Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
This section includes edited volumes, compilations and other works that fit into multiple, or none of, our categories.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
For category definitions and criteria for inclusion, please click here.
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Akhtar, Salman, Volkan, Vamik D. 2005. Cultural Zoo: Animals in the Human Mind and Its Sublimations. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.
Albarella, Umberto, Keith Dobney, Anton Ervynck, and Peter Rowley-Conwy. 2007. Pigs and humans: 10,000 years of interaction. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.
Amory, C. 1974. Man Kind? Our Incredible War on Wildlife. New York: Dell Publishing.
Bagemihl, Bruce. 1999. Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. London: Profile.
Baker, Steve. 2010. Norfolk Roadkill, Mainly. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 36-55.
Baron, David. 2004. The Beast in the Garden: A Modern Parable of Man and Nature. New York: Norton.
Bekoff, Marc and Carron A. Meaney (eds). 1998. Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Westport , CT: Greenwood.
Bekoff, Marc (ed.). 2007. Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of our Connections with Animals. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Berger, John. Animal World. New Society 18 (1971): 1042-43.
Berger, John. Vanishing Animals. New Society 39 (1977): 664-5.
Boddice, Rob (ed.). 2011. Anthropocentrism: Humans, Animals, Environments. Brill.
Broglio, Ron. 2010. Heide Hatry on Skin and Meat. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 56-65.
Brower, Matthew. 2011. Developing Animals: Wildlife and Early American Photography. University of Minnesota Press.
Bryant, Clifton D. 1979. The zoological connection: Animal-related human behavior. Social Forces 58(2): 399-421. SUMMARY
Bryant, Clifton D. and W.E. Snizek. 1993. On the trail of the Centaur. Society 30(3): 25-36. SUMMARY
Burghardt, Gordon M. and Harold A. Herzog Jr. (eds.). 1989. Perceptions of Animals in American Culture. 129-151. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. SUMMARY
Coppinger, Lorna. 1977. The World of Sled Dogs: From Siberia to Sport
Racing. Howell Book House.
Darnton, Robert. 1984/2009. The Great Cat Massacre: And Other Episodes in French Cultural History. Basic Books.
Davey, Graham. 1994. The ‘disgusting' spider: The role of disease and illness in the perpetuation of fear of spiders. Society and Animals 2(1): 17-25.
Davey, Graham C.L., Angus S. McDonald and Bradley C. Reimann. 1998. A cross-cultural study of animal fears. Behaviour Research and Therapy 36(7/8): 735-50.
Dean, Charles L. 2005. Soldiers and Sled Dogs. University of Nebraska Press.
DeLoache, J. S., Pickard, M. B., & LoBue, V. 2011. How very young children think about animals. In P. McCardle, S. McCune, J. A. Griffin, & V. Maholmes (eds.), How animals affect us: Examining the influence of human–animal interaction on child development and human health. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 85–99.
Derrida, Jacques. 2002. The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow), translated by David Willis. Critical Inquiry 28 (Winter 2002): 369-418.
Finkelstein, J.J. 1981. The ox that gored. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 71(part 2).
Fogle, Bruce. 1988. Summation: People, animals, and the environment. In Andrew N. Rowan (ed.), Animals and People Sharing the World. 177-185. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. SUMMARY
Friedman, Yona. 1982. Anthropomorphic models or the praise of mythology. Impact on Science and Society 32: 221-224.
Friend, Tad. 1996. Cagemates : Why Animals and Humans Can't Escape Each Other. Unte Reader. University Press, 38-49.
George, W. 1962. Animal Geography. London: Heinmann.
Gigliotti, Carol. 2010. Heartburn: Indigestion, Contention, and Animals in Contemporary Art. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 25-34.
Goedeke, T.L. 2004. In the eye of the beholder: Changing social perceptions of the Florida manatee. Society and Animals 12 (2): 99-116.
Gould, Stephen Jay. 1995. Keynote address: ‘In The Company of Animals' Conference. Social Research 62: 609-637.
Halverson, J. 1976. Animal categories and terms of abuse. Man 11: 505-516.
Hearne, Vicki. 1987. Adam's Task: Calling Animals by Name. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Herzog Jr., Harold A. and Lorna B. Dorr. 2000. Electronically available surveys of attitudes toward animals. Society and Animals 8(2): 183-190.
Hoage. R. J. (ed.). 1989. Perceptions of Animals in American Culture. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Holbrook, Morris B. 1996. Reflections on Rocky. Society and Animals 4 (2): 147-168.
Jáuregui, Eduardo and José Antonio Jáuregui. 2011. Humans on Trial: An Ecological Fable. newcelona.com.
Jerolmack, Colin. 2005. Our Animals Ourselves? Chipping Away the Animal-Human Divide. Sociological Forum 20 (4): 651-660.
Kalof, Linda and Georgina M. Montgomery (eds.). 2011. Making Animal Meaning. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
Kalof, Linda and Amy Fitzgerald, (eds.). 2007. The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers.
Kaltenborn, Bjørn P. and Tore Bjerke. 2002. The relationship of general life values to attitudes toward large carnivores. Human Ecology Review 9(1): 55-61.
Kaltenborn, Bjørn P., Tore Bjerke and Einar Strumse. 1998. Diverging attitudes towards predators: Do environmental beliefs play a part? Human Ecology Review 5(2): 1-9.
Katz, Marilyn. 1992. Ox-Slaughter and goring ox: Homicide, animal sacrifice, and judicial process. Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 4(2).
Kean, Hilda. 2001. Imagining rabbits and squirrels in the English countryside. Society and Animals 9(2): 163-175.
Kellert, Stephen R. 1980. American attitudes toward and knowledge of animals: An update. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems 1(2): 87-119. SUMMARY
Kellert, Stephen R. 1983. Affective, cognitive and evaluative perceptions of animals. In I. Altman and J. Wohlwill (eds.). Behavior and the Natural Environment. 241-267. New York: Plenum.
Kellert, Stephen R. 1991. Japanese perceptions of wildlife. Conservation Biology 5(3): 297- 308.
Kellert, Stephen R. 1993. Attitudes, knowledge, and behavior toward wildlife among the industrial superpowers: United States , Japan , and Germany . Journal of Social Issues 49(1): 53-70. SUMMARY
Kellert, Stephen R. 1996. The Value of Life: Biological Diversity and Human Society. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Kellert, S.R. and Berry , J.K. 1985. A Bibliography of Human/Animal Relations. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Kellert, S.R. and Berry , J.K. 1987. Attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors toward wildlife as affected by gender. Wildlife Society Bulletin 15: 363-371.
Kennedy, J.S. 1992. The New Anthropomorphism. Cambridge: The University of Cambridge .
Kistler, John M. 2004. Animals Are the Issue: Library Resources on Animal Issues. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Information Press.
Klinghammer , Erich. 1989. The wolf: fact and fiction. In R.J. Hoage (ed.) Perceptions of Animals in American Culture . Washington DC : Smithsonian Institution Press.
Knight, John. 2002. Wildlife in Asia: Cultural Perspectives. London: RoutledgeCurzon.
Lash, Steven J. and James A Polyson. 1987. The gender relevance of projected animal content. Journal of Clinical Psychology 43(1): 145-150. SUMMARY
Laurent, Erick. 1995. Definition and cultural representation of the category Mushi in Japanese culture. Society and Animals 3(1).
Laurent E.L. and K. Ono. 1999. The firefly and the trout: Recent shifts regarding the relationship between people and other animals in Japanese culture. Anthrozoös 12(3): 149-156.
Lawlor, Leonard. 2007. This is Not Sufficient: An Essay on Animality and Human Nature in Derrida. New York: Columbia University Press.
Lawrence, Elizabeth A. 1994. The centaur: Its history and meaning in human culture. Journal of Popular Culture 27(4): 57-68.
Lawrence, Elizabeth A. 1995. Cultural perceptions of differences between people and animals: A key to understanding human-animal relationships. Journal of American Culture 18(3): 75-82. SUMMARY
Lawrence , M.J.P. 1957. Animals and ‘dressed animals.' The Junior Bookshelf 21: 289-294.
Lawson, H.M. 2003. Controlling the wilderness: The work of wilderness officers. Society and Animals 11 (4): 329-351.
Leach, Edmund R. 1989. Anthropological aspects of language: Animal categories and verbal abuse. Anthrozoös 2(3): 151-165.
Leopold, Aldo. 1949. A Sand County Almanac. Oxford: University Press.
Lippitt, Akira Mizuta. 2000. Electric Animal: Toward a Rhetoric of Wildlife. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
LoBue, V. 2010. And along came a spider: Superior detection of spiders in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 107: 59-66.
LoBue, V., and DeLoache, J. S. 2011. What so special about slithering serpents? Children and adults rapidly detect snakes based on their simple features. Visual Cognition, 19: 129-143.
Lockwood, Randall and Frank R Ascione. 1998. Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence: Readings in Research and Application. Purdue University Press.
Looft, Williams R. and Wayne H. Bartz.1969. Animism revived. Psychological Bulletin 71:1-19.
Lott, D. 1988. Feeding wild animals: The urge, the interaction, and the consequences. Anthrozoös 1: 255-257. SUMMARY
Mack, Arien. 1999. Humans and Other Animals . Columbus : Ohio State University Press.
Maloney, M.P., M.P. Ward and G.N. Braucht. 1975. A revised scale for the measurement of ecological attitudes and knowledge. American Psychologist 30: 787-790.
Manna, Samita. 1993. Animal in human societies. Indian Anthropologist 23(1): 21-24.
Manning, Aubrey and James Serpell. 1994. Animals and Human Society: Changing Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge.
Martin, Kathy. 1998. The role of animal behavior studies in wildlife science and management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26(4): 911-920.
Mathews, Steve and Harold A. Herzog. 1997. Personality and attitudes toward the treatment of animals. Society and Animals 5(2): 169-175. SUMMARY
McMurtry, L. 1968. In a Narrow Grave. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Meyer, Helmut. 1992. 10,000 years "high on the hog": Some remarks on the human-animal relationship. Anthrozoös 5(3): 144-159.
Michael, Mike. 1996. Constructing Identities: The Social, the Nonhuman, and Change . London: Sage Publications. SUMMARY
Michael, M. 2004. Roadkill: Between humans, nonhuman animals, and technologies. Society and Animals 12 (4): 277-298.
Midgley, Mary. 1995. Beast and Man: The Roots of Human Nature (Revised Edition). London: Routledge.
Miller, Frederic P., Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster. 2010. Anthropomorphism. VDM Publishing House Ltd.
Mitchell, Robert W. Nicholas S. Thompson, and H. Lyn Miles (eds.). 1997. Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. State University of New York Press.
Moore , J.F. (ed.) 1899. Thoughts Regarding the Future State of Animals. Warren, Winchester, UK .
Morris, Brian. 1998. The powers of nature. Anthropology and Medicine 5(1): 81-101.
Noon, Carole. 1999. Chimpanzees and retirement. JAAWS. 2(2): 141-146.
Nordstrom, Patricia A., Lowell L. Wilson and Michele B. Brown. 1999. Students attitudes toward animal-derived products and services and how they affect society and the environment. Journal of Agricultural Education 40(4): 10-19.
Norris, Margot. 1995. Beasts of the Modern Imagination: Darwin, Nietzsche, Kafka, Ernst, and Lawrence. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Norton, Bryan G. and H. Shue (eds.). Preservation of Species. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Noske, Barbara. 1997. Beyond Boundaries: Human and Animals. Montreal : Black Rose Books.
Onion, Rebecca. 2009. Sled Dogs of the American North: On Masculinity, Whiteness, and Human Freedom. In Sarah McFarland and Ryan Hediger (eds.) Animals and Agency. Brill Press.
Pederson, Helena. 2010. Terror from the Stare: Visual Landscapes of Meat Production. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 35-39.
Palmer, C. Eddie. 1991. Human emotions: An expanding sociological frontier. Sociological Spectrum 11(3): 213-229.
Perin, C. 1988. Belonging in America: Reading Between the Lines. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Perkins, David. 2003. Romanticism and Animal Rights. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Pfugfelder, Gregory M. and Brett L. Walker (eds.). 2005. JAPANimals: History and Culture in Japan's Animal Life. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan.
Philio, Chris and Chris Wilbert (eds). 2000. Animal Spaces, Beastly Places: New Geographies of Human-Animal Relations. London: Routledge.
Pierce, Christine and Donald Van De Veer (eds.) 1995. People, Penguins, and Plastic Trees. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth .
Quammen, David. 2000. The Boilerplate Rhino: Nature in the Eye of the Beholder. New York: Scribner.
Randour, Mary Lou. 2002. Animal Grace: Entering a Spiritual Relationship with Our Fellow Creatures. New World Library.
Reading , R.P., B.J. Miller and S.R. Kellert. 1999. Values and attitudes towards prairie dogs. Anthrozoös 12(1): 43-52.
Ritvo , Harriet. 1990. The animal connection. In James J. Sheehan and Morton Sosna (eds.). The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines . Berkeley : University of California Press
Rowan, Andrew. 1984. Of Mice, Models, and Men. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Rowan, Andrew (ed.). 1988. Animals and People Sharing the World. Hanover: University Press of New England. SUMMARY
Rowlands, Mark. 2002. Animals Like Us. London: Verso.
Ruesch, Hans. 1978. Slaughter of the Innocent. New York: Bantam Books.
Salem , Deborah J. and Andrew Rowan (eds.) 2001. The State of the Animals 2001. Washington, DC: Humane Society Press.
Sax, Boria. 1994. The Basilisk and rattlesnake, or a European monster comes to America. Society and Animals 2(1).
Sax, Boria. 1997. What is a ‘Jewish dog'? Konrad Lorenz and the cult of wildness. Society and Animals 5(1): 3-21.
Schaeffer, Robert W. 1987. Bestiamorphism: A new name for an old problem. Psychological Reports 61(Oct): 453-454.
Schulz, Wolfgang. 1987. Attitudes toward wildlife in West Germany . In Daniel J. Decker and Gary R. Goff (eds.). Valuing Wildlife: Economic and Social Perspectives. 352-354. Boulder, CO: Westview. SUMMARY
Serpell, J.A. 2002. Anthropomorphism and anthropomorphic selection: Beyond the ‘cute response.' Society and Animals 10(4): 437-454.
Serpell, James. 2008. In the Company of Animals: A study of Human-Animal Relationships. Cambridge University Press
Shelton , Mary L. and Ronald W. Rodgers. 1981. Fear-arousing and empathy-arousing appeals to help: The pathos of persuasion. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 11(4): 366-378.
Shepard, Paul. 1996. The Others: How Animals Made Us Human. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Sibley, David. 1995. Geographies of Exclusion: Society and Difference in the West. New York: Routledge. SUMMARY
Silverman, Sydel.(ed). 2002. The Beast on the Table: Conferencing with Anthropologists. Walnut Creek, CA.: AltaMira Press.
Simmons, Laurence and Philip Armstrong (eds). 2007. Knowing Animals. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
Smith, Barbara Herrnstein. 2004. Animal Relatives, Difficult Relations. Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies. 15(1): 1-23.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Mark Wilson. 2006. (A) fly (Between Nature and Culture). National Museum of Iceland.
Sõukand Renata , Raivo Kalle and Ingvar Svanberg. 2010. Uninvited guests : Traditional insect repellents in Estonia used against the clothes moth Tineola bisselliella , human flea Pulex irritans and bedbug Cimex lecturarius. Journal of Insect Science 10, article 150. www.insectscience.org/10.150/i1536-2442-10-150.pdf SUMMARY
Svanberg Ingvar. 1987. Turkic Ethnobotany and Ethnozoology as Recorded by Johan Peter Falck. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift, 1986-1987: 53–118.
Svanberg Ingvar. 2006. Black slugs ( Arion ater ) as grease : a case study of technical use of gastropods in pre-industrial Sweden. Journal of Ethnobiology , 26: 299–309. SUMMARY
Svanberg Ingvar. 2007. Human usage of mermaid's glove sponge ( Isodictya palmata ) on the Faroes. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom , 87: 1773–1775. SUMMARY
Svanberg Ingvar. 2008. Jellyfish in North European folk biology. Svenska Landsmål och Svenskt Folkliv 131: 115–124.
Tester, Keith. 1991. Animals and Society. London: Routledge.
Thomas, Keith. 1983. Man and the Natural World: A History of the Modern Sensibility. New York: Pantheon.
Thorne , Lorraine. Kangaroos: The non-issue. Society and Animals 6(2): 167-182.
Tiffin, Helen. 2001. Unjust Relations: Animals, the Species Boundary and Post Colonialism. Compr(Om)Ising Post/Colonialism(S): Challenging Narratives and Practices, edited by Greg Ratcliffe and Gerry Turcotte. Sydney: Dangeroo, pg. 30-41.
Tutin, C.E.G., Wrangham R. and Boesch.C. 1999. Cultures in Chimpanzees. Nature. 399: 682-685 (from website at ).
Van Lawick-Goodall, Jane. 1965. New Discoveries among Africa's Chimpanzees. National Geographic. 128(6): 802-831.
Vedder, Anton. 2003. The WTO and Concerns Regarding Animals and Nature. Nijmegen, the Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Verhave, T. 1966. The pigeon as quality control inspector. American Psychologist 21 (February): 109-115.
Vigorito, Michael. 1996. An animal rights attitude survey of undergraduate psychology students. Psychological Reports 79(1): 131-142.
Wagstaff, G. 1990. Attitudes toward animals and human beings. The Journal of Social Psychology 131(4): 573-575. SUMMARY
Waran, N.K. 1995. Human-animal interactions. Current Science 69(4): 303-305.
Willis, Roy G. 1974.Man and Beast. New York: Basic.
Wilson , Bee. 2004 . The Hive: The Story of the Honeybee and Us. London: John Murray.
Wolch, Jennifer. 2002. Anima urbis. Progress in Human Geography 26(6): 721-742.
Wolch, Jennifer R., Andrea Gullo, and Unna Lassiter. 1997. Changing attitudes toward California 's cougars. Society and Animals 5(2): 95-116. SUMMARY