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Social Media
- MSU Coalition of Animal Protection Organizations
- American Sociological Association, Animals & Society Section
- Animal Legal Defense Fund
- Animals and Society Institute
- Association of American Geographers, Animal Geography Specialty Group
- Center for Zoo Animal Welfare
- Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association
- Institute for Critical Animal Studies
- International Society for Anthrozoology
- Animals is an international and interdisciplinary scholarly open access journal. It publishes original research articles, reviews, communications, and short notes that are relevant to any field of study that involves animals, including zoology, ethnozoology, animal science, animal ethics and animal welfare. However, preference will be given to those articles that provide an understanding of animals within a larger context (i.e., the animals' interactions with the outside world, including humans). There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental details and/or method of study, must be provided for research articles. Articles submitted that involve subjecting animals to unnecessary pain or suffering will not be accepted, and all articles must be submitted with the necessary ethical approval.
- Animal Sentience
- Animal Sentience is a brand new, peer-reviewed, pluridisciplinary online journal on animal feelings. No subscription or publication fees. Accepted articles will be accorded Open Peer Commentary across disciplines. As an interdisciplinary journal, ASent will be of interest to all who are concerned with the current empirical findings on what, when and how nonhuman animals feel, along with the practical, methodological, legal, ethical, sociological, theological and philosophical implications of the findings.
- Animal Studies Journal
- Animal Studies Journal, the new online scholarly journal of the Australian Animal Studies Group, provides a forum for current research in human-animal Studies. ASJ publishes international cross-disciplinary content with a particular, but not exclusive, interest in Australian, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific scholarship. The journal, which is published twice yearly, is fully refereed (double-blind peer reviewed) and open access. ASJ publishes inquiring and critical academic work by both new and established scholars whose work focuses on animals and human relationships with other animals. The journal aims to be a leading international forum for the dissemination and discussion of animal studies research and creative work.
- Animalia: An Anthrozoology Journal is an online, digital journal for Anthrozoology/Animal Studies scholars and talented undergraduate students. Animalia has two aims: to explore and advance the vast range of disciplines in human-animal studies and animal studies, and to encourage exchange among scholars and students by providing a forum for critical thought, shared ideas, and enlightening discussions. Submissions are invited on the following types of work: Scholarly papers, Short editorials, Media (book, movie) reviews, and Creative pieces (photography, drawings, short stories, poetry).
- Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture
- Over its first two years of activity, Antennae has become an influential resource of academic relevance within the fast growing field of animal and environmental studies, acting as receiver and amplifier of relevant topics, as expressed by the connections between the subject of nature and the multidisciplinary field of visual culture.
- Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Interactions of People and Animals
- Anthrozoös is a quarterly, peer-reviewed publication whose focus is to report the results of studies, from a wide array of disciplines, on the interactions of people and animals. Academic disciplines represented include anthropology, archaeozoology, art and literature, education, ethology, history, human medicine, psychology, sociology and veterinary medicine.
- Environmental Humanities
- Environmental Humanities is an international, open-access journal that aims to invigorate current interdisciplinary research on the environment. In response to a growing interest around the world in the many questions that arise in this era of rapid environmental and social change, the journal publishes outstanding scholarship that draws humanities disciplines into conversation with each other, and with the natural and social sciences.
- eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics publishes new research from Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and allied fields on the variety and interrelatedness of nature, culture, and society in the Tropics. ISSN:1448-2940, free open access; indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar, Ulrich's, DOAJ; archived in Pandora, Sherpa/Romeo; uses DOIs and Crossref; ranked Scimago Q1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS > eTropic journal Enquiries email: eTropic Editor etropic@jcu.edu.au
- Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin
- Announcing the new open access, online, peer-reviewed Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, devoted to the dissemination of research in the field of the interaction between non-human animals and their human counterparts. The mission of HAIB is to bring together researchers, academicians, clinicians/practitioners, and scholarly students working in different areas for the advancement of the human-animal interaction field.
- Human Ecology Review
- Human Ecology Review is a refereed journal published twice a year by the Society for Human Ecology. The journal publishes peer-reviewed research and theory on the interaction between humans and the environment and other links between culture and nature (Research in Human Ecology), essays and applications relevant to human ecology (Human Ecology Forum), book reviews (Contemporary Human Ecology), and relevant commentary, announcements, and awards (Human Ecology Bulletin).
- Humanimalia: A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies
- The study of human/animal relationships is connected to questions ranging from postcolonial politics (land struggles among Western “animal tourists,” indigenous people in underdeveloped areas, and the endangered species), through philosophy (acknowledging how “the animal” has functioned as the other to “the human,” both historically malleable and politically charged categories), to the study of art and literature (examining how the animal image expresses cultural assumptions). As editors of Humanimalia, we believe there is a need for a journal that brings together scholarship on these questions from a wide range of disciplines and perspectives, and creates opportunities for further exchanges of ideas. We believe also that our knowledge about the intricate relationships among human and non-human animals should not be rigidly restricted to established conventions of scholarly study and polemical argument, conventions that in their exclusive claims to validity have contributed to the objectification of relationships in which human observers are profoundly implicated.
International Journal of Humane Education (IJHE). The first peer-reviewed journal of its kind, IJHE strives to build a scholarly community, expand a collective knowledge base, and validate the quality of research within all sectors of humane education. This issue of IJHE includes scholar-practitioner articles and an invitational essay on various aspects of humane education in practice and theory.
- Journal of Animal Ethics
- Journal of Animal Ethics is the first named journal of animal ethics in the world. It is devoted to the exploration of progressive thought about animals. It is multidisciplinary in nature and international in scope. It covers theoretical and applied aspects of animal ethics -- of interest to academics from the humanities and the sciences, as well as professionals working in the field of animal protection. JAE is published by the University of Illinois Press in partnership with the Ferrater Mora Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. The aim of the Centre is to pioneer ethical perspectives on animals through academic research, teaching, and publication.
- Journal of Animal and Natural Resource Law
- Journal of Animal and Natural Resource Law seeks to explore the legal and public policy issues surrounding animals and natural resources at all levels of government: local, state, national, comparative national and international. All perspectives are welcome. JANRL will be web-published in its entirety, but hard print copy shall also be available.
- Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
- Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science publishes articles, commentaries, and brief research reports on methods of experimentation, husbandry, and care that demonstrably enhance the welfare of all nonhuman animals. For administrative purposes, manuscripts are categorized into the following four content areas: welfare issues arising in laboratory, farm, companion animal, and wildlife/zoo settings. Manuscripts of up to 8,000 words are accepted that present new empirical data or a re-evaluation of available data, conceptual or theoretical analysis, or demonstrations relating to some issue of animal welfare science. The editors also encourage submission of brief research reports and commentaries. In addition, JAAWS publishes letters, announcements of meetings, news, and book reviews. Unsolicited submissions of such articles are welcome.
- Journal of Ecohumanism is an international peer-reviewed journal of scholars, researchers, and students who investigate ecohumanist and civil narratives in the fields of Environmental Humanities, Citizen Humanities, Literary Theory and Cultural Criticism, enabling short accounts of research, debates, study cases, book reviews in this interdisciplinary field of Humanities. The Journal of Ecohumanism seeks to explore issues beyond the “ecocentric-anthropocentric” binary and to examine the changing status of subjectivity, agency, and citizenship today through the complex relations between nature and techno-culture while encouraging a philosophical rethinking of citizenship in a more-than-human world.
- Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
- Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences offers a venue where relevant interdisciplinary research, practice and public policies can be recognized and evaluated. Increasingly, environmental studies integrate many different scientific and professional disciplines. Thus the journal seeks to set a rigorous, credible standard for specifically interdisciplinary environmental research. JESS is the official publication of the newly formed Association of Environmental Sciences and Studies.
- Otherness: Essays and Studies
- Via ‘Otherness: Essays & Studies’, we seek to publish research articles from and across different academic disciplines that examine, in as many ways as possible, the concepts of otherness and alterity. As such, we now offer an outlet for the dissemination of such research into otherness and aim to provide an open and active forum for academic discussion. We particularly appreciate dynamic cross-disciplinary study. We envisage that forthcoming issues of the journal will relate to topics within the context of Otherness studies and members and colleagues of the Centre are welcome to propose research ideas and themes for more focused studies.
- People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice. Articles can be submitted at any time for review via the online submission system. Each article is reviewed by two independent reviewers, appointed by the Editorial Board. Independent reviews will be “blind”, meaning that the reviewers will not know the names of the submitting authors, nor the authors the name of the reviewers. Based on the recommendations and comments of the two independent reviewers a decision about rejection, acceptance or likely acceptance after revision will be made. The final decision lies with the editorial team. We aim to provide feedback to authors within 8 weeks of initial submission. Articles will be published online as soon as they have been accepted by the editorial team and revised/edited. Issues of each Journal will be officially announced when completed.
- Politics and Animals
- Politics and Animals is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that explores the human-animal relationship from the vantage point of political science and political theory. It hosts international, multidisciplinary research and debate—conceptual and empirical—on the consequences and possibilities that human-animal relations have for politics and vice versa.
Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations (PHAIR). The goal of this Online Open Access journal is to publish scientific research on a wide range of topics related to how people perceive, treat, and interact with animals. The journal is open to studies from moral and social psychology, attitudes and persuasion, diet and health, human-animal relationships, personality/individual differences, sustainability and environmental psychology, and other related sub-fields. The journal is free of charge for both readers and authors.
- Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism
- Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism is a peer-refereed open access journal of trans-anthropocentric ethics and related inquires. The main aim of the journal is to create a professional interdisciplinary forum in Europe to discuss moral and scientific issues that concern the increasing need of going beyond narrow anthropocentric paradigms in all fields of knowledge. The journal accepts submissions on all topics which promote European research adopting a non-anthropocentric ethical perspective on both interspecific and intraspecific relationships between all life species—humans included—and between these and the abiotic environment.
- Sloth: A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies [this journal is currently in moratorium]
- Sloth is an online bi-annual journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and recent (within three years) graduates that deals with human/non-human animal relationships from the perspectives of the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences. Sloth showcases the important and innovative contributions of undergraduates, giving those who are interested in human/non-human animal relationships a way to contribute to and engage with the field, as well as an opportunity to build their skills, knowledge, and resumes in anticipation of their graduate school careers.
Society & Animals: Journal of Human-Animal Studies- Since 1993 and in conjunction with the internationally recognized Brill, ASI produces Society & Animals, published six times per year and containing peer reviewed studies concerning nonhuman animals from psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science and other social sciences and history, literary criticism, and other disciplines of the humanities. Recent articles suggest the scope of the journal: Dolphins in Popular Literature and Media; More than a Furry Companion: The Ripple Effect of Companion Animals on Neighborhood Interactions and Sense of Community; and An Investigation into the Association between the Witnessing of Animal Abuse and Adolescents' Behavior toward Animals.
- Student Journal of Vegan Sociology is a new student-centered journal. Housed in the International Association for Vegan Sociologists, we are calling for new ways of human and nonhuman animal interactions, encounters and ways of being. We would like to consider sociological papers that explore the question of nonhuman animal suffering and injustice through a variety of perspectives, which include: Coexistence, rewilding, ethics, entertainment, sport, food and more. We would particularly like to see a global presence of papers and voices that are underrepresented in the community. We especially welcome novel student research and compelling new perspectives in vegan sociology. We recognize that student work can often be compelling, innovative, and of interest to the field, but often goes unrecognized. The aim of this journal is to spotlight student contributions to the scholarly pursuit of veganism and animal liberation. Submissions should respect the ethos of the International Association of Vegan Sociologists. As such, papers should be in accordance with anti-speciesist or vegan principles, respect nonhuman personhood, and ally with nonhuman liberation. See http://www.vegansociology.com/journal/.
Trace — Journal for Human-Animal Studies is a peer-reviewed, fully open access online journal that provides a forum for research and discussion of human-animal relations from social and cultural perspectives.
The journal offers a forum for the discussion of human-animal relations from social and cultural perspectives. The journal publishes original research articles, overviews, lectiones praecursoriae, and conference reports, as well as reviews on books, art exhibitions, films, and other media. We can also consider shorter commentaries or discussion papers for publication. The journal accepts submissions in Finnish, English, and Swedish. Trace invites contributions to human-animal studies that deal with a wide range of topics and represent diverse perspectives. We encourage writers to offer multi- and transdisciplinary contributions which broaden the conventional ontologies, epistemologies, and methodologies applied in human-animal studies. If you are uncertain of the scope of the journal, it is advised you contact the Editor-in-Chief before submitting your paper.
- TRANSPOSITIONES is a new interdisciplinary biannual peer-reviewed journal correlated with the topics of the project “Non-Anthropocentric Cultural Subjectivity” realized as part of the Research Excellence Initiative at the University of Warsaw primarily oriented towards interdisciplinary publications addressing issues of posthumanist theories of the late anthropocene. It is published by the German publishing house Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (imprint of BRILL Deutschland GmbH).
- Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien [this journal is currently in moratorium] is an inter- and multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. Authors include both junior researchers and established specialists in Human Animal Studies, as well as activists of the Animal Liberation and Total Liberation Movement, who are pursuing an emancipatory, abolitionist, critical, non-reformist approach. Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien aims to proceed, together with other liberation movements, intersectionally against existing systems of power and any form of suppression. Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien is a german medium that also accepts contributions in english. In order to maintain scientific standards, submitted articles are assessed in an anonymous peer review process. Accepted contributions submitted by May 31 will be published in December of the same year. Manuscripts with a volume of up to 50,000 characters can now be submitted as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .odt files under the email address kritischeTierstudien@gmx.de.
Books and Journal Special Editions
- A new volume of the journal, Transpositiones, calls for papers that speak to the thematic focus of ‘Queer Animalities’. Proposals comprising a 250-word abstract in English and a brief biographical note should be sent to: animalitiesqueer@gmail.com by June 15, 2023.
- MDPI is calling for submissions for the Special Issue of their journal, Animals, titled, Advances in Marine Mammal Cognition and Cognitive Welfare. For this Special Issue MDPI welcomes manuscripts that speak to issues regarding the cognitive abilities and/or cognitive well-being of any marine mammal species. The deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 June 2023.
- A call is out for chapter contributions to a volume Reclaiming historically silenced voices of the natural world, Volume 2: Animals. This volume will be part of a five-volume series, “Gender, Colonialism, and Science: A Cross-Cultural Compendium of Primary Sources” (General Editors: Donald L. Opitz and Banu Subramaniam) from Routledge. Collectively, the volumes aim to offer a readily-accessible compendium of primary source materials that span geographies and cultural perspectives, during a period when understandings of nature by women, queer, non-binary, two-spirit and/or transgender persons, became increasingly visible and important, and yet all the more contested. More details on the project are available here. Submissions and questions go to volume editors Samantha Muka (smuka@stevens.edu) and Ariehn Matamonasa (amatamo1@depaul.edu). No deadline given.
Toward the Multispecies Metropolis
We plan to publish a volume of essays on the forms of animal life that take hold in cities, and how we might engage in probiotic urban practices in order to enhance such life.
The volume will explore how urban residents from varied species relate to the landscape and each other, and how human understandings of such entanglements might make us better companions to our co-inhabitants through policy, planning, design, and other practices. While the framework of the book draws on urban theory, animal studies, and political ecology, we are interested here in the details of animal life at all levels, from individuals to groups to species, as well as their myriad interactions in the urban context.
We seek contributions from established and emerging scholars, as well as artists, journalists, and essayists, that tell multiple stories from around the world--not only stories about how humans shape and are shaped by other species in the daily course of urban living, but also about urban animal life per se--that is, the ensembles, interactions, terrains, fields of action, and metabolic processes of creatures that dwell in the city.
If you are interested to learn more and contribute, please see (and bookmark) the volume's landing page: https://www.urbanspacelab.org/urbananimalia - Toward the Multispecies Metropolis We plan to publish a volume of essays on the forms of animal life that take hold in cities, and how we might engage in probiotic urban practices in order to enhance such life. The volume will explore how urban residents from varied species relate to the landscape and each other, and how human understandings of such entanglements might make us better companions to our co-inhabitants through policy, planning, design, and other practices. While the framework of the book draws on urban theory, animal studies, and political ecology, we are interested here in the details of animal life at all levels, from individuals to groups to species, as well as their myriad interactions in the urban context. We seek contributions from established and emerging scholars, as well as artists, journalists, and essayists, that tell multiple stories from around the world--not only stories about how humans shape and are shaped by other species in the daily course of urban living, but also about urban animal life per se--that is, the ensembles, interactions, terrains, fields of action, and metabolic processes of creatures that dwell in the city. If you are interested to learn more and contribute, please see (and bookmark) the volume's landing page: https://www.urbanspacelab.org/urbananimalia
CFP - Special Issue of Qualitative Research in Psychology - Qualitative methods in psychology after the animal turn: human-animal and multi-species relationsby Matthew Adams
In the last few years a growing body of research and writing has focused on human-animal and multispecies (two or more species in interaction) encounters and relationships across multiple settings and spaces. These developments have contributed to an ‘animal turn’ across numerous disciplines (Ritvo, 2007) - a growing scholarly interest in the historical, social, cultural and political significance of animals and human-animal entanglements, and related challenges to entrenched forms of human exceptionalism in academic disciplines and wider society – and the subsequent establishment of interdisciplinary fields such as the posthumanities, more-than-human approaches, multispecies methodologies, Anthrozoology, Human–Animal Studies, Animal Studies and Critical Animal Studies.
Though a latecomer, there is now a burgeoning Psychology of human-animal relations, addressing human attitudes, behaviours towards, and relationships with nonhuman animals (Amiot and Bastian, 2015; Adams, 2018). To date, the majority of this work is quantitative in orientation, and whatever the methodological orientation, there is as yet little attention paid to human encounters, interactions and relations with other species and forms of ‘nature’, such as plants, trees, rivers or landscapes. Yet in many disciplines – geography, anthropology, sociology – qualitative methods are being used to in innovative ways to address all aspects of the relationship between humans and other species and natural entities (Dowling et al. 2019). The key aim of this special issue of Qualitative Research in Psychology is to showcase how qualitive methods in psychology can make nuanced, insightful and critical contributions to our understanding of the relations between human and nonhuman animals, other species, and aspects of nature (Shapiro, 2017). We invite explorations of any human-animal or multispecies domains in or relevant to psychology informed by qualitative methods; as well as reflections on adapting existing qualitative methods to meet the challenges of studying human-animal relationships. Qualitative methods here includes visual creative and arts-based approaches.
Suggested topics include the psychological, interpersonal and social dynamics of the following (other suggestions welcome):
· Human-animal and other human and more-than-human relationships in the context of ongoing climate and ecological crisis.
· Human-animal relationships in research involving animals (including psychology experiments and research)
· Human-animal and multispecies relationships and human-nature relations as healing, for example in animal-assisted therapy and interventions, horticultural therapy, animal cafes, care farms etc.),
· Role of human-animal and multispecies relationships in development, for example childhood experiences of animals, other species, nature at home, in education
· Ideologies, worldviews, attitudes, experiences that challenge anthropocentrism (e.g. ecocentrism, animism)
· Psychological models of trans-species reciprocity and interdependence
· Working with animals (e.g. experimentalists, slaughterhouse workers, farmers, animal shelters) or with other species (forestry, conservation)
· Pets as family – kinship, care, loss
· Everyday and place-based explorations of people’s relations with other species (e.g. gardens, cities)
· Leisure, tourism and engagement with animals (e.g. zoos, safaris, birders)
· Animal advocacy – studies of human-animal relationships involved in animal advocacy in various forms – animal welfare and rights, animal and species conservation programmes, animal justice, veganism
· Psychological dimensions of how we justify meat eating, vegeterianism, or veganism; identities relating to, challenges.
· The role of language, discourse and social construction in establishing, maintaining or challenging human-animal relationships, attitudes towards animals, stereotypes, ideologies (specieism, anthropocentrism); including in Psychology (textbook coverage for example).
· Deadline for submission of abstract: July 1st 2023.
· Communication of accepted abstracts: August 1st 2023
· Deadline for submission of full paper (6000-8000w): November 15th 2023
· Initial, informal discussion of potential proposals is encouraged, and should be sent to Dr. Matthew Adams at matthew.adams@brighton.ac.uk by July 1st 2023
· Communication of accepted proposals: January 15th 2024
· Submitted papers will go through a blind, peer-review process following the Qualitative Research in Psychology procedures. Before submitting your work, please ensure that you read the Instructions for authors. Submissions that ignore these guidelines may be ignored.
· Expected publication: Late 2024
· QmiP Impact Factor 10.568 (2021); Impact Factor Best Quartile Q1; 5 year IF 7.418 (2021).
Special Issue Guest Editor: Matthew Adams, University of Brighton, UK
Conferences, Online Events and Programs
- Animal Studies and Human Ecology
We invite titles and abstracts for a paper session at the XXV Meeting of the Society for Human Ecology. The meeting will be in Tucson, Arizona USA on 5-8 November 2023.
The Society has long been friendly to Animal Studies, and the meeting will feature a plenary session” Reflections on Animal Studies: A Conversation. “ The SHE meetings have a long-standing reputation for being friendly places to build community.
Since the meeting is in the desert region of North America, we are particularly interested in papers that deal with human/animal interactions in desert biomes. But papers on any aspect of Animal Studies are welcome and papers from early career scholars are especially welcome.
Please send a paper title, brief abstract and your contact information to: tdietzvt@gmail.com. Please submit by July 15, 2023.
We anticipate one or more interesting sessions that will lead to fascinating conversations throughout the meeting. Please join us! - The research group CULIVIAN (Culturas Literarias y Visuales del Animal / Animals in Literary and Visual Cultures) is hosting the international conference “The Factual Animal: Audiovisual Representations of Real Other-than-Human Animals.” The conference will be held face-to-face at the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació at the Universitat de València (Spain) on November 29 – December 1, 2023. The deadline for submissions is June 26, 2023.
Call for Papers: AASA Conference 2023 – Animal Cultures, University of Sydney, Australia, 27th and 28th of November 2023by Dinesh Wadiwel
The 2023 Conference of the Australasian Animal Studies Association will be held in-person at the University of Sydney on the 27th and 28th of November 2023, as part of the Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The Conference theme – Animal Cultures – encompasses emerging scientific and philosophical considerations of culture in non-human animal communities, as well as culturally-informed human views of other animals. Cultural transmission has been observed in a wide array of species (Whiten 2021), facilitating the acquisition of social and ecological knowledge and behaviours that influence biological and social wellbeing (Brakes et al. 2019).
Applying a cultural focus can be problematic, as it considers non-human animals through an anthropocentric construct. Animal Cultures will address the affordances and complexities of “culture/s” within animal studies.
In addition to the wide array of topics presented by scholars at AASA’s Conferences, we are interested exploring Animal Cultures from perspectives, including but not limited to:
• New interpretations of non-human animal culture and knowledge
• Indigenous knowledges of animal cultures
• Cross cultural and multicultural approaches to animal life
• Global animal networks
• Non-human animals and environmental protection
• Political organisations
• Transmissions of knowledge through space, time, sound, bodies, and dance
• Symbiotic animal cultures
• Cross-species cultures
• The culture of Animal Studies
Submit paper and panel proposals via: https://usygovir.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9uhQJeS4uWbTc3A
• Submissions open: Friday 26 May 2023
• Submissions close: Friday 30 June 2023
• Notification of results: Friday 28 July 2023
All proposals for papers and panels are welcome where they are aligned with the Vision and Mission of the Association (https://animalstudies.org.au/about).
Questions to: Dr Peter John Chen at peter.chen@sydney.edu.au
Download a poster of the CFP at: http://animalstudies.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/AASA23_CFP.pdf
CFP: Ecocide/Speciesism Symposium
by Rimona Afana
Ecocide/Speciesism: Legislating Hierarchy, Interdependence, Death
Call for Proposals
"Ecocide/Speciesism: Legislating Hierarchy, Interdependence, Death” is an independent online symposium bringing together researchers, activists and artists to discuss how we conceptualize the hierarchies and interdependencies between different forms of life, as well as death, dying, and killing. While the project initially centred on the ties between ecocide and speciesism, gradually it’s expanded to our many other crimes against nonhumans.Since I initiated the project in spring 2021, we’ve had seven panels: in fall 2021, fall 2022, and spring 2023. The symposium has brought together 26 presenters working on environmental harms and nonhuman rights, and over 200 attendees from all over the world.
Now I’m planning symposium panels for fall and winter, so looking for new projects to include.
FORMAT• Research: environmental law, animal law, criminal law, critical legal theory, green criminology, anthrozoology, environmental ethics, conservation psychology, animal thanatology, extinction studies.
• Artwork: poetry, flash fiction, sound & video art, electronic/acoustic composition, dance, documentary film, photography, collage, painting, drawing, installation, sculpture.
• Activism: projects exposing and countering environmental harms.
We will have Zoom panels of 100 to 120 min each: 3/4 x 20 min presentations + 40 min discussion.
QUESTIONS• What are the conscious, unconscious, subconscious factors skewing the way we ascribe worth to different forms of life?
• How are speciesist beliefs driving the rights–duties dialectic embedded in our laws and institutions?
• How can we conceptualize the aggregate, intergenerational damage, to humans and to nature, of the violence normalized against some forms of life to the benefit of others?
• How are death, dying, and killing experienced by nonhumans?
• Why has the neoliberal ethos rendered interdependence (in both life/prosperity and death/downfall) marginal to individual beliefs and to state responsibilities?
• What are the synergies between ecocide and genocide (IAF, WLT, and other genocidal sectors)?
• How can we challenge legally and civically these crimes against nonhumans?
• What would critical earth jurisprudence look like?
If you wish to present your work, please send a 200/250-word proposal and 100/150-word bio to symposium convener Rimona Afana: rimona.afana@yahoo.com.
Submit your proposal by 30 June to present in fall 2023. Proposals for later panels accepted on a rolling basis. Participation and attendance are free.
Symposium booklet:
Project page:
- The ISAZ organizing and host committee announces the program of the 32nd International Society for Anthrozoology Conference to be held in-person from June 15-18, 2023 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The ISAZ 2023 theme is “Anthrozoology: The Spectrum of Human-Animal Interactions and Relationships.” You can access the full ISAZ 2023 website here.
- Workshops on “Compassion Fatigue Resilience: Skills for Those Who Work with Animals,” will be held in person on July 15 or 16 at Deepwater Counselling, 3150 Packard, Ypsilanti, Michigan, US. For more information, contact info@deepwatermighican.com.
- The interdisciplinary, hybrid conference "Narrating the Multispecies World. Stories in Times of Crises, Loss, Hope," August 3-5, 2023 at the University of Würzburg, Germany. It is organized by the Chair of European Ethnology/Cultural Analysis. Participation in the conference is only possible after registration. Bachelor’s and Master’s students as well as interested parties without a regular income are invited to attend free of charge. For other interested parties, moderate fees apply. Register and find out more here.
- Faunalytics is hosting their second annual remote symposium for animal advocates, “Fauna Connections: Using Data to Help Animals,” on September 14, 2023. Proposals due July 2, 2023. Find more information here.
Funding, Jobs and Fellowship Opportunities
The ASPCA has announced $390,000 in grant funding that will be available to U.S. and Canadian organizations to support research that either directly or systemically has the potential to benefit animals, with a focus on projects that examine access to veterinary care, applied behavior, cruelty, and psychological trauma. The deadline for proposals is July 31, 2023.
- The Department of Comparative Pathobiology, Purdue University, College of Veterinary invites applications for two faculty positions in Human-Animal Bond (HAB): (1) HAB faculty in human-animal bond; rank to be commensurate with experience, and departmental appointments to align with candidate's expertise and interests, and (2) HAB-AMR faculty with a research focus in infectious diseases with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at the human-animal interface.Review of applications will begin February 15, 2023 and will continue until the positions are filled.
- ASPCA has an Open-Access Publishing Fund, designed to support the broad dissemination of high-quality research in animal welfare by covering article processing costs in open-access journals. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis.
The ASPCA has new ASPCA grant programs—animal cruelty and animal behavior.
Here are the direct links:
1. Cruelty: https://www.aspcapro.org/grant/2021/09/24/cruelty-research-seed-grant
2. Behavior: https://www.aspcapro.org/grant/2021/09/24/applied-behavior-research-seed-grant - TEARS Animal Rescue in Cape Town, South Africa is seeking a Full-Time Veterinary Nurse, a Kennel Coordinator, a Digital Marketing Coordinator, and a Welfare Veterinarian. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
- The Animal Legal Defense Fund will award three $25,000 scholarship packages to first or second year students at Howard University School of Law, North Carolina Central University School of Law, and Florida A&M College of Law. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. For more information, click here. No deadline given.
Call for Research Proposals - The animal protection organizations Farm Sanctuary (farmsanctuary.org) and The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy (www.kimmela.org) announce a Call for Grant Proposals for cutting-edge noninvasive research on the complex nature of farm animal (chickens, pigs, sheep, goats, turkeys, and cows) emotions, behavior, and cognitive abilities in an approved setting (such as a farm animal sanctuary). We are particularly interested in funding rigorous innovative research which will expand our understanding of who farm animals are and how they experience their lives. Examples include studies of self-awareness, emotional and social complexity, personality, and mood and anxiety disorders such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. All proposals should be designed for publication in peer-reviewed journals, and the plan for peer review submission should be included in the proposal.
How to Apply
Grants will be awarded for amounts from $1,000–$20,000. Research proposals should include:
- A cover letter that includes the proposal title and name of principal investigator and any co-investigators.
- An abstract of the proposed research.
- Rationale (background) for the study.
- Study aims and objectives.
- Methodology, including:
- A detailed description of how animals will be studied.
- Outcomes measurement techniques.
- Analysis.
- Potential implications or impact for our understanding, perception, and treatment of farm animals.
- Curriculum vitae and current affiliation of the applicant. For students, this information should be provided on the advisor(s) offering guidance on the project.
- A proposed timeline, including start date and completion date.
- A description of the final product (e.g., a research paper), and the plans for submitting for publication and (if applicable) poster presentation(s).
Proposals will be considered on an ongoing basis. Research can be carried out at any time agreed upon in advance with Farm Sanctuary.Additional Information
- Grant amounts depend on the scope of the project, budget justification, and significance of the study.
- All research must take place in an approved setting, such as a farm animal sanctuary. (Farm Sanctuary has approved sanctuaries in Watkins Glen, New York; Orland, California; and Acton, California) Research settings should be ethologically and socially appropriate for the individual animal and his/her species and should not involve animals who are purchased or bred.
- All research must be noninvasive, respectful and promote the welfare interests and choices/preferences of the animals; in other words, it must be non-coercive if it involves an intervention.
- All research should avoid causing harm to the animals and their co-inhabitants.
- Students are welcome, but all students must have an academic advisor and approval from their home institution.
- Farm Sanctuary and Kimmela Center officers, directors, and employees, and the immediate family members of such officers, directors, and employees are ineligible to apply for a grant.
- The selection committee is comprised of:
- Hope Ferdowsian, M.D., M.P.H., Georgetown University; George Washington University.
- Joyce D’Silva, Ambassador, Compassion in World Farming.
- Lori Marino, Ph.D., Neuroscientist and Executive Director of The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy.
- Key experts in the area under review, who will be approved by Farm Sanctuary.
- Once the selections have been made, grantees will be required to execute a grant agreement prepared by Farm Sanctuary and The Kimmela Center and agree to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. Please send questions and proposals to lorimarino@kimmela.org.
- Animal Welfare Trust
- Animal Welfare Trust’s grant program seeks to assist organizations whose work can help alleviate animal suffering and/or raise public consciousness toward giving animals the respect they so need and deserve. Although general organizational funding will be considered, preference will be given to well-defined projects with clear goals and objectives. Capital projects will not be considered. Areas of priority include farm animal welfare, vegetarianism and humane education.
- The deadline for applications is ongoing.
- Farm Sanctuary
- The animal protection organization Farm Sanctuary announces a call for grant proposals for observational research of the complex nature of farm animal (chickens, pigs, sheep, goats, turkeys, and cows) emotions, behavior, and cognitive abilities in an approved setting (such as a farm animal sanctuary). We are interested, for example, in the psychological profiles of these animals, including mood and anxiety disorders such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.
- The deadline for applications is ongoing.
- A new niche jobs board, Passion Placement, has launched. The site features mission-focused jobs in animal advocacy, veganism and environmental sustainability. The site is designed as a single resource platform where like-minded employers, organizations, alumni and students can connect to explore job opportunities and internships focused on reducing and ultimately eliminating the needless exploitation of animals, help build sustainable solutions for our food system and contribute in other environmentally sensitive ways.
- There are job opportunities at @animalbehavioropps, with listings from a variety of organizations, educational institutions, and listserves, primarily related to animal behavior science.
There are internship opportunities through the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy. The website for HSISP is http://www.humanesociety.org/about/departments/hsisp/#.UuvR9T1dWSo
- Detroit Zoological Society, Animal Welfare Internships
- The Detroit Zoological Society's Center for Zoo Animal Welfare (CZAW) is accepting applications for animal welfare interns and residents. CZAW is a resource center for captive animal welfare knowledge, research and best practices; a convener and forum for exotic animal welfare science, practice and policy discussions; and a center conducting research and training, and recognizing advances in exotic animal welfare. The research conducted through the Center represents two key areas of interest: developing additional measures of animal welfare and the effects of captive environments and management practices on welfare. Although broadly applied across species, focus is on several taxa/animal groups. The CZAW animal welfare internships and residencies are unpaid opportunities. Interns and residents will learn the processes used by researchers in the field of animal welfare while assisting in data collection and database management. If you are currently enrolled in a college or university and can receive credit, you will be considered for an internship. If you are a recent college graduate (no more than three years between graduation and start date), you will be considered for a residency.
- The deadline for applications is ongoing.
- Queen's University, Animal Governance Graduate Research Opportunities
- The Lives of Animals Research Group at Queen’s University in Canada is seeking highly motivated, interdisciplinary, and adventurous graduate students interested in working on issues related to Animal Governance beginning September 2017 or 2018. Masters and/or doctoral level projects will explore the actors, knowledges, structures, practices, and outcomes that shape human engagements with and management of animals in Canada or Botswana. Projects will engage scholarship at the intersection of environmental governance, political ecology and animal geography to consider how and why particular animal governance strategies are operationalized in a particular context, and the ways in which humans and animals negotiate them as differentially empowered socio-political actors. Projects may focus on companion, domesticated or wild animals and may highlight strategies such as translocation, rehabilitation, training, monitoring, breeding, culling etc. A competitive funding package will be offered to successful candidates, including field research costs within Canada or Botswana. The successful candidate is expected to apply for external funding with support from the research group, and will have the opportunity to publish in peer-reviewed journals and present findings at academic conferences and to key stakeholders. The deadline for applications is ongoing.
Historians' Amicus Curiae Brief on Cruelty and Public Nuisance -- Signers Sought
by Bernie Unti
30 March 2023
If anyone on H-Animal has interest and appropriate qualifications to sign on to an amicus brief at the historical intersection of public nuisance, animal cruelty, and animal protection, I'd like to hear from you. Anyone with knowledge and expertise in the fields of U.S. history, environmental history and animal studies woudl be an ideal signatory to the brief.
The amicus brief concerns a case brought by the Animal Legal Defense Fund (“ALDF”), an established animal law organization. ALDF has sued a Washington roadside zoo concerning the conditions and treatment of its animals. Some of the conditions appear to rise to the level of cruelty: for example, the zoo separated wolf pups from their mother before the pups could even open their eyes and hand fed the wolves a diet devoid of sufficient vitamins, leading to bone fractures.
The Washington Supreme Court took up the question of whether, under Washington law, a public nuisance action could be based on the defendant’s violation of state animal cruelty and wildlife laws.
The question before the Washington Supreme Court provides an opportunity for a brief from historians with established interests in environmental, legal, public health or animal history who can help to illuminate the connections between animal cruelty and public nuisance laws. I can send a copy of the brief and the primary ALDF submission to the Court to anyone wanting to consider joining on as a signer.
Many thanks,
Bernard Unti, Ph.D.
Senior Principal Strategist, Communications
The Humane Society of the United States
- In Tune to Nature is an eco- and animal-protection weekly radio show broadcast from Atlanta on Radio Free Georgia Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on wrfg.org and 89.3FM. About 23 minute podcasts featuring interviews with activists, scientists, and authors who help us protecting living beings and our shared habitats. Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Sonia Swartz.
- Sentient Media, a nonprofit journalism organization that seeks to create transparency around the roles of animals in our daily lives—from food to companionship to laboratory test subjects—is inviting writers who would like to build their voice as a writer and advocate, to apply to join the Writers’ Collective. Apply here.
- The Ecological Reparation Youtube Channel
An exciting Youtube Channel premieres videographic discussions with a range of researchers on the theme of EcologicalReparation: https://www.youtube.com/c/EcologicalReparation/. The videos explore different ways in which ecological thinking and practice may enable reparation, as well as how reparation for damages done could be ecological. Participants start from diverse standpoints connecting the social sciences, environmental sciences and humanities, as well as critical theory, feminist and decolonial perspectives. (See below signature for more information). Our interviewees so far include: Naomi Millner, Nerea Calvillo, Atsuro Morita, Marisol de la Cadena, Cristobal Bonelli, Claire Waterton, Andrea Ghelfi, Sara Heitlinger, Alex Taylor, Lara Houston, Lesley Green, Vanessa Farr, Jérôme Denis, David Pontille, Eleanor Hadley Kershaw, Juan Camilo Cajigas, Timothy Choy, Leila Dawney, Linda Brothwell, Marco Checchi, Patrick Bresnihan, Patrick Brodie, Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas, and more to come! To receive notifications of new content please subscribe to the channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, circulate this announcement with colleagues and friends, and share the journey with us.
Join Sea Shepherd in protecting the ocean.Sea Shepherd has been protecting the ocean and marine wildlife for over 40 years. Our ships travel the world to tackle marine conservation issues, crewed mainly by volunteers. Our volunteers come from over 40 countries, they are everyday people who want to help save the ocean and marine wildlife. You too can help Sea Shepherd in the fight – For the Ocean. Read more here.
- See Ren S.K. Studio for a wonderful collection of animal art by a graphic artist with a passion for environmental and animal advocacy (supervised by small dinosaurs!). See https://renskstudio.com/ and #nonhumanneighborszine.
- The Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy series provides recordings of prior talks, the most recent of which is “Animal Legal Subjectivity: Emerging Models, Enduring Problems” by Jessica Eisen. Check out the series’ recordings here.
- David Favre of Michigan State University: Today (October 13, 2021) a group of us are making the public release of a new draft treaty on animal welfare which also has COVID concern that may have originated from wildlife. Please visit https://www.conventiononanimalprotection.org/ and share with others, we need all the support that can be found.
Call for submissions!Plants and Animals: Interdisciplinary Approaches, edited by Susan McHugh and Patrícia Vieira, is a new book series that aims to publish scholarly work that addresses common challenges across the fields of plant and animal studies from interdisciplinary perspectives. The series welcomes monographs and edited collections that focus and reflect upon interactions of plants, animals, and humans in innovative ways. At a time of large-scale anthropogenic species extinction, there is a pressing need to promote scholarship that can help us envision more equitable and harmonious forms of coexistence on the planet. The series therefore encourages submissions explicitly geared to build bridges not only between plant and animal studies, but also leading-edge research on other forms of life or ways of being, including fungi, lichens, algae and other microorganisms, as well as scholarship on fantasy creatures, cryptids, semi-living beings, and even non-living forms of existence. The goal is to abolish an artificially compartmentalized view of the world in order to add to the ways of knowing that are beginning to grow through the interconnections between these related fields of study. Grounded in the humanities, Plants and Animals welcomes trans-disciplinary perspectives that engage with scholarship in the social sciences and in the natural sciences. Proposals are welcome for monographs or edited collections. Submissions accepted on an ongoing basis.. For further information, please contact Dr. Laurel Plapp, Senior Acquisitions Editor, at l.plapp@peterlang.com
- The Rowman and Littlefield Posthumanities and Citizenship Futures Series examines the changing status of subject, subjectivity, agency, humanity and citizenship, depending on the complex relationships between nature, technology, science, and culture. Proposals are invited by crosscultural and transnational approaches as this series seeks to foster an ongoing dialogue between academics and scholars across the globe by featuring monographs and edited collections exploring new narrations, raised by intersections among biosphere and technosphere in a more-than-human citizenship world. Contact Peggy Karpouzou at pkarpouzou@phil.oua.gr, Nikoleta Zampaki at nikzamp@phil.uoa.gr, or Courtney Morales at cmorales@rowman.com. Book proposals accepted on a rolling basis.
- The Environmental Humanities Book Series at TP London publishes innovative scholarship at the interface of literary and cultural studies about the concepts of environment, nature, subjectivity, and species, by examining the intersections between the human and non-human life forms, their changing status, and their role within the natural world. Proposals are invited in the range of topics covered by Environmental Studies and Ecocriticism, including but not limited to works informed by cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approaches The Environmental Humanities Series seeks to foster an ongoing dialogue between academics and scholars across the globe by featuring monographs, handbooks, and edited collections exploring various narratives, raised by the intersections between the species and their role in shaping a more sustainable future. Book proposals accepted on a rolling basis.
- Animals and Society Institute Policy Papers Series Call for Papers
The Animals and Society Institute, is a human-animal relationship think tank that emphasizes both the academic study of the human-animal relationship and advocacy for nonhuman animals, is launching a policy papers series to analyze and guide governmental decisions relating to animals. To that end, the Institute is soliciting abstracts for white papers on the following subjects. While the length of papers is flexible, authors should submit a 250-word abstract and a curriculum vitae to ivy.collier@animalsandsociety.org for consideration.
- The University of Chester (UK) in collaboration with the Professional Development Foundation is offering two new distance learning programs in Professional Development Human Animal Interaction: a PG Certificate (60 credits) and a Master of Arts degree (180 credits). The program looks at the strong connection and benefit of human-animal interactions and relationships and considers how these can be mutually beneficial to both humans and nonhuman animals. The program takes seriously respect and consent of nonhuman animals when participating in animal-assisted activities. Learners will consider the ethics of collaborating with nonhuman animals, look directly at these relationships across cultures, and be encouraged to self-reflect on their own responses and intuition throughout their time in the program. For information, contact Carole Morley at carole.morley@pdf.net.
- The World Federation for Animals—a membership organization for animal protection groups whose purpose is uniting the movement by sharing information and developing focus on key policy issues impacting animals—has launched a newsletter series. Sign up here.
- Knowing Animals, The Podcast - features the Protecting Animals Series. Knowing Animals is a regular 20 minute podcast about all things related to animals and ethics; animals and the law; animals and politics; and animal advocacy. It features interviews with academic and animal advocates.
- The Sydney Environment Institute is fostering the world’s leading project on Multiple Species Justice. Historically, justice has most commonly been thought of as the preserve of humans, and critical scholarship and advocacy have principally sought to ensure that all humans were recognised as subjects of justice. See their research, events, articles, publications and media here.
- Pet victims of coercive control are often overlooked in both academic literature and in policy and practice when addressing violence against women and girls. Chaired by Dr Victoria Knight, this recorded event “Pet Victimology and Coercive Control” explores the work of Associate Professor Di Turgoose and Dr Ruth McKie which has an important focus given that 50% of households in the UK are multispecies including those where Coercive Control in domestically violence and abusive relationships takes place.
- For advocates or those looking for teaching resources, check out Andrew Knight’s series of short video summaries of articles on animal welfare issues, and the University of Winchester’s Centre for Animal Welfare YouTube channel
- Julie Palais has published articles aimed at raising awareness on animal cruelty data from the FBI among those in law enforcement, public management, and social services to learn about this data and make sure their local and state law enforcement agencies are collecting it. See, “Animal Cruelty Hurts People Too: How Animal Cruelty Crime Data Can Help Police Make Their Communities Safer for All”; “The Link Between Animal Cruelty and Public Safety: Defining the role of the animal control officer”; and, “Crunching the Numbers on Animal Cruelty.”
- Thanks to Sarah Martell for this url for a Comprehensive Guide to Cruelty-Free Skin Care and Cosmetics: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thedermreview.com/guide-to-cruelty-free-skincare-cosmetics/__;!!HXCxUKc!nerty6tMQug9MfbSulnZ3tCc3e16gF_ljbiSOR_AUb75tiuHkyXdlVyQNfjsoA$
- Farm Sanctuary now provides free age-appropriate virtual presentations—both live and pre-recorded—for students from K-12 to university by their humane educators, as well as free downloadable curricula for teachers and parents that meet Next Generation Science Standards and National Art Standards.
- Resources for vet tech students are available at EduMed. They provide a long list of academic and career resources that vet tech students can use to maximize their success during college and help them prepare for the professional world. They also highlight valuable school support services that vet tech students can take advantage of, including a companion guide that provides some great information about online and hybrid vet tech programs for students interested in taking some of their classes remotely.
Online and School Support Resources for Vet Tech Students: https://www.edumed.org/online-schools/vet-tech-programs/student-resources/ Guide to Online Vet Tech Programs: https://www.edumed.org/online-schools/vet-tech-programs/ - Here is a resource to help understand Animal Assisted Therapy: "Understanding Animal-Assisted Interventions and Veterinary Social Work" published by Online MSW Programs. This guide explains what animal-assisted therapy is and how it's used by veterinary social workers to help clients build communication strategies, self-esteem, and coping skills for grief and loss. Key differences between the roles of service animals and emotional support animals are discussed, along with some considerations about what clients should know before seeking out these animal-assisted interventions.
https://www.onlinemswprograms.com/resources/animal-assisted-interventions-veterinary-social-work/ -
Animal Studies Repository of the Humane Society International is an excellent resource for animal studies scholars, see http://animalstudiesrepository.org/
Summer Retreat Program at Shin Pond, Maine for Animal/Humane/Environmental Studies
The 300-acre Camp Muse at Shin Pond, Maine, is the site of a Summer Retreat Program for writers, scholars, artists, educators, and other cultural producers and knowledge workers focusing on animals and/or their humane treatment, and/or on environmental trends or threats relevant to animals and their well-being (habitat loss, climate change, land conservation, environmental degradation, inter alia). The program, operated by The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), invites all interested parties to apply for a residency at the property.
Camp Muse, a wooded retreat at the edge of a pristine and peaceful pond just ten miles from the northern entrance to Baxter State Park, offers an idyllic atmosphere for research, contemplation, writing, and other creative work. The purpose of the program, operated through the generosity of longtime HSUS board member K. William Wiseman (1921-2014) and his wife Madge, is to encourage scholarly, cultural, and practical projects relating to animals, and to provide a site for enhanced productivity on such projects. Applications for use of the Shin Pond property are evaluated by an ad hoc committee at The HSUS. Applications should be sent to Dr. Bernard Unti at The Humane Society of the United States, by mail to 1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20037; by fax to 301-258-3077; or by email to bunti@humanesociety.org Applications will be received on an ongoing basis.
- First 100 Chimps and Last 1,000 Chimps
- First 100 Chimps and Last 1,000 Chimps track individual chimpanzees from use in biomedical and behavioral research in the US to retirement. The working group tasked with exploring how to implement the conclusions of the IoM committee report suggest ending most chimpanzee research. First 100 Chimps serves as a memorial to chimpanzees who have been used in research, and Last 1,000 Chimps is forward looking. The websites' creator will be tweeting updates on the status of individual chimpanzees at Lori Gruen (@last1000chimps).
- Voices for Biodiversity
- Voices for Biodiversity is a nonprofit ezine with a goal of providing a multimedia platform where citizen eco-reporters around the globe can share their stories about biodiversity and their relationships to other species and the ecosystems that support us all. The project hopes to awaken humanity to the reality that we must move away from an anthropocentric toward an eco-centric worldview to prevent the massive die-off of other species.
- ZooScope: The Animals in Film Archive
- Animals have played a crucial role in the development of film as an artistic medium, from the literal use of animal products in film stock to the capturing of animal movement as a driver of stop-motion, wide-screen and CGI film technology. The wish to picture animals’ lives, whether naturalistically or playfully, has led to the establishment of key genres such as wildlife film and animation. ZooScope looks at and beyond these major aspects of animals in film, covering animals’ role in film genres and styles; the range of literal and symbolic ways animals appear in film; animals in the film star-system; animal lives and the ethics of film-making; adaptation and the different challenges of filmic and literary representation of animals and human-animal relations. ZooScope is a research resource for the animal studies and film communities produced by students and academics. Work on ZooScope challenges students and inspires creativity, enthusiasm, scholarly rigour and professionalism.
- Animals have played a crucial role in the development of film as an artistic medium, from the literal use of animal products in film stock to the capturing of animal movement as a driver of stop-motion, wide-screen and CGI film technology. The wish to picture animals’ lives, whether naturalistically or playfully, has led to the establishment of key genres such as wildlife film and animation. ZooScope looks at and beyond these major aspects of animals in film, covering animals’ role in film genres and styles; the range of literal and symbolic ways animals appear in film; animals in the film star-system; animal lives and the ethics of film-making; adaptation and the different challenges of filmic and literary representation of animals and human-animal relations. ZooScope is a research resource for the animal studies and film communities produced by students and academics. Work on ZooScope challenges students and inspires creativity, enthusiasm, scholarly rigour and professionalism.
- Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism