour through video presentations.Environmental Education Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 1: 751-767.
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