Favre, David S. 2021. The Future of Animal Law. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kalof, Linda and Amy Fitzgerald. 2021. The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings, Second Edition. London: Routledge.
Kalof, Linda. 2021. A History of Animal Iconography. In Brett Mizelle, Mieke Roscher, Aline Steinbrecher and André Krebber (eds.), Handbook of Historical Animal Studies, 473-495. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Kalof, Linda and Cameron T. Whitley. 2021. Animals in Environmental Sociology. In Beth Schaefer Caniglia, Andrew Jorgenson, Stephanie A. Malin, Lori Peek, David N. Pellow and Xiaorui Huang (eds.), International Handbook of Environmental Sociology, 289-314. New York: Springer.
Poirier, Nathan. 2021. Alternative Animal Products: Protection Rhetoric or Protection Racket? Journal for Critical Animal Studies 18(3):27-54.
Tomasello, Sarah, April Piazza, and Nathan Poirier. 2021. Reproduction or the Lack Thereof: A Mode of Oppression, A Means to Liberation? In A. E. George (ed.), Gender and Sexuality in Critical Animal Studies, 145-162. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. 2021. Wildlife Tourism and Consumption. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1957903.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. 2021. Effects of Legalization and Wildlife Farming on Conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 25, e01390.
Suchyta, Mark. 2021. Environmental Values and Americans’ Beliefs about Farm Animal Well-being. Agriculture and Human Values, DOI:10.1007/s10460-021-10206-0.
Rule, Stacy. 2021. You Don’t Know What Worry Is: Interspecies Apprehension in As I Lay Dying. Literature and Medicine 39(2), 319–332.
Favre, David S. 2020. Animal Law: Welfare, Interests and Rights, Third Edition. New York: Wolters Kluwer.
Houser, Matthew, Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart and Riva C.H. Denny. 2020. How Farmers "Repair" the Industrial Agricultural System. Agriculture and Human Values, Published online 31 March 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-020-10030-y.
Kalof, Linda. 2020. Animals in Modernity. Post/h/um. Jurnal de studii (post)umaniste (Post/h/um: Journal of (Post)Humanist Studies) 5(2), 31-72.
Poirier, Nathan. 2020. Learning to Exploit: The Socialization of Animal Science Undergraduates. Sociological Inquiry. Published in early view online 06 July 2020. https://doi.org/10.1111/soin.12380
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. 2020. Wildlife Farms, Stigma and Harm. Animals 10(10), 1783.
Wallach, A. D., S. Jasinghe, S. Fernando and Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. 2020. Compassionate Conservation and Elephant Personhood. Animal Sentience 5(28), 16.
Lenzi, C., C. Grasso and Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. 2020. Are Exotics Suitable Pets? Veterinary Record 186(14), 459-460.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. 2020. The Rise of Selfie Safaris and the Future(s) of Wildlife Tourism. In G. Bertella (ed.), Wildlife Tourism Futures, 57-70. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
Vrla, Stephen, Cameron T. Whitley and Linda Kalof. 2020. Inside the Yellow Rectangle: An Analysis of Nonhuman Animal Representations on National Geographic Kids Magazine Covers. Anthrozoos 33 (4), 497-509.
Whitley, Cameron Thomas, Linda Kalof and Tim Flach. 2020. Using Animal Portraiture to Activate Emotional Affect. Environment and Behavior 53 (8), 837-863. Distinguished Article Award, Animals & Society Section, American Sociological Association, 2021.
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Diana Stuart and Ryan Gunderson. 2019. Human-animal Relations in the Capitalocene: Environmental Impacts and Alternatives. Environmental Sociology. Published online: 18 Sep 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/23251042.2019.1666784
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Kelly, Jennifer Rebecca. 2019. A Sociocultural Perspective: Human Conflict with Jaguars and Pumas in Costa Rica. Conservation and Society 17(4), 355-365.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. 2019. Elephants that Help Humans. Science 364, 1240.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and G.A. Bradshaw 2019. Nonhuman Animal Nations: Transforming Conservation into Wildlife Self Determination. Society & Animals, 1(aop), 1-21.
Stuart, Diana and Jessica Bell Rizzolo. 2019. Conservation Biologists and the Representation of At-Risk Species: Navigating Ethical Tensions in an Evolving Discipline. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10806-019-09764-5.
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Whitley, Cameron T. 2019. Exploring the Place of Animals and Human–Animal Relationships in Hydraulic Fracturing Discourse. Social Sciences 8(2), 61 (online February 18, https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci8020061).
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Tomasello, Sarah and Nathan Poirier. 2018. The Intersectionality of Wildlife Conservation and Indigenous Rights. Green Theory and Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy 11(1), np.
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Thompson, P.B. 2017. The Spirit of the Soil, 2nd Ed. New York and London: Routledge.
Thompson, P.B. 2017. The Ethics of Food Animal Production. In Linda Kalof (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies, 364-379. New York: Oxford University Press.
Vrla, Stephen. 2017. Humane Education. In J. Urbanik and C. L. Johnson (eds.), Humans and Animals: A
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Whitley, Cameron, Ryan Gunderson, and Meghan Charters. 2017. Public Receptiveness to Policies Promoting Plant-based Diets: Framing Effects and Social Psychological and Structural Influences. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, Published first online March 30, 2017, DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2017.1304817.
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Lute, Michelle L., Carlos David Navarrete, Michael Paul Nelson and Meredith L. Gore. 2016. Moral Dimensions of Human-Wildlife Conflict. Conservation Biology 30(6), 1200-1211.
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Whitley, Cameron T., Seven Mattes, and Rachel Kelly. 2015. Intentional Shared Suffering: A Comparative Analysis of Varied Pig Production Methods in a University Setting. Animalia: An Anthrozoology Journal Volume 1, Issue 2, np.
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Goralnik, L., Thorp, L., Rozeboom, D., & Thompson, P. (2014). Storytelling morality: Ecofeminism, agrarianism and pigs in the field. The Trumpeter, 30, 15-32.
Gunderson, R. (2014). The first-generation Frankfurt School on the animal question: Foundations for a normative sociological animal studies. Sociological Perspectives, 57(3): 285-300.
Gunderson, Ryan. (2014). Social Barriers to Biophilia: Merging Structural and Ideational Explanations for Environmental Degradation. The Social Science Journal 51(4), 681-85.
Gunderson, Ryan. (2014). Habermas in Environmental Thought: Anthropocentric Kantian or Forefather of Ecological Democracy? Sociological Inquiry 84(4), 626-53.
Gunderson, Ryan. (2014). Erich Fromm's Ecological Messianism: The First Biophilia Hypothesis as Humanistic Social Theory. Humanity & Society 38(2), 182-204.
Gunderson, Ryan. (2014). Problems with the Defetishization Thesis: Ethical Consumerism, Alternative Food Systems, and Commodity Fetishism. Agriculture and Human Values 31(1), 109-17.
Gunderson, R. and Stuart, D. (2014). Industrial animal agribusiness and environmental sociological theory: Applications and areas for development. International Journal of Sociology, 44(1): 54-74.
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Favre, D. (2013). The history of animal cruelty: Concepts of animal welfare and animal rights. In M. Brewster & M. Reyes (Eds.), Animal cruelty. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
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Thompson, P. B. (2013). Environmentalism and posthumanism. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 21(2), 63-73.
Werkheiser, I. (2013). Domination and consumption: An examination of veganism, anarchism, and ecofeminism. Journal of Existential & Phenomenological Theory and Culture, 8(2), 161-184.
Favre, D. (2012). Animals as living property in animal law. In M. Michel, D. Kuhne, & J. Hanni (Eds.), Animal law—Tier und recht. Zurich, Switzerland: Dike Publishers.
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Gore, M. L., Muter, B. A., Lapinski, M. K, Neuberger, L., & Van Der Heide, B. (2011). Risk frames on shark diving websites: Implications for global shark conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 21(2), 165-172.
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Thompson, P. B., Appleby, M., Busch, L., Kalof, L., Miele, M., Norwood, B. F., & Pajor, E. (2011). Values and public acceptability dimensions of sustainable egg production. Poultry Science, 90, 2097-2109.
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Kalof, L., & Fruja Amthor, R. (2010). Cultural representations of problem animals in National Geographic. Etudes rurales, 185, 165-180.
Montgomery, G. M., & Kalof, L. (2010). History from below: Animals as historical subjects. In M. DeMello (Ed.), Teaching the animal: Human-animal studies across the disciplines (pp. 35-47). New York, NY: Lantern Books.
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Fitzgerald, A. J., Kalof, L., & Dietz, T. (2009). Slaughterhouses and increased crime rates: An empirical analysis of the spillover from “the jungle” into the surrounding community. Organization & Environment, 22(2), 158-184.
*Outstanding Paper Award, Animals & Society Section, American Sociological Association, 2010.
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Favre, D. (2008). Duty of owners to provide veterinary medical care to animals. In T. L. Bryant, R. Huss, & D. Cassuto (Eds.), Animal law and the courts: A reader. Eagan, MN: West.
Kalof, L. (2007). Looking at animals in human history. London, England: Reaktion.
Kalof, L. and Fitzgerald, A. (Eds.). (2007). The animals reader: The essential classic and contemporary writings. Oxford, England: Berg.
Kalof, L. and Resl, B. (eds.). (2007). A cultural history of animals. Oxford, England: Berg.
*Best Academic Title Award, Choice, 2008.
Kalof, L. and Taylor, C. (2007). The discourse of dog fighting. Humanity & Society, 31, 319-333.