Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals in Literature, Art and Popular Culture
The citations listed in this category includes both fictional and nonfictional citations regarding animals within literature.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
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Aesop. 1959. Fables. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Allen, Mary. 1983. Animals in American Literature. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Armstrong, P. 2004. Moby-Dick and compassion. Society and Animals 12 (1): 19-37.
Asker, D.B.D. 1996. The Modern Bestiary: Animals in English Fiction, 1880-1945. Studies in British Literature, V. 24. Lewston , N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press.
Bate, Jonathan. 2000. The Song of the Earth. London: Picador.
Blanchard, Jay S. 1982. Anthropomorphism in beginning readers. The Reading Teacher35: 586-591.
Blount, M. 1975. Animal Land: The Creatures of Children's Fiction. New York: Morrow.
Boggs, Colleen Glenney. 2009. Emily Dickinson's Animal Pedagogies. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. 533–541 (9).
Brown, Lisa and Coleen Mondor. 2011. Animals in Space. Antennae 16 (Spring): 8-29.
Bulgakov, Mikhail.1925/1999. The Heart of a Dog, translated by Michael Glenny. London: Harvill.
Chatterjee, Sushmita. 2011. The Political Animal and the Politics of 9/11. Antennae16 (Spring): 55-73.
Chaudhuri, Una. "AWK!" Extremity, Animality and the Aesthetic of Awkwardness." In Philip Kolin (ed.), The Undiscovered Country: The Later Plays of Tennessee Williams, 54-67. New York: Peter Lang.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2009. “Of All Nonsensical Things”: Performance and Animal Life. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. 520–525.
Coetzee, J.M. 1999. The Lives of Animals. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Copeland, Marion. 2011. Pride of Baghdad. Antennae16 (Spring): 46-55.
Derby, James. 1970. Anthropomorphism in children's literature, or ‘Mom, my doll's talking again'. Elementary English 47: 190-192.
Dwyer, June. 2005. "Yann Martel's Life of Pi and the Evolution of the Shipwreck Narrative." Modern Language Studies 35: 9-21.
Dwyer, June. 2008. "A Non-companion Species Manifesto: Humans, Wild Animals, and ‘The Pain of Anthropomorphism'." South Atlantic Review 72:,: 73-89.
Glosecki, Stephen O. 1996. Movable Beasts: The Manifold Implication of Early Germanic Animal Imagery. Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. 3-23. New York and London : Garland Publishing, Inc.
Grahame, Kenneth. 1908/1971. The Wind in the Willows. London : Puffin.
Hassig, Debra (ed.). 1999. The Mark of the Beast: The Medieval Bestiary in Art, Life, and Literature. New York: Garland.
Hughes, T. 1995. Collected Animal Poems. London: Faber and Faber.
Kenyon-Jones, Christine. 2001. Kindred Brutes: Animals in Romantic Period Writing. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
King-Smith, Dick. 1983/1999. The Sheep-Pig. London : Puffin.
Knight, Eric. 1940/1994. Lassie Come-Home. London : Puffin.
Leopold, Aldo. 1949. A Sand County Almanac. Oxford University Press.
London, Jack. 1994. The Call of the Wild. London : Puffin.
Love, Glen A. 2003. Practical Ecocriticism: Literature, Biology, and the Environment. (Under the Sign of Nature: Explorations in Ecocriticsm.) Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
Malamud, Randy. 1998. Poetic animals and animal souls. Society and Animals 6(3): 263-277. SUMMARY
Markowsky, Juliet Kellogg. 1975. Why anthropomorphism in children's literature? Elementary English 52: 460-462, 466.
Marran, Christine. 2011. The Wolf-man speaks. Antennae 16 (Spring): 35-46.
McCrindle, Cheryl and Johannes Odendaal . 1994. Animals in books used for preschool children. Anthrozoos . 7(2): 135-146.
McHugh, Susan. 2000. Marrying My Bitch: J. R. Ackerley's Pack Aesthetics. Critical Inquiry 27 (1): 21-41.
McHugh, Susan. 2006. The Call of the Other 0.1%: Genetic Aesthetics and the New Moreaus. Genetic Technologies and Animals . Ed. Carol Gigliotti. Spec. issue of AI and Society 20(1): 63-81. Reprinted in 2009. Leonardo's Choice: Genetic Technologies and Animals . Ed. Gigliotti. New York: Springer.
McHugh, Susan. 2009. Animal Farm 's Lessons for Literary (and) Animal Studies. Humanimalia: A Journal of Human-Animal Interface Studies 1 (1): 24-39.
McHugh, Susan. 2009. Literary Animal Agents. PMLA: Publication of the Modern Language Association 124 (2): 487-95.
McHugh, Susan. 2009-10. Sweet Jane. Feral . Ed. Heather Steffen. Spec. issue of the m innesota review 73-74 : 189-203.
McHugh, Susan. 2010. Being Out of Time: Animal Gods in Contemporary Extinction Fictions. Australian Literary Studies 25 (2).
McHugh, Susan. 2011. Animal Stories: Narrating across Species Lines. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
McKay, R. 2001. Getting close to animals with Alice Walker's The Temple of My Familiar. Society and Animals 9(3): 253-271.
McMunn, M.T. 1999. Parrots and poets in late medieval literature. Anthrozoös 12(2): 68-75.
Milne, Anne. 2008. Lactilla Tends her Fav'rite Cow: Ecocritical Readings of Animals and Women in Eighteenth-Century British Labouring-Class Poetry. Lewisburg , PA : Bucknell University Press.Nelson, Barney. 2000. The Wild and the Domestic: Animal Representation, Ecocriticism, and Western American Literature. Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press.
Orwell, George 1945/1973/1989. Animal Farm: A Fairy Story. Harmondsworth/London : Penguin.
Oswald, Lori Jo. 1995. Heroes and victims: The stereotyping of animal characters in children's realistic animal fiction. Children's Literature in Education 26(2): 135-149. SUMMARY
Payne, Mark. 2010. The Animal Part: Humans and Other Animals on the Poetic Imagination. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Regan, Tom. Other Nations: Animals in Modern Literature. Baylor University Press.
Rong, Jiang. 2008. Wolf Totem. Translated by Howard Goldblatt. London, England: The Penguin Group, Inc.
Rohman, Carrie. 2009. Stalking the Subject: Modernism and the Animal. New York: Columbia U P.
Sanderson, Ivan Terence. 1946. Animal Tales; An Anthology of Animal Literature of all Countries. New York: A.A. Knopf.
Sax, Boria. 2001. The Mythical Zoo: An Encyclopedia of Animals in World Myth, Legend and Literature. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Sax, Boria. 1999. Anthrozoology and literature. Anthrozoös 12(2): 66-67.
Scholtmeijer, Marian.1993. Animal Victims in Modern Fiction: From Sanctity to Sacrifice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Shannon, Laurie. 2009. The Eight Animals in Shakespeare; or, Before the Human. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March 2009, pp. 472–479.
Stafford, Barbara M. 1984. Voyage into Substance: Art, Science, Nature, and the Illustrated Travel Account. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Stafford, Barbara M. 1991. Body Criticism: Imagining the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Taylor, J. 1986. Beatrix Potter: Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman. London : Warne.
Tiffin, Helen. 2001. Unjust Relations: Animals, the Species Boundary and Post Colonialism. Compr(Om)Ising Post/Colonialism(S): Challenging Narratives and Practices, edited by Greg Ratcliffe and Gerry Turcotte. Sydney: Dangeroo, pg. 30-41.
This, Craig. 2011. Ecofeminist Themes in The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch. Antennae 16 (Spring): 29-35.
Wells, H.G. 2008/1898. The Island of Dr. Moreau. New York: Penguin.
White, E.B. 1952/1963. Charlotte 's Web. London : Puffin.
Woolf, Virginia . 1933/1998. Flush. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Yang, Andry. 2011. Animal Stories, Natural Histories & Creaturely Wonders in Narrative Mini-Zines. Antennae16 (Spring): 73-82.