Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals in History
This category consists of all references regarding a specific time period or presenting a dynamic history regarding animals.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
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Alves, Abel A. 2011. The Animals of Spain: An Introduction to Imperial Perceptions and Human Interaction with Other Animals, 1492-1826. Brill.
Anderson , Virginia DeJohn. 2004. Creatures of Empire: How domestic animals transformed early America. Oxford , New York: Oxford University Press.
Baratay, Eric and Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier. 2002. Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West. London: Reaktion.
Barthelmess, Klaus and Ingvar Svanberg. 2006. Linnaeus' Whale: A wash drawing of bottlenose whales ( Hyperoodon ampullatus , Forster, 1770) at Hammarby, with remarks on other early depictions of the species. Lychnos: An annual for history of ideas and science : 303–317.
Barthelmess, Klaus and Ingvar Svanberg. 2009. Two eighteenth-century strandings of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) on the Swedish coast . Archives of Natural History 36:: 63–69.
Beard, Peter H. 1988. The End of the Game. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Benton , Janetta Rebold. 1992. The Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages. New York: Abbeville Press.
Berry , Rynn. 2004. Hitler, Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover. New York: Pythagorean Publishers.
Bieder, Robert E. 2005. Bear. London: Reaktion.
Boehrer, Bruce (ed.). 2007. A Cultural History of Animals in the Renaissance. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers.
Boehrer, Bruce Thomas. 2002. Shakespeare among the Animals: Nature and Society in the Drama of Early Modern England. Early Modern Cultural Studies. 1st edition. New York: Palgrave.
Borowski, Oded. 1998. Every Living Thing: Daily Use of Animals in Ancient Israel. London: AltaMira Press,.
Bridges, W. 1974. Gathering of Animals: An Unconventional History of the New York Zoological Society. New York: Harper and Row.
Brunner, Bernd. 2007. Bears: A Brief History. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Buettinger, Craig. 1997. Women and antivivisection in late nineteenth-century America. Journal of Social History 30(Summer): 857-872.
Burt, Jonathan. 2004. Rat. London: Reaktion.
Caras, Roger A. 1996. A Perfect Harmony: The Intertwining Lives of Animals and Humans Throughout History. New York: Simon and Schuster. (2nd Edition, 2002, West Lafayette, IN; Great Britain: NotaBell.)
Carson, Gerald. 1972. Men, Beasts, and Gods: A History of Cruelty and Kindness to Animals. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Carter, Paul. 2005. Parrot. London: Reaktion.
Cartmill, Matt. 1993. A View to a Death in the Morning: Hunting and Nature Through History. Cambridge , MA: Harvard University Press. SUMMARY
Clark, David. 1997. On Being ‘The Last Kantian in Nazi Germany ' Dwelling with Animals after Levinas. In Jennifer Ham and Matthew Senior (eds.), Animal Acts: Configuring the Human in Western History. New York: Routledge. 165-98.
Clutton-Brock, Juliet. 1999. A Natural History of Domesticated Mammals. 2nd edition. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, Ester. 1994. Animals in medieval perceptions: the image of the ubiquitous other. In Aubrey Manning and James Serpell. (eds.). Animals and Human Society. New York : Routledge.
Collins, Billie Jean. 2002. A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
Copeland, Marion W. 2003. Cockroach. London: Reaktion.
Coren, Stanley. 2002. The Pawprints of History: Dogs and the Course of Human Events. New York: Free Press.
Creager, Angela and Jordan, William C, (eds.). 2002. The Animal-Human Boundary : Historical perspectives. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
Cronon, William. 1992. Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
Crosby, Alfred W. 1986. Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Curth, Louise Hill. 2000. English almanacs and animal health care in the Seventeenth Century. Society and Animals 8(1): 71-86.
Dembeck, Harmann. 1965. Animals and Men. New York: Natural History Press.
Dinzelbacher, Peter. 2002. Animal trials: A multidisciplinary approach. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 32(3): 405-421.
Donald D. 1999. ‘Beastly Sights': The treatment of animals as a moral theme in representations of London , 1820-1850. Art History 22 (4): 514-544.
Druett, Joan. 1983. Exotic Intruders: The Introduction of Plants and Animals into New Zealand. Auckland , N.Z.: Heinemann.
Dundes, Alan (ed.). 1994. The Cockfight: A Casebook. University of Wisconsin Press.
Favre, David and Vivien Tsang. 1993. The development of anti-cruelty laws during the 1800's. Detroit College of Law Review,1-35.
Ferguson , Moira. 1998. Animal Advocacy and Englishwomen, 1780-1900: Patriots, Nation, and Empire. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Flannery, Tim. 1994. The Future Eaters: An Ecological History of the Australian Lands and People. Chatswood NSW: Reed.
Flores, Nona C. (ed.). 1996. Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. New York: Garland.
Faroqhi, Suraiya. 2010. Animals and People in the Ottoman Empire. Istanbul: Muhittin Salih Eren.
Franklin, Adrian. 1999. Animals and Modern Culture: A Sociology of Human-Animal Relations in Modernity. Sage Publications Ltd.
Franklin, Adrian and White, R. D. 2001. Animals and modernity: Changing human-animal relations, 1949-1998. Journal of Sociology 37(3), 219-238.
Franklin, Adrian . 2006. Animal Nation: The True Story of Animals and Australia. Sydney: UNSW Press.
Fudge, Erica, Ruth Gilbert and S. J. Wiseman. 1999. At the Borders of the Human: Beasts, Bodies and Natural Philosophy in the Early Modern Period. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Fudge, Erica. 2000. Perceiving Animals: Humans and Beasts in Early Modern English Culture. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Fudge, Erica. 2002. A Left-Handed Blow: Writing the History of Animals. In N. Rothfels (ed). Representing Animals. 3-18. Indiana University Press.
Fudge, Erica. 2002. Animal. London: Reaktion.
Gaynor, Andrea. 1999. From Chook Run to Chicken Treat: Speculation on Changes in Human-Animal Relationships in Twentieth-Century. Perth, Western Australia. Limina 5.
Ham, Jennifer and Matthew Senior. 1997. Animal Acts: Configuring the Human in Western History. New York: Routledge.
Hanawalt, Barbara A, and Lisa J. Kiser, (eds). 2008. Engaging With Nature: Essays on the Natural World in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. University of Notre Dame Press.
Hendrickson, Robert. 1983. More Cunning Than Man: A Complete History of the Rat and Its Role in Human Civilization. New York : Kensington Books.
Henninger-Voss, Mary J, (ed.). 2002. Animals in Human Histories: The Mirror of Nature and Culture. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press; Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer.
Hicks, C. 1993. Animals in Early Medieval Art. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
Hill, D. 2002. Of mice and sparrows: Nature and power in the late eighteenth century. Forum for Modern Language Studies 38(1): 1-13.
Hoadley, Mason and Ingvar Svanberg. 1991.Hunting Rhinoceros in Java. Johan Arnold Stützer and his Journal 1786-1787. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift 1990-1991: 91–143.
Hopkins, Keith. 1983. Death and Renewal: Sociological Studies in Roman History, Volume 2. New York : Cambridge University Press.
Hribal, Jason C. 2007. Animals, Agency, and Class: Writing the History of Animals from Below. Human Ecology Review. 14 (1): 101-112.
Hyland, Ann. 2003 . The Horse in the Ancient World. Westport , CT: Praeger.
Ingold , Tim. 1994. From trust to domination: an alternative history of human-animal relations. In Aubrey Manning and James Serpell . (eds.). Animals and Human Society. New York : Routledge, 1-22.
Isenberg, Andrew C. 2000. The Destruction of the Bison: An Environmental History, 1750-1920. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Kalof, Linda (ed.). 2007. A Cultural History of Animals in Antiquity. Oxford , UK: Berg Publishers.
Kalof, Linda. 2007. Looking at Animals in Human History. London: Reaktion Books.
Kean, Hilda. 1998. Political and Social Change in Britain since 1800. London: Reaktion Books.
Kete , Kathleen. 1994. The Beast in the Boudoir: Petkeeping in Nineteenth Century Paris . Berkeley : University of California Press.
Kellert, Stephen R. 1985. Historical trends in perceptions and uses of animals in 20th century America . Environmental Review 9: 34-53.
Kete, K. 1988. La Rage and the bourgeoisie: The cultural context of rabies in the French nineteenth century. Representations 22: 89-107.
Kete, Kathleen (ed.). 2007. A Cultural History of Animals in the Age of Empire. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers.
Klein, R.G. 1987. Reconstructing how early people exploited animals: Problems and prospects. In M.H. Nitecki and D.V. Nitecki (eds.). The Evolution of Human Hunting. 11-45. New York: Plenum.
Lawrence, Elizabeth A. 1991. Animals in war: History and implications for the future. Anthrozoös 4(3): 145-153.
Lott, D. 2002. American Bison: A Natural History. Berkeley , CA: University of California Press.
Lutts, Ralph H. (ed.). 1998. The Wild Animal Story. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
MacDonald, Helen. 2005. Falcon. London: Reaktion.
Malamud, Randy (ed.). 2007. A Cultural History of Animals in the Modern Age. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers.
Malcolmson, Robert W. and Stephanos Mastoris. 1998. The English Pig: A History. Rio Grande: Hambledon Press.
Mason, Jennifer. 2005. Civilized Creatures: Urban Animals, Sentimental Culture, and American Literature: 1850-1900. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
McHugh, Susan. 2004. Dog. London: Reaktion.
Mitchell, W.J.T. 1998. The Last Dinosaur Book: The Life and Times of a Cultural Icon. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Mithen, S. 1988. To Hunt or to paint: animals and art in the upper paleolithic. Man 24(2): 304 – 321.
Mithen, S. 1999. The hunter-gatherer prehistory of human animal interactions. Anthrozoös 12(4): 195-204.
Mizelle, Brett. 2011. Pig. Reaktion.
Montgomery, Georgina M. and Linda Kalof. 2010. History from Below: Animals as Historical Subjects. In Margo DeMello (ed.), Teaching the Animal: Human-Animal Studies Across the Disciplines , 35-47. Lantern Books.
O'Connor, Terry. 2007. Thinking About Beastly Bodies. In Aleksander Pluskowski (ed.), Breaking and Shaping Beastly Bodies: Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages, 1-10. Oxford , UK: Oxbow Books.
Perkins, David. 2003. Romanticism and Animal Rights. Cambridge University Press.
Pluskowski, Aleks. 2002. Medieval Animals. Cambridge , England: Cambridge University Press.
Redman, Nicholas and Ingvar Svanberg. 2009. Recent Use of Whale Bones in the Faroes. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift : 151–166.
Resl, Brigitte (ed.). 2007. A Cultural History of Animals in the Medieval Age . Oxford, UK : Berg Publishers.
Ritvo, Harriet. 2002. History and animal studies. Society and Animals 10(4): 403-406.
Robbins, Louise E. 2002. Elephant Slaves and Pampered Parrots: Exotic Animals in Eighteenth-Century Paris. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Roger, J. 1997. Buffon: A Life in Natural History. Ithaca , NY: Cornell University Press.
Rogers, Katharine M. 2006. Cat. London: Reaktion Books.
Roman, Joseph. 2005. Whale. London: Reaktion.
Rothfels, Nigel. 2002. Savages and Beasts: The Birth of the Modern Zoo. Animals, History, Culture. Baltimore , MD. : Johns Hopkins University Press.
Salisbury, Joyce. 1994. The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages. New York: Routledge.
Sax, Boria. 2003. Crow. London: Reaktion Books.
Sax, Boria. 2000. The Holocaust and blood sacrifice. Anthrozoös 13(1): 22-33.
Sax, Boria. 2000. Animals in the Third Reich: Pets, Scapegoats, and the Holocaust. New York: Continuum.
Schwabe , Calvin W. 1994. Animals in the ancient world. In Aubrey Manning and James Serpell. (eds.). Animals and Human Society. New York : Routledge.
Senior, Matthew (ed.). 2007. A Cultural History of Animals in the Age of Enlightenment. Oxford , UK: Berg Publishers.
Skabelund, Aaron Herald. 2011. Empire of Dogs: Canines, Japan, and the Making of the Modern Imperial World. Cornell University Press.
Sleigh, Charlotte . 2003. Ant. London: Reaktion.
Spray, E.C. 2000. Utopia's Garden: French Natural History from Old Regime to Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sterckx, Roel. 2002. The Animal and the Daemon in Early China. Albany , NY: State University of New York Press.
Stott, Rebecca. 2004. Oyster. London: Reaktion.
Stutesman, Drake. 2005. Snake. London: Reaktion.
Sullivan, Robert. 2004. Rats: Observations on the History and Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants. 1st US Edition. New York , NY: Bloomsbury: Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers.
Svanberg Ingvar. 2008. Swedish Cetology in the Early Seventeenth Century: Sigfrid Aron Forsius Descriptions of Whales. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift : 169–187.
Swart, Sandra. 2010. Riding High - Horses, Humans and History in South Africa. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersand Press.
Thomas, Keith. 1991. Man and the Natural World: Changing Attitudes in England 1500-1800. Penguin Books Ltd.
Thurston, Mary Elizabeth. 1996. The Lost History of the Canine Race. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel Publishing.
Toderov, Tzvetan. 1984. The Conquest of America: The question of the other. Harper & Row, Publishers. New York. SUMMARY
Topsells, E. 1981. History of Four-footed Beast. Chicago: Nelson Hall.
Walker, Brett. 2005. The Lost Wolves of Japan. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Wilson , Bee. 2004. The Hive: The Story of the Honeybee and Us. London: John Murray.
Young, Peter. 2003. Tortoise. London: Reaktion Books.
Zeuner, Frederick E. 1963. A History of Domesticated Animals. London: Hutchinson.