Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals in Feminism and Ecofeminism
This category is comprised of citations concerning ecofeminism, the interlinking of feminist and animal issues, and feminist perspectives on animals.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
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Adams, Carol J. 1991. Ecofeminism and the eating of animals. Hypatia 6: 125-145.
Adams, Carol. 1991. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. New York : Continuum.
Adams , Carol (ed.). 1993. Ecofeminism and the Sacred. New York : Continuum.
Adams, Carol. 1994. Bringing peace home: A feminist philosophical perspective on the abuse of women, children and pet animals. Hypatia 9: 63-84.
Adams, Carol. 1994. Neither Man Nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals. New York : Continuum.
Adams, Carol. 1995. Woman-battering and harm to animals. In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.). Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Duke University Press.
Adams,Carol J. 2003. The Pornography of Meat. Continuum.
Adams , Carol J. and John Lawrence Hill. 1998. The debate within: Animal rights and abortion. The Animals' Agenda 18(3): 23-26.
Adams, Carol J. and Josephine Donovan (eds.). 1995. Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham , NC : Duke University Press.
Adams, Carol J. and Tom Tyler. 2006. An Animal Manifesto: Gender, Identity, and Vegan-Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. Parallax 38, 12(1): 120-28.
Antonio, Diane. 1995. Of wolves and women. In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.). Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham : Duke University Press.
Ascione , Frank R. 1998. Battered woman's reports of their partners and their children's cruelty to animals. Journal of Emotional Abuse 1: 119-33.
Ascione, Frank, Claudia Weber and David S. Wood. 1997. The abuse of animals and domestic violence: A national survey of shelters for women who are battered. Society and Animals 5 (3): 205-218.
Birke, Lynda. 1991. Science, feminism and animal natures II: Feminist critiques and the place of animals in science. Women's Studies International Forum 14: 451-458.
Birke, Lynda. 1991. Science, feminism and animal natures II: Feminist critiques and the place of animals in science. Women's Studies International Forum 14: 451-458.
Birke, Lynda. 1994. Feminism, Animals and Science: The Naming of the Shrew . Philadelphia : Open University Press.
Birke, Lynda. 2002. Intimate familiarities? Feminism and human-animal studies. Society and Animals 10(4): 429-436.
Boyd- Heger, Diane. 1998. Living with wolves. In Linda Hogan, Deena Metzger, and Brenda Patterson. (eds.). Intimate Nature: The Bond Between Women and Nature. NY: The Ballantine Publishing Group.
Bryld, Mette, and Nina Lykke. 2000. Cosmodolphins: Feminist Cultural Studies of Technology, Animals, and the Sacred. London and New York : Zed Books.
Buettinger, Craig. 1997. Women and antivivisection in late nineteenth-century America. Journal of Social History 30(Summer): 857-872.
Comninou, Maria. 1995. Speech, Pornography, and Hunting. In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.). Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham: Duke University Press.
Corea, Genoveffa. 1984. Dominance and control: How our culture sees women, nature and animals. The Animals' Agenda (May/June): 37.
Crowther, Barbara. 1997. Viewing what comes naturally: A feminist approach to television natural history. Women's Studies International Forum 20(2): 289-300. SUMMARY
Davis, Karen. 1995. Thinking like a chicken: farm animals and the feminine connection. In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.). Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations . Durham : Duke University Press.
Dixon , Beth A. 1996. The feminist connection between women and animals. Environmental Ethics 18(2): 181-194. SUMMARY
Donovan, Josephine. 1990. Animal rights and feminist theory. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 15(2): 350-375. SUMMARY
Donovan, Josephine and Carol Adams (eds.). 1995. Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham , NC : Duke University Press. SUMMARY
Donovan, Josephine and Carol Adams (eds.). 1996. Beyond Animal Rights: A Feminist Caring Ethic for the Treatment of Animals. New York: Continuum.
Dunayer, Joan. 1995. Sexist words, speciesist roots. In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.). Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations . Durham: Duke University Press.
Fitzgerald, Amy. 2005. Animal Abuse and Family Violence: Exploring the Interrelationships of Abusive Power . Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Fitzgerald, Amy J. 2005. The Emergence of the Figure of ‘Woman the Hunter': Equality or Complicity in Oppression? Women's Studies Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 1/2, Women and Sports (Spring - Summer, 2005), pp. 86-104.
Flynn, Clifton P. 1999. Perpetuating animal abuse and support for interpersonal violence against women and children in families. Society and Animals 7(2): 161-172.
Flynn, Clifton P. 2000. Battered women and their animal companions: Symbolic interaction between human and nonhuman animals. Society and Animals 8(2): 99-127.
Frohoff , Toni. 1998. Beyond species. In Linda Hogan, Deena Metzger, and Brenda Patterson. (eds.). Intimate Nature: The Bond Between Women and Nature. New York : The Ballantine Publishing Group.
Gaard, Greta (ed.). 1993. Ecofeminism: Women, Animals, Nature. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
García , María Elena. 2010. “Super Guinea Pigs?” Anthropology Now , 2 (2), September: 22-32.
George, Kathryn Paxton. 2000. Animal, Vegetable, or Woman? A Feminist Critique of Ethical Vegetarianism. Albany , NY : State University of New York Press.
Haraway, Donna. 1991. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. London and New York : Routledge.
Haraway, Donna. 1997. Modest_Witness@Second_Millenium. FemaleMan_Meets_Oncomouse: Feminism and Technoscience. New York : Routledge.
Hawkins, Ronnie Zoe. 1998. Ecofeminism and nonhumans: Continuity, difference, dualism, and domination. Hypatia 13(1): 158-197.
Hoffmann W.A. and L.H. Human. 2003. Experiences, characteristics and treatment of women suffering from dog phobia. Anthrozoös 16(1): 28-42.
Houston, Pam (ed.). 1995. Women on Hunting. Hopewell , NJ: Ecco Press.
Kalof, Linda, Amy Fitzgerald, and Lori Baralt. 2004. Animals, women, and weapons: Blurred sexual boundaries in the discourse of sport hunting. Society and Animals 12 (3): 237-251.
Kheel, Marti. 1985. "An/Aesthetics: The Re-Presentation of Women and Animals." Between the Species 1 (Spring): 37-45.
Kheel, Marti. 1985. "Speaking the Unspeakable: Sexism in the Animal Rights Movement." Feminists for Animal Rights Newsletter 2 (Summer/Fall): 1-7.
Kheel, Marti. 1988. "Animal Liberation Is a Feminist Issue." The New Catalyst Quarterly 10 (Winter): 8-9.
Kheel, Marti. 1990. "Ecofeminism and Deep Ecology: Reflections on Identity and Difference." In Irene Diamond and Gloria Orenstein (eds.), Reweaving the World: The Emergence of Ecofeminism, 128-137. San Francisco : Sierra Club Publishers.
Kheel, Marti. 1990. "If Women and Animals Were Heard." Feminists for Animal Rights Semiannual Publication 5 (Summer/Fall): 1-10.
Kheel, Marti. 1993. "From Heroic to Holistic Ethics: The Ecofeminist Challenge." In Greta Gaard (ed.), Ecofeminism: Women, Animals, Nature, 243-271. Philadelphia : Temple University Press.
Kheel, Marti. 1995. "License to Kill: An Ecofeminist Critique of Hunters' Discourse." In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.), Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations, 85-125. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Kheel, Marti. 2004. "Vegetarianism and Ecofeminism: Toppling Patriarchy with a Fork." In Steve F. Sapontzis (ed.), Food for Thought: The Debate Over Eating Meat, 327-341. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
Kheel, Marti. 2008. Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Koda, N. 2001. Anthropomorphism in Japanese women's status terms used in talk to potential guide dogs. Anthrozoös 14(2): 109-111.
Lansbury, Coral. 1985. The Old Brown Dog: Women, Workers, and Vivisection in Edwardian England. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Luke, Brian. 1995. Taming ourselves or going feral? Toward a nonpatriarchal metaethic of animal liberation. In Carol J. Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.) Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham: Duke University Press.
Merchant, Carolyn. 1980. The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution. 1st edition. San Francisco: Harper and Row.
Munro, Lyle. 2001. Caring about blood, flesh, and pain: Women's standing in the animal protection movement. Society and Animals 9(1): 43-61.
Myers, Charlene. 1999. The (non)enforcement of the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES): An ecofeminist and postmodernist perspective. Humanity and Society 23(2): 143-163.
Plumwood, Val. 1993. Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. London: Routledge.
Rowan, Andrew. 1999. Cruelty and abuse to animals: a typology. In Frank Ascione and Phil Arkow (eds.). Child Abuse, Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse. West Lafayette , Indiana : Purdue University Press, 328-334.
Salamone, Constantia. 1982. The prevalence of the natural law: Women and animal rights. In Pam McAllister (ed.), Reweaving the Web of Life: Feminism and Nonviolence, 364-375. Philadelphia: New Society.
Salisbury , Joyce E. 1996. Human Animals of Medieval Fables. In Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. Nona C. Flores (ed.). 49-65. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc.
Shelton, Jo-Ann. 2005. Putting Women in Their Place: Gender, Species, and Hierarchy in Apuleius' Metamorphoses, In William W. Batstone and Garth Tissol Eds)., Defining Genre and Gender in Latin Literature, 301-329. New York: Peter Lang.
Simon, Clea. 2002. The Feline Mystique: On the Mysterious Connection Between Women and Cats. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Twine, Richard T. 2001. Ma(r)king Essence – Ecofeminism and Embodiment. Ethics and the Environment 6(2): 31-58.
Warren, Karen J. 1990. The power and promise of ecological feminism. Environmental Ethics 12: 125-143.