Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals as Entertainment and Spectacle
The citations included in this category address the historical and contemporary use of animals as entertainment and spectacle, such as in zoos, circuses and marine animal theme parks.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
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Acampora, Ralph R. 1998. Extinction by exhibition: Looking in and at the zoo. Human Ecology Review 5(1): 1-4.
Acampora, Ralph R (ed.). 2010. Metamorphoses of the Zoo: Animal Encounter after Noah. Lexington Books.
Agoramoorthy, Govindasamy. 2002. Ethics and animal welfare evaluations in South East Asian zoos: A case study of Thailand. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 5(1): 1-13.
Alberti, Samuel J. M. M. 2011. The Afterlives of Animals: A Museum Menagerie. University of Virginia Press.
Anderson, Kay. 1998. Animals, Science and Spectacle in the City, In Jennifer Wolch and Jody Emel (eds) Animal Geographies: Place, Politics, and Identity in the Nature-Culture Borderlands. 27-50. New York: Verso.
Arluke, Arnold and Robert Bogdan. 2010. Beauty and the Beast: Human-Animal Relations as Revealed in Real Photo Postcards, 1905-1935. Syracuse University Press.
Armstrong, Philip. 2008. What Animals Mean in the Fiction of Modernity. London and New York: Routledge.
Asma, Stephen T. 2001. Stuffed Animals and Pickled Heads: The Culture and Evolution of Natural History Museums. New York: Oxford University Press.
Auguet, Roland. 1972. Cruelty and Civilization: The Roman Games. New York, New York: Routledge. SUMMARY
Baratay, Eric. 2002. Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West. London: Reaktion.
Beardsworth, Alan and Alan Bryman. 2001. The wild animal in late modernity: The case of the Disneyization of zoos. Tourist Studies 1(1):83-104.
Beirne, Piers. 1994. The law is an ass: Reading E.P. Evans' ‘The Medieval Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals.' Society and Animals 2(1): 27-46. SUMMARY
Berger, John. 1977. Why Zoos Disappoint. New Society. (April 21, 1977).
Berger, John. 1980. Why Look at Animals? In About Looking. Pantheon. 1-26.
Berrettini, Mark L. 2005. Danger! Danger! Danger!, or When Animals Might Attack: The Adventure Activist Genre. Scope: On-line Journal of Film Studies 1 (New Series).
Bostock, S. 1993. Zoos and Animal Rights. London and New York: Routledge.
Bouse, Derek. 2000. Wildlife Films. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bridges, W. 1974. Gathering of Animals: An Unconventional History of the New York Zoological Society. New York: Harper and Row.
Broglio, Ron. 2008. Living Flesh: Human Animal Surfaces and Art. Journal of Visual Culture 7.1 (April 2008).
Bryant, Clifton D. 1991. Deviant leisure and clandestine lifestyle: Cockfighting as socially disvalued sport. World Leisure and Recreation 33: 17-21. SUMMARY
Bryant, Clifton D. and Donald J. Shoemaker. 1988. Dead zoo chic: Some conceptual notes on taxidermy in American social life. Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 16(2): 195-202.
Bryant, Clifton D. and Li Li. 1991. A statistical value profile of cockfighters. Sociology and Social Research 75(4): 199-209.
Burt, Jonathan. 2002. Animals in Film. London: Reaktion Books.
Carmeli, Yoram S. 2002. Cruelty to animals and nostalgic totality: Performance of a traveling circus in Britain. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 22(11/12): 73-88.
Case, Carole. 1987. Deviance as rational response: Disguise, deceit, and conspiracy among racehorse trainers. Deviant Behavior 8: 329-342.
Case, Carole. 1988. Paddock rites: Integrative ritual in the racing community. Sociological Inquiry 58: 279-290. SUMMARY
Cassidy, Rebecca. 2002. The social practice of racehorse breeding. Society and Animals 10(2): 155-171.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2003. "Animal Geographies: Zooësis and the Space of Modern Drama." Modern Drama XLVI, 4, 646-662.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2004. "Different Hats." Theater.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2004. "Zoo Stories: 'Boundary-Work' in Theatre History." In W.B. Worthen and Peter Holland (eds.), Redefining Theatre History. Palgrave.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2004. "Animal Acts for Changing Times." American Theater, October 2004. Available on-line at http://www.hotreview.org/articles/animalacts.htm.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2006. "Animalizing Performance, Becoming Theatre: Inside Zooesis with the Animal Project at NYU." Theater Topics, March 2006.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2007. "(De)Facing the Animals: Zooesis and Performance." TDR: The Journal of Performance Studies. Special Issue on Animals and Performance.
Chaudhuri, Una. 2007. "Animal Rites: Performing Beyond the Human." In Joseph Roach and Janelle Reinelt (eds.), Critical Theory and Performance. Revised Edition. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Chris, Cynthia. 2006. Watching Wildlife. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Crist, Steven. 1986. The Horse Traders: Inside the Billion Dollar Breeding Industry that Rules Racing Today. New York: Norton.
Croke, Vicki. 1997. The Modern Ark: The Story of Zoos, Past, Present and Future. New York: Scribner. SUMMARY
Culhane, S. 1986. Talking Animals and Other People. New York: St. Martin 's.
Darden, Donna K. and Steven K. Worden. 1996. Marketing deviance: The selling of gamefowl. Society and Animals 4 (2).
Davis, Susan G. 1997. Spectacular Nature: Corporate Culture and the Sea World Experience. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Davis, Susan. G. Touch the magic, In William Cronon (ed.), Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature. 204-217. New York: W. W. Norton.
Del Sesto, S. 1975. Roles, rules, and organization: A descriptive account of cockfighting in rural Louisiana. Southern Folklore Quarterly 39: 1-14.
Desmond, Jane C. 1999. Staging Tourism: Bodies on Display from Waikiki to Sea World. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Dizard, Jan E. 2003. Mortal Stakes: Hunters and Hunting in Contemporary America. University of Massachusetts Press.
Douglass, Carrie B. 1992. Europe, Spain, and the bulls. Journal of Mediterranean Studies 2(1): 69-79. SUMMARY
Duckler, Geordie. 1997. Toward a more appropriate jurisprudence regarding the legal status of zoos and zoo animals. Animal Law 3: 189-200.
Errington , F. 1990. The rock creek rodeo: Excess and constraint in men's lives. American Ethnologist. 17(4): 628 – 645.
Evans, Rhonda, DeAnn K. Gauthier and Craig J. Forsyth. 1998. Dogfighting: Symbolic expression and validation of masculinity. Sex Roles 39(11/12): 825-838.
Fernandez, J. 1971. Persuasions and performances: Of the beast in every body - And the metaphors of everyman. In C. Geertz ( ed. ). Myth, Symbol and Culture. American Academy of Science.
Fiedeldey, André C. 1994. Wild animals in a wilderness setting: An ecosystemic experience? Anthrozoös 7(2): 113-123.
Finlay, Ted, Lawrence R. James and Terry L. Maple. 1988. People's perceptions of animals: The influence of zoo environment. Environment and Behavior 20(4): 508-528.
Forsyth, Craig J. and Rhonda D. Evans. 1998. Dogmen: The rationalization of deviance. Society and Animals 6(3): 203-218. SUMMARY
Geertz, Clifford. 1973. Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight. In Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, 412-453. New York: Basic Books. SUMMARY
Gillespie, Dair L., Ann Leffler and Elinor Lerner. 1996. Safe in unsafe places: Leisure, passionate avocations, and the problematizing of everyday public life. Society and Animals 4( 2): 169-188.
Hanson, Elizabeth. 2002. Animal Attractions: Nature on Display in American Zoos. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Hawley, Fred. 1987. Cockfighting in the piney woods: Gameness in the New South. Sport Place 1(2): 18-26.
Hawley, Fred. 1989. Cockfight in the cotton: A moral crusade in microcosm. Contemporary Crises 13: 129-144. SUMMARY
Hawley, Fred. 1993. The moral and conceptual universe of cockfighters: Symbolism and rationalization. Society and Animals 1(2): 159-168. SUMMARY
Hediger, H. 1969. Man and Animal in the Zoo. New York: Delacourt Press.
Helmer, James. 1991. The horse in backstretch culture. Qualitative Sociology 14(2): 175-195. SUMMARY
Herzog Jr., H.A. 1985. Cockfighting in Southern Appalachia. Appalachian Journal 12: 114- 126.
Herzog Jr., H.A. 1988. Cockfighting and violence in the South. In W. Ferris (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press. SUMMARY
Hoage, R.J. and William A. Deiss. 1996. New Worlds, New Animals: From Menagerie to Zoological Park in the Nineteenth Century. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Hosey, G. and P. Druck. 1987. The influence of zoo visitors on the behavior of captive primates. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 18: 19-29.
Humphrey, J. 1986. Roman Circuses: Arenas for Chariot. Racing London : Batsford.
Kalof, Linda and Carl Taylor. 2007. The Discourse of Dog Fighting. Humanity & Society 31, 319-333.
Karnicky, J. 2004. What is the red knot worth?: Valuing human/avian interaction. Society and Animals 12 (3): 253-266.
Kennedy, Patricia F., and Mary G. McGarvey. 2008. Animal-Companion Depictions in Women's Magazine Adversiting. Journal of Business Research 61(5), 424-430.
Kiley-Worthington, M. 1990. Animals in Circuses and Zoos: Chiron's world? Essex, Great Britain: Little Eco-Farms Publishing.
Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory. 2006. Masculinity and Animal Display in Nineteenth-Century Paris. In Bernard Lightman and Ann Shteir (eds). Figuring it Out: Science, Gender and Visual Culture. 110-139. Hanover: New England Press.
Kreger, Michael D. and Joy A. Mench. 1995. Visitor-animal interactions at the zoo. Anthrozoös 8(3): 143-158. SUMMARY
Lancendorfer, Karen M., JoAnn L. Atkin and Bonnie B. Reece. 2008. Animals in Advertising: Love Dogs? Love the Ad! Journal of Business Research 61(5), 384-391.
Laufer, Peter. 2012. The Controversial Line Between Entertainment and Abuse. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press.
Lawrence, Elizabeth A. 1982. Rodeo: An Anthropologist Looks at the Wild and the Tame. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Lawrence, Elizabeth A. 1985. Hoofbeats and Society: Studies of Human-Horse Interactions. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Lawrence, Elizabeth A. 1986. In the Mick of time: Reflections on Disney's ageless mouse. Journal of Popular Culture 20(2): 65-72. SUMMARY
Lawrence, Elizabeth . 1989. Rodeo Horses: the wild and the tame, In R. G. Willis (ed) Signifying Animals: Human Meaning in the Natural World. 222-235. Boston: Unwin Hyman.
Lawrence, Elizabeth A. 1996. Werewolves in psyche and cinema: Man-beast transformation and paradox. Journal of American Culture 19(3): 103-112.
Liska, J. 1999. Communicating nature: Wild animals in the living room. Anthrozoös 12(2): 88- 96.
MacDonald, Mia. 2003. All for show? E: The Environmental Magazine 14(6): 14-16.
Magdoff, JoAnn and Steve Barnett. 1989. Self-imaging and animals in TV ads. In R. J. Hoage (Ed.), Perceptions of Animals in American Culture (pp. 93-100). Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. SUMMARY
Malamud, Randy. 1998. Reading Zoos: Representations of Animals and Captivity. New York: NYU Press.
Marcellini, D. and T.A. Jensen. 1988. Visitor behavior in the National Zoo's Reptile House. Zoo Biology 7: 329-338.
McCaghy, C. and A. Neal. 1974. The fraternity of cockfighters: Ethical embellishments of an illegal sport. Journal of Popular Culture 8: 557-569.
McHugh, Susan. 2001. Video dog star: William Wegman, aesthetic agency, and the animal in experimental video art. Society and Animals 9(3): 229-251.
McHugh, Susan. 2010. Clever Pigs, Failing Piggeries: Image, Narration, and Sensation. Pig . Spec. issue of Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture 12 (1): 19-24 .
McHugh, Susan. 2002. Bitches from Brazil: Cloning and Owning Dogs through The Missyplicity Project . Representing Animals . Ed. Nigel Rothfels. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 180-98.
McHugh, Susan. 2002. Bringing up Babe . Camera Obscura 49: 149-87.
Manley, Frank. 1998. The Cockfighter. Coffee House Press.
Marvin, Garry. 1994. Bullfight. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Mitman, Gregg. 1999. Reel Nature: America 's Romance with Wildlife on Film. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Molloy, Claire. 2011. Popular Media and Animals. Palgrave MacMillan.
Morgan, J. Mark and Marlana Hodgkinson. 1999. The motivation and social orientation of visitors attending a contemporary zoological park. Environment and Behavior 31(2):227-239.
Mullan, Bob and Gary Marvin. 1998. Zoo Culture: The Book About Watching People Watch Animals. 2nd ed. University of Illinois Press. (Also published in 1987, )
Najera-Ramirez, Olga. 1994. Engendering nationalism: Identity, discourse, and the Mexican Charro. Anthropological Quarterly 67(1): 1-14.
Najera-Ramirez, Olga. 1996. The racialization of a debate: The charreada as tradition or torture. American Anthropologist 98(3): 505-511. SUMMARY
Norton, Bryan G., Michael Hutchins, Elizabeth F. Stevens and Terry L. Maple (eds.). 1996. Ethics on the Ark: Zoos, Animal Welfare and Wildlife Conservation. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Orihuela, J. A. and J. Solano. 1995. Some characteristics of the people who attend Mexican rooster (cock) fighting events. Anthrozoos. 8(4): 229-234.
Ortega y Gasset, Jose. 1972. Meditations on Hunting. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Peppe , R. 1975. Circus! From Rome to Ringling. Westport , Conn: Greenwood Press.
Rhoads, D.L. and R.J. Goldsworthy. 1979. The effects of zoo environments on public attitudes toward endangered wildlife. International Journal of Environmental Studies 13: 283-287.
Robbins, Louise E. 2002. Elephant Slaves and Pampered Parrots: Exotic Animals in Eighteenth-Century Paris. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Rosecrance, John. 1985. The invisible horsemen: The social world of the backstretch. Qualitative Sociology 8: 248-265. SUMMARY
Rothfels , Nigel. 2009. “Zoos, the Academy, and Captivity.” Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. 480–486.
Rothfels, Nigel. 2002. Savages and Beasts: The Birth of the Modern Zoo. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
Sands, Kathleen Mullen. 1993. Charreria Mexicana: An Equestrian Folk Tradition. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
Scigliano, Eric. 2002. Love, War and Circuses: The Age-Old Relationship Between Elephants and Humans. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Scott, Marvin. 1968. The Racing Game. Chicago, IL: Aldine.
Sommer, R. 1972. What do we learn at the zoo? Natural History 81:26.
Stoddart, Helen. 2004. Animals in Sport and Entertainment. The Reference Librarian 41(86), 25-36.
Svanberg, Ingvar. 2007. Golden Pheasant ( Chrysolophus pictus ) in Sweden in the 1740s, Zool. Garten N.F. 77, pp. 24–28. SUMMARY
Svanberg, Ingvvar. 2010. Indian Elephants at Skansen Zoo. The Bartlett
Society Journal, 21: 2135. SUMMARY
Svanberg, Ingvar. 2010. Walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus ) in captivity. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift : 97–114. SUMMARY
Swan, Susan Z. 1999. Gothic drama in Disney's Beauty and the Beast: Subverting traditional romance by transcending the animal-human paradox. Critical Studies in Mass Communication 16(3): 350-369.
Willis, Susan. 1999. Looking at the zoo. South Atlantic Quarterly 98(4): 669-687.
Woods, B. 2002. Good zoo/bad zoo: Visitor experiences in captive settings. Anthrozoös 15(4): 343-360.
Yoram, Carmeli S. 2002. Cruelty to animals' and nostalgic totality: Performance of a traveling circus in Britain. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 22(11/12): 73-88.