Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals as Companions
This category includes references that address the numerous issues related to the keeping of companion animals, such as the literature on the human-animal bond and the abuse of companion animals.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
For category definitions and criteria for inclusion, please click here.
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Adams, Maureen B. 1999. Emily Dickenson had a dog: An interpretation of the human-dog bond. Anthrozoös 12(3): 132-137.
Adams, Maureen B. 2000. Emily Bronte and dogs: Transformation within the human-dog bond. Society and Animals 8(2): 167-181.
Adell-Bath, M., A. Krook, G. Sanqvist, and K. Skantze. 1979. Do We Need Dogs? A Study of Dogs' Social Significance to Man . Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg Press.
Albert, Alexa and Kris Bulcroft. 1987. Pets and urban life. Anthrozoös 1(1): 9-25.
Albert, Alexa and Kris Bulcroft. 1988. Pets, families, and the life course. Journal of Marriage and the Family 50(2): 543-552.
Al-Fayez, Ghenaim, A. Awadalla, D. Templer and H. Arikawa. 2003. Companion animal attitude and its family pattern in Kuwait. Society and Animals 11(1): 17-28.
Alger, Janet and Steven Alger. 2000. Cat culture, human culture: An ethnographic study of a cat shelter. Society and Animals 7 (3): 199-218.
Alger, Janet and Steven Alger. 2003. Cat Culture: The Social World of a Cat Shelter . Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Allen, Jessica M., Diane Hammon Kellegrew, and Deborah Jaffe. 2000. The experience of pet ownership as a meaningful occupation. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 57(4): 271-278.
Allen, Karen Miller. 1985. The Human-Animal Bond: An Annotated Bibliography . Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
Anderson, Lynn J. 1985. The pet in the military family at transfer time: It is no small matter. Marriage and Family Review 8(3/4): 205-222. SUMMARY
Anderson , P.K. 2003. A bird in the house: An anthropological perspective on companion parrots. Society and Animals 11 (4): 393-418.
Anderson, R. K., B. L. Hart, and L. A. Hart (eds.). 1984. The Pet Connection: Its Influence on Our Health and Quality of Life . Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Anderson, R. S. (ed). 1984. Pet Animals and Society . London: Bailliere Tindall.
Anderson , Virginia DeJohn. 2004. Creatures of Empire: How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Arkow, Phil. Bibliography of the Link Between Animal Abuse, Child Abuse and Domestic Violence. Revised September 2012.
Arluke, Arnold. 1991. Coping with euthanasia: A case study of shelter culture. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7): 1176-1180.
Arluke, Arnold. 2001. Children who supernurture animals: A call for sociological (and other) study. Anthrozoös 14(2): 66-71.
Arluke, Arnold. 2003. Childhood origins of supernurturance: The social context of early humane behavior. Anthrozoös 16(1): 3-27.
Arluke, Arnold . 2004. Brute Force: Animal Police and the Challenge of Cruelty . West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
Arluke, Arnold. 2006. Just a Dog: Animal Cruelty, Self, and Society. Temple University Press.
Arluke, Arnold and Carter Luke. 1997. Physical cruelty towards animals in Massachusetts, 1975-1996. Society and Animals 5 (3): 195-204.
Arluke, Arnold, Jack Levin, Carter Luke, and Frank Ascione. 1999. The Relationship of Animal Abuse to Violence and Other Forms of Antisocial Behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 14:963-975.
Arluke, Arnold, Randy Frost, Carter Luke, Edward Messner, Jane Nathanson, Gary J. Patronek, Michelle Papazian and Gail Steketee. 2002. Health implications of animal hoarding [by the] Hoarding of Animals Research Consortium (HARC). Health and Social Work 27(2): 125-132.
Arluke, Arnold, Randy Frost, Gail Steketee, Gary Patronek, Carter Luke, Edward Messner, Jane Nathanson and Michelle Papazian. 2002. Press reports of animal hoarding. Society and Animals 10(2): 113-135.
Ascione, Frank R. 1992. Enhancing children's attitudes about the humane treatment of animals: Generalization to human-directed empathy. Anthrozoös 5: 176-91.
Ascione, Frank R. 1993. Children who are cruel to animals: A review of research and implications for developmental psychopathology. Anthrozoös 6(4): 226-247. SUMMARY
Ascione, Frank, Claudia Weber and David S. Wood. 1997. The abuse of animals and domestic violence: A national survey of shelters for women who are battered. Society and Animals 5 (3): 205-218.
Ascione, Frank and Phil Arkow (eds.). 1999. Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention and Intervention . West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
Ascione, F., W. Friedrich, J. Heath, et al. 2003. Cruelty to animals in normative, sexually abused, and outpatient psychiatric samples of 6-to 12-year-old children: Relations to maltreatment and exposure to domestic violence. Anthrozoös 16 (3): 194-212.
Baenninger, Ronald. 1991. Violence toward other species. In R. Baenninger (ed.). Targets of Violence and Aggression . 5-43. New York: North-Holland.
Balcom, Sarah A. 2000. Legislating a solution to animal shelter euthanasia: A case study of California 's controversial SB 1785. Society and Animals 8(2): 129-150.
Balcom, S. and A. Arluke. 2001. Animal adoption as negotiated order: A comparison of open versus traditional shelter approaches. Anthrozoös 14(3): 135-150.
Ball, D. 1971. Cats and dogs and people. Transaction 6(February): 44-47.
Barba, Beth Allen. 1995. A critical review of research on the human/companion animal relationship: 1988-1993. Anthrozoös 8(1): 9-19.
Beck, Alan. M. 1974. The dog: America 's sacred cow? Nation's Cities 12(2): 29-31, 34- 35.
Beck, Alan M. and Aaron Katcher. 1983. Between Pets and People: The Importance of Animal Companionship . New York: Putnam.
Beirne, P. 2004. From animal abuse to interhuman violence? A critical review of the progression thesis. Society and Animals 12 (1): 39-6.
Bell, Lorna. 2001. Abusing children – Abusing animals. Journal of Social Work 1(2): 223-234.
Belk, Russell W. 1996. Metaphoric relationships with pets. Society and Animals 4(2): 121-145.
Ben-Michael, J., H. Korzilius, A. Felling, J. Vossen. 2000. Disciplining behavior of dog owners in problemactic situations: The factorial structure. Anthrozoös 13(2): 104-112.
Ben-Michael, J., H. Korzilius, A. Felling, J. Vossen. 2000. An exploratory model of dog disciplining. Anthrozoös 13(3): 150-163.
Benson, Thomas L. 1983. The clouded mirror: Animal stereotypes and human cruelty. In Harlan B. Miller and William H. Williams (eds.). Ethics and Animals . 79-90. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press. SUMMARY
Berryman, J.C., K. Howells, and M. Lloyd-Evans. 1985. Pet owner attitudes to pets and people: A psychological study. Veterinary Record 117(25-26): 659-61.
Bikales, G. 1975. The dog as ‘significant other'. Social Work 20: 150-152.
Bjerke, T., T. Ostdahl, and J. Kleiven. 2003. Attitudes and activities related to urban wildlife: Pet owners and non-owners. Anthrozoös 16 (3): 252-262.
Blackshaw, Judith K. and A.W. Blackshaw. 1993. Student perceptions of attitudes to the human-animal bond. Anthrozoös 6(3): 190-198.
Blaisdell, J.D. 1999. The rise of man's best friend: The popularity of dogs as companion animals in late eighteenth-century London as reflected by the dog tax of 1796. Anthrozoös 12(2): 76-87.
Boat, B. 1995. The relationship between violence to children and violence to animals: An ignored link? Journal of Interpersonal Violence 10: 228-235.
Bodsworth, W. and G.J. Coleman. 2001. Child-companion animal attachment bonds in single and two-parent families. Anthrozoös 14(4): 216-223.
Bowd, A.D. 1984. Development and validation of a scale of attitudes toward the treatment of animals. Educational and Psychological Measurement 44: 513-515.
Boyce, Patricia Simino. 1998. The social construction of bereavement: An application to pet loss. Dissertation Abstracts International 59(4): 1348-A.
Brickel, C.M. 1985. Initiation and maintenance of the human-animal bond: Familial roles from a learning perspective. Marriage and Family Review 8(3/4): 31-48.
Bride, Ian. 1998. Herpetofauna pet-keeping by secondary school students: Causes for concern. Society and Animals 7(2): 31-46.
Brown, D. 1985. Cultural attitudes towards pets. Veterinary Clinics of North America 15: 311-317.
Brown, Sue-Ellen. 2002. Ethnic variations in pet attachment among students at an American school of veterinary medicine. Society and Animals 10(3): 249-266.
Brown, S.E. 2004. The human-animal bond and self psychology: Toward a new understanding. Society and Animals 12 (1): 67-86.
Brown, Sue-Ellen and Aaron H. Katcher. 2001. Pet attachment and dissociation. Society and Animals 9(1): 25-41.
Bryant, B.K. 1990. The richness of the child-pet relationship: A consideration of both benefits and costs of pets to children. Anthrozoös 3: 253-261.
Cain, Ann Ottney. 1985. Pets as family members. Marriage and Family Review 8(3/4): 5-10.
Caramelli, Nicoletta and Angela Montanari. 1995. Animal Terms in Children's Methaphors. No. 53. [S.I.]: Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse.
Case, D. 1987. Dog ownership: A complex web? Psychological Reports 60: 247-57.
Cazaux, Geertrui. 1999. Beauty and the beast: Animal abuse from a non-speciesist criminological perspective. Crime, Law and Social Change 31(2): 105-126.
Chumley, P.R., J.D. Gorski, A.M. Saxton, B.P. Granger and J.C. New. 1993. Companion animal attachment and military transfer. Anthrozoös 6(4):258-273.
Cooper, Adrian G. 1992. The veterinarian and the human animal bond. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 33(8): 511-512.
Coppinger, Raymond and Lorna Coppinger. 2001. Dogs: A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior, and Evolution. Scribner.
Coren, Stanley. 1999. Do people look like their dogs? Anthrozoös 12(2): 111-114.
Coston, Charisse T.M. and Babette M. Protz. 1998. Kill your dog, beat your wife, screw your neighbor's kids, rob a bank? A cursory look at an individual's vat of social chaos resulting from deviance. Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 26(2): 153-158.
Covert, A.M., A.P. Whiren, J. Keith and C. Nelson. 1985. Pets, early adolescents, and families. Marriage and Family Review 8(3/4): 95-108.
Cowles, K.V. 1985. The death of a pet: Human responses to the breaking of the bond. Marriage and Family Review 8(3/4): 135-148.
Daly, B. and L. Morton. 2003. Children with pets do not show higher empathy: A challenge to current views. Anthrozoös 16 (4): 298-314.
Davis, H., P. Irwin, M. Richardson, et al. 2003. When a pet dies: Religious issues, euthanasia and strategies for coping with bereavement. Anthrozoös 16(1): 57-74.
Davis , J.H. and A.M. Juhasz. 1985. The preadolescent/pet bond and psychosocial development. Marriage and Family Review 8(3/4): 79-94.
Dekkers, Midas. 2000. Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, translated by Paul Vincent. W.W. Norton.
DeMares, Ryan. 2000. “Human Peak Experience Triggered By Encounters with Cetaceans.” Anthrozoos. 13(2): 89-103. SUMMARY
Derr, Mark. 2004. Dog's best friend: Annals of the dog-human relationship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Deviney, Elizabeth, Jeffrey Dickert and Randall Lockwood. 1983. The care of pets within child abusing families. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems 4(4): 321-329. SUMMARY
Donald D. 1999. ‘Beastly Sights': The treatment of animals as a moral theme in representations of London , 1820-1850. Art History 22 (4): 514-544.
Doniger, Wendy. 1995. The mythology of masquerading animals, or, bestiality. Social Research 62(3): 751-772.
Driscoll, Janis Wiley. 1995. Attitudes toward animals: Species ratings. Society and Animals3(2): 139-150.
Dutton D. and M. Andersson. 2002. Personality in Royal Pythons and the human-snake relationship. Anthrozoös 15(3): 243-250.
Eagles, Paul F.J. and Susan Muffitt. 1990. An analysis of children's attitudes toward animals.Journal of Environmental Education 21(3): 41-44. SUMMARY
Eckstein, Daniel. 2000. The pet relationship impact inventory. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families 8(2): 192-198.
Ellen, Roy F. 1999. Categories of animality and canine abuse: Exploring contradictions in Nuaulu social relationships with dogs. Anthropos 94(1-3): 57-68.
Endenburg, N. 1991. Animals as Companions . Amsterdam: Thesis.
Endenburg, N., J. Kirpensteijn and N. Sanders. Equine euthanasia: The veterinarian's role in providing owner support. Anthrozoös 12(3): 138-141.
Felthous, Alan R. 1980. Aggression against cats, dogs, and people. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 10(3): 169-177.
Felthous, Alan R. 1981. Childhood cruelty to cats, dogs, and other animals. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatric Law 9: 48-53.
Felthous, Alan R. and Stephen R. Kellert. 1987. Childhood cruelty to animals and later aggression against people: A review. American Journal of Psychiatry 144(6): 710-717.
Felthous, Alan R. and Stephen R. Kellert. 1987. Psychosocial aspects of selecting animal species for physical abuse. Journal of Forensic Sciences 32: 1713-1723.
Fidler, M. 2003. Animal status as a response to pet ownership. Anthrozoös 16(1): 75-82.
Fidler, M., P. Coleman and A. Roberts. 2000. Empathic response to animal suffering: Societal versus family influence. Anthrozoös 13(1): 48-51.
Fielding, W.J. and J. Mather. 2001. Dog ownership in the West Indies: A case study from the Bahamas. Anthrozoös 14(2): 72-80.
Fielding W. J., D. Samuels and J. Mather. 2002. Attitudes and actions of West Indian dog owners toward neutering their animals: A gender issue? Anthrozoös 15(3): 206-226.
Fifield, S.J. and D.K. Forsyth. A pet for the children: Factors related to family pet ownership. Anthrozoös 12(1): 24-32.
Filiatre, J.C., J.L. Millot and H. Montagner. 1986. New data on communication between the young child and his pet dog. Behavioral Processes 12(1): 33-44.
Fitzgerald, Amy J. 2005. Animal Abuse and Family Violence: Researching the Interrelationships of Abusive Power. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
Fitzgerald, Amy J.2009. “It's a Horrible Coincidence”: Corporate Responsibility and the 2007 Pet food Recall. Critical Criminology, 17 , no. 3: 195-215.
Fitzgerald, Amy J. 2009. What Goes into Pet Food Goes Public. Society and Animals, 17, no. 4: 361-362
Fleming, William M., Brian Jory and David L. Burton. 2002. Family characteristics, victimization histories, and perpetration offenses of juvenile offenders who admit to bestiality.Society and Animals 10(1): 31-45.
Flynn, Clifton P. 1999. Perpetuating animal abuse and support for interpersonal violence against women and children in families. Society and Animals 7(2): 161-172.
Flynn, Clifton P. 2000. Battered women and their animal companions: Symbolic interaction between human and nonhuman animals. Society and Animals 8(2): 99-127.
Flynn, Clifton P. 2000. Why family professionals can no longer ignore violence toward animals. Family Relations 49(1): 87-95.
Flynn, C.P. 2000. Woman's best friend: pet abuse and the role of companion animals in the lives of battered women. Violence Against Women. 6: 162-177.
Flynn, Clifton P. 2001. Acknowledging the ‘zoological connection': A sociological analysis of animal cruelty. Society and Animals 9(1): 71-87.
Fogle, Bruce (ed.). 1981. Interrelations between People and Pets . Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.
Fogle, Bruce. 1983. Pets and Their People . New York: The Viking Press.
Fogle, Bruce. 1986. The bond between people and pets: A review. Veterinary Annual 26: 361- 365.
Fogle, Bruce and David Abrahamson. 1990. Pet loss: A survey of the attitudes and feelings of practicing veterinarians. Anthrozoös 3(3): 143-150.
Foote, N.N. 1956. A neglected member of the family. Marriage and Family Living 18: 213- 218.
Frommer, Stephanie S. and Arnold Arluke. 1999. Loving them to death: Blame-displacing strategies of animal shelter workers and surrenderers. Society and Animals 7(1): 1-16.
Frost, Laurie Adams. 1991. Pets and lovers: The human-companion animal bond in contemporary literary prose. Journal of Popular Culture 25(1): 39-53.
Fucini, S. 1978. The abuser, first a dog, then a child? National Humane Review 5: 14-15.
Fuller, R. ed.). 1981. Fellow Mortals: An Anthology of Animal Verse. Plymouth : Macdonald and Evans.
Gage, Geraldine. 1988. Intergenerational continuity of attitudes and values about dogs. Anthrozoos 1: 232-239.
Garber, Marjorie. 1996. Dog Love. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Gardyn, Rebecca. 2001. VIPs (Very Important Pets). American Demographics 23(3): 16-18.
Gartner, Michael. 1973. Animal Tales from The Wall Street Journal. Princeton, N.J: Dow Jones Books.
Gerbasi, K.C. 2004. Gender and nonhuman animal cruelty convictions: Data from pet-abuse.com - Society & animals resource column. Society and Animals 12 (4): 359-365.
Goodall , J. 1991. Through the Window: Thirty Years With the Chimpanzees of the Gombe. London : Pan Books.
Green, Gary S. 2002. The other criminalities of animal freeze-killers: Support for a generality of deviance. Society and Animals 10(1): 5-30.
Greenebaum, J. 2004. It's a dog's life: Elevating status from pet to "Fur baby" at Yappy hour. Society and Animals 12 (2): 117-135.
Grier, Katherine C. 1999. Childhood socialization and companion animals: United States, 1820-1870. Society and Animals 7 (2): 95-120.
Gunter, Barrie. 2005. Pets and People: The Psychology of Pet Ownership. Wiley.
Haber, T.B. 1965. Canine terms applied to human beings and human events: part II. American Speech 40: 243-271.
Harris, Marvin. 1983. Some factors influencing selection and naming of pets. Psychological Reports 53(3, Pt. 2): 1163-70.
Hart, L.A. , B.L. Hart and R.K. Anderson. 1985. Recent developments concerning the human- animal bond: the pet connection. California Veterinary 39(1): 34-38.
Hart, L. Sundar. 2000. Family traditions for mahouts of Asian elephants. Anthrozoös 13(1): 34-42.
Hecht, L., J.D. McMillin and P. Silverman. 2001. Pets, networks and well-being. Anthrozoös 14(2): 95-108.
Henry, B.C. 2004. The relationship between animal cruelty, delinquency, and attitudes toward the treatment of animals. Society and Animals 12 (3): 185-207.
Herzog Jr., Harold A. and Shelley L. Galvin. 1992. Animals, archetypes, and popular culture: Tales from the tabloid press. Anthrozoös 5(2): 77-92. SUMMARY
Hickrod, L. and R. Schmitt. 1982. A naturalistic study of interaction and frame: The pet as “family member.” Urban Life 11: 55-77. SUMMARY
Hills, Adelma. M. 1989. The relationship between thing-person orientation and perception of animals. Anthrozoös 3: 100-110. SUMMARY
Hills, Adelma M. 1994. The motivational bases of attitudes toward animals. Society and Animals 1(2). ALSO ADD PAGE NUMBERS, 111-128
Hines, Linda M. 2003. Historical perspectives on the human-animal bond. American Behavioral Scientist 47(1): 7-15.
Hirschman, Elizabeth C. and Clinton R. Sanders. 1997. Motion pictures as metaphoric construction: How animal narratives teach us to be human. Semiotica 115(1/2): 53-79.
Hoffmann W.A. and L.H. Human. 2003. Experiences, characteristics and treatment of women suffering from dog phobia. Anthrozoös 16(1): 28-42.
Hunt, Susan J., Lynette A. Hart and Richard Gomulkiewicz. 1992. Role of small animals in social interactions between strangers. Journal of Social Psychology 132(2): 245-257. SUMMARY
Hyde, K.R., L. Kurdek and P.C. Larson. 1983. Relationships between pet ownership and self-esteem, social sensitivity, and interpersonal trust. Psychological Reports 52(1): 110.
Irvine, Leslie. 2001. The power of play. Anthrozoös 14(3): 151-160.
Irvine, Leslie. 2004 . If You Tame Me: Understanding Our Connection With Animals. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Jackson, Jason Baird. 1998. Of bears and rabbits: Animals in traditional Native American art and literature. Gilcrease Journal 6(2): 16-29.
Jeter, Kris. 1985. A historical, interdisciplinary analysis of the animal and human social ecosystem. Marriage and Family Review 8(3/4): 223-238. SUMMARY
Johnson, Kathleen R. 1996. The ambiguous terrain of petkeeping in children's realistic animal stories. Society and Animals 4(1): 1-17.
Jordan, James William. 1975. An ambivalent relationship: Dog and human in the folk culture of the rural South. Appalachian Journal 2: 238-248. SUMMARY
Kahn Jr., Peter H. and Stephen R. Kellert (eds.). 2002. Children and Nature: Psychological, Sociocultural, and Evolutionary Investigations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kass, Philip H., John C. New Jr., Janet M. Scarlett and Mo D. Salman. 2001. Understanding animal companion surplus in the United States : Relinquishment of nonadoptables to animal shelters for euthanasia. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 4(4): 237-248.
Katcher , Aaron. 1989. How companion animals make us feel. In R.J. Hoage (ed.). Perceptions of Animals in American Culture. Washington DC : Smithsonian Institution Press.
Katcher, Aaron Honori and Alan M. Beck (eds.). 1983. New Perspectives on our Lives with Companion Animals . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Katcher, A.H. and M.A. Rosenberg. 1979. Euthanasia and the management of the client's grief. Compendium of Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 1 (December): 887-891.
Katz, Jon. 2003. The New Work of Dogs: Tending to Life, Love, and Family. New York: Villard.
Kay, William, Susan Cohen, Carole Fudin, Austin Kutscher, Herbert Neiburg, Ross Grey, and Mohamed Osman (eds.). 1988. Euthanasia of the Companion Animal . Philadelphia: Charles Press.
Kellert, Stephen R. 1985. Attitudes toward animals: Age-related development among children. Journal of Environmental Education 16(3): 29-39. SUMMARY
Kellert, Stephen R. and Alan R. Felthous. 1985. Childhood cruelty toward animals among criminals and non-criminals. Human Relations 38(12): 1113-1129. SUMMARY
Kerestes, G., L. Arambasic, G. Kuterovac-Jagodic, et al. 1999. Pet ownership and children's self-esteem in the context of war. Anthrozoös 12(4): 218-223.
Kete, Kathleen (ed.). 1995. The Beast in the Boudoir: Petkeeping in Nineteenth-Century Paris. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Kidd, A.H., H.T. Kelley and R.M. Kidd. 1983. Personality characteristics of horse, turtle, snake, and bird owners. Psychological Reports 52(3): 719-729.
Kidd, A.H. and R.M. Kidd. 1985. Children's attitudes toward their pets. Psychological Reports 57(1): 15-31.
Kidd, A.H. and R.M. Kidd. 1987. Reactions of infants and toddlers to live and toy animals. Psychological Reports 61: 455-464.
Kidd, A.H. and R.M. Kidd. 1987. Seeking a theory of the human/companion animal bond. Anthrozoös 1: 140-157.
Kidd, A.H. and R.M. Kidd. 1990. Factors in children's attitudes toward pets. Psychological Reports 66: 775-786.
Kidd, A.H. and R.M. Kidd. 1990. Social and environmental influences on children's attitudes toward pets. Psychological Reports 67(3): 807-819.
Kogan, Lori R. and Wayne Viney. 1998. Reported strength of human-animal bonding and method of acquiring a dog. Psychological Reports 82(2): 647-650.
Kogure, Norio and Keiko Yamazaki. 1990. Attitudes to animal euthanasia in Japan : A brief review of cultural influences. Anthrozoös 3(3): 151-154. SUMMARY
Kulick, Don. 2009. "Fat Pets." In Fat Studies in the UK. Edited by Corinna Tomrley and Ann Kaloski Naylor. York: UK: Raw Nerve Books, 35-50.
Lackmann, Ronald W. 1981. Animal Superstars. Middletown, Connecticut: Weekly Reader Books.
Lacroix, Charlotte. 1998. Another weapon for combating family violence: Prevention of animal abuse. Animal Law 4: 1-32.
Langevin, P., D. Paitich, B. Orchard, L. Hardy and A. Russon. 1983. Childhood and family background of killers seen for psychiatric assessment: A controlled study. Bulletin of American Psychiatric Law 11: 331-341.
Lilequist , J. 1992. Peasants against nature: crossing the boundaries between man and animals in17th and 18th century Sweden . In J. Fout (ed.). Forbidden History, the State, Society and the Regulation of Sexuality in Modern Europe . Chicago : Chicago University Press.
Linzey, Andrew. 2009. The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence. Sussex Academic Press.
Lockwood, Randall. 1999. Animal cruelty and violence against humans: Making the connection. Animal Law 5: 81-88.
Lockwood, Randall and Frank Ascione (eds). 1998. Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence: Readings in Research and Application. Purdue University Press.
Lockwood, R. and G. Hodge. 1986. The tangled web of animal abuse: The links between cruelty to animals and human violence. Humane Society News (Summer): 1-6.
Lowe S.E. and J.W.S. Bradshaw. 2002. Reponses of pet cats to being held by an unfamiliar person, from weaning to three years of age. Anthrozoös 15(1): 69-79.
Lucie-Smith, E. 1998. Zoo: Animals in Art. London : Aurum Press.
Macintyre, Alasdair.1999. Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues. Chicago: Open Court.
McConnell, Patricia B. 2002. The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs . New York: Ballantine Books.
McCrindle, C., J. Gallant, S.T. Cornelius, et al. 1999. Changing roles of dogs in urban African society: A South African perspective. Anthrozoös 12(3): 157-161.
McHugh, Susan. 2004. Dog. London: Reaktion.
Manning, Aubrey, and James Serpell. 1994. Animals and Human Society. New York: Routledge.
Mechling, Jay. 1989. ‘Banana Cannon' and other folk traditions between human and nonhuman animals. Western Folklore 48: 312-323.
Melson, Gail F. 1988. Availability of and involvement with pets by children: Determinants and correlates. Anthrozoös 2: 45-52.
Melson, Gail F. 2005. Why the Wild Things Are: Animals in the Lives of Children. Harvard University Press.
Melson, G.F. and A. Fogel. 1989. Children's ideas about animal young and their care: A reassessment of gender differences in the development of nurturance. Anthrozoös 2: 265- 273.
Menache, Sophia. 1997. Dogs: God's worst enemies? Society and Animals 5(1): 23-44.
Menache, Sophia. 1998. Dogs and human beings: A story of friendship. Society and Animals 6(1): 67-86.
Messent, P. 1985. Pets as social facilitators. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 15: 395-402.
Miller, K. and J. Knutson. 1997. Reports of severe physical punishment and exposure to animal cruelty by inmates convicted of felonies and university students. Child Abuse and Neglect 21: 59-82.
Mitchell, Robert W. and Elizabeth Edmonson. 1999. Functions of repetitive talk to dogs during play: Control, conversation, or planning? Society and Animals 7(2): 55-81.
Mitchell, R. and N. Thompson. 1990. The effects of familiarity on dog-human play. Anthrozoös 4: 24-43.
Miura, A., J.W.S. Bradshaw and H. Tanida. Attitudes towards dogs: A study of university students in Japan and the UK. Anthrozoös 13(2): 80-88.
Morrow, Virginia . 1998. My animals and other family: children's perspectives on their relationships with companion animals. Anthrozoos . 11(4):218-226.
Munsell, K.L., M. Canfield, D. I. Templer, et al. 2004. Modification of the pet attitude scale. Society and Animals 12 (2): 137-142.
Murphy, Claire R. and Jane G. Haigh. 2001. Gold Rush Dogs . Anchorage: Northwest Books.
Myers, Gene. 1997. Children and Animals: Social Development and Our Connections to Other Species (Lives in Context) . Westview Press.
Myers, Olin Eugene. 1996. Child-animal interaction: Nonverbal dimensions. Society and Animals 4(1): 19-35.
Myers, Olin Eugene. 1999. Human development as transcendence of the animal body and the child-animal association in psychological thought. Society and Animals 7(2): 121-140.
Nagasawaa, Miho, Takefumi Kikusuia, Tatsushi Onakab and Mitsuaki Ohtaa. Dog's gaze at its owner increases owner's urinary oxytocin during social interaction.
Hormones and Behavior , Volume 55, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 434-441.
Nash, Jeffrey E. 1989. What's in a face? The social character of the English bulldog. Qualitative Sociology 12(4): 357-370. SUMMARY
Netting, F.E., K.A. Netting, C.C. Wilson and J.K. New. 1984. Pastors, parishioners, and pets. Pastoral Psychology 33(2): 126-135.
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