Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals as Philosophical and Ethical Subjects
This category includes references that address the philosophical and ethical underpinnings regarding our treatment of animals, as well as more general theorizing about the roles of animals in human societies.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
For category definitions and criteria for inclusion, please click here.
Use the links at the bottom of the page to "Jump" to a category.
Acampora, Christa Davis and Ralph R. Acampora (eds.). 2003. A Nietzschean Bestiary: Animality Beyond Docile and Brutal. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Acampora, Ralph R. 2001. Real animals? An inquiry on behalf of relational zoöntology. Human Ecology Review 8(2): 73-78.
Adams, Carol J. 1991. Ecofeminism and the eating of animals. Hypatia 6: 125-145.
Adams, Carol. 1991. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. New York: Continuum.
Adams , Carol (ed.). 1993. Ecofeminism and the Sacred. New York: Continuum.
Adams, Carol. 1994. Bringing peace home: A feminist philosophical perspective on the abuse of women, children and pet animals. Hypatia 9: 63-84.
Adams, Carol. 1994. Neither Man Nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals. New York: Continuum.
Adams,Carol J. 2003. The Pornography of Meat. Continuum.
Adams, Carol J. 2010. The War on Compassion. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 5-11.
Adams, Carol J. and Josephine Donovan (eds.). 1995. Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Adams, Carol J. and John Lawrence Hill. 1998. The debate within: Animal rights and abortion. The Animals' Agenda 18(3): 23-26.
Adams, Carol J. and Tom Tyler. 2006. An Animal Manifesto: Gender, Identity, and Vegan-Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. Parallax 38, 12(1): 120-28.
Agamben, Giorgio (translated by Kevin Attell). 2004. The Open: Man and Animal. Stanford University Press.
Agoramoorthy, G. 2002. Animal welfare and ethics evaluations in Southeast Asian zoos: Procedures and prospects. Animal Welfare 11: 295-299.
Agoramoorthy, G. 2004. Ethics and welfare in Southeast Asian zoos. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 7: 189-195.
Agoramoorthy, G. and M.J. Hsu. 2005. Religious freeing of wildlife promotes alien species invasion. BioScience 55: 5-6.
Ahuja, Neel. 2009. Postcolonial Critique in a Multispecies World. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. 556–563.
Allen, C. 2002. Animal ethics for students, review of ethics, humans and other animals: An introduction with readings. Anthrozoös 15(1): 89-91.
Allen, C., M. Bekoff, and L. Gruen. 2001. The ethical limits of domestication: A critique of Henry Heffner's arguments. Anthrozoös 14(3): 130-134.
Allister, Mark Christopher. 2004. Eco-man: New perspectives on masculinity and nature. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
Anderson, Nicole. 2010. The "Ethics" of Consensual Cannibalism: Deconstructing the Human-Animal Dichotomy. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 66-74.
Anderson, Roland C. and Wood, James B. 2001. Enrichment for Giant Pacific Octopuses: Happy as a Clam? JAAWS. 4(2): 157-168.
Animal Studies Group. 2005. Killing Animals. University of Illinois Press.
Anonymous. 1997. Animal rights bibliography. The Animals' Agenda 17(2): 32-37.
Armstrong, Phillip. The postcolonial animal. Society and Animals 10(4): 413-419.
Armstrong, Susan J. and Richard G. Botzler (eds.). 2003. The Animal Ethics Reader. New York: Routledge.
Atterton and Calarco (eds). 2005. Animal Philosophy: Ethics and Identity. Continuum.
Baker, Steve. 2000. The Postmodern Animal. London: Reaktion Books.
Baldick, Julian. 2000. Animals and Shaman: Ancient Religions of Central Asia. New York: New York University Press.
Bartkowski, Frances. 2008. Kissing Cousins: A New Kinship Bestiary. Columbia University Press.
Barton, M. 1987. Animal Rights. London : Watts .
Beauchamp, Tom L. and R. G. Frey (eds.). 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Baudrillard. 1994. The Animals: Territory and Metamorphoses. Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 129-41.
Beck, Benjamin B (ed. and author), Arnold Arluke, Elizabeth F. Stevens, and Jane Goodall. 2001. Great Apes & Humans: The Ethics of Coexistence. Washington: Smithsonian.
Bekoff, Marc. 1998. Resisting speciesism and expanding the community of equals. BioScience 48:638-641.
Bekoff, Marc. 2000. Strolling with Our Kin: Speaking For and Respecting Voiceless Animals. New York: Lantern Books.
Bekoff, Marc. 2005. Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues: Reflections on Redecorating Nature. Temple University Press.
Bekoff, Marc and Jan Nystrom. 2004. The other side of silence: Rachel Carson's views of animals. Human Ecology Review 11(2): 186-200.
Bekoff, Marc and Jessica Pierce. 2009. Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Bell, C. 1806. Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme.
Bennison, Rod. 2002. Ecological inclusion and non-human animals in the Islamic tradition. Society and Animals 10(4): 459-460.
Benston, Kimberly W. 2009. Experimenting at the Threshold: Sacrifice, Anthropomorphism, and the Aims of (Critical) Animal Studies. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. pp. 548–555.
Benton, Ted. 1993. Natural Relations: Ecology, Animal Rights and Social Justice. London: Verso.
Benton, Ted. 1996. Animal rights: an eco-socialist view. In Robert Garner (ed.). Animal Rights: The Changing Debate . New York : New York University Press.
Benton, Ted. 1998. Rights and justice on a shared planet: More rights or new relations? Theoretical Criminology 2(2): 149-175.
Benton, Ted. 2003. Marxism and the moral status of animals. Society and Animals 11(1): 73- 79.
Benton, Ted and Simon Redfearn. 1996. The politics of animal rights: Where is the left? New Left Review 215 (Jan/Feb): 43-58.
Berry, Bonnie. 1997. Human and non-human animal rights and oppression: an evolution toward equality. Creative Sociology. 25: 155-160.
Best, Steven, Anthony J. Nocella. 2004. Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?: Reflections on the Liberation of Animals. New York: Lantern Books.
Birke, Lynda. 2002. Intimate familiarities? Feminism and human-animal studies. Society and Animals 10(4): 429-436.
Birke, Lynda and Mike Michael. 1998. The heart of the matter: Animal bodies, ethics, and species boundaries. Society and Animals 6(3): 245-261. SUMMARY
Birke, Lynda I. A., and Ruth Hubbard. 1995. Reinventing Biology: Respect for Life and the Creation of Knowledge. Race, Gender, and Science. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Bisgould, Lesli. 1997. Animal oppression and the pragmatist. Animal Law 3: 39-44.
Block G. 2003. The moral reasoning of believers in animal rights. Society and Animals 11(2): 167-180.
Boehrer, Bruce. 2009. "Animal Studies and the Deconstruction of Character." Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. pp. 542-547.
Bogdan, Robert and Steven J. Taylor. 1989. Relationships with severely disabled people: The social construction of humanness. Social Problems 36(2): 135-148. SUMMARY
Braidotti, Rosi. 2009. “Animals, Anomalies, and Inorganic Others.” Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. pp. 526–532.
Braithwaite, John and Valerie Braithwaite. 1982. Attitudes toward animal suffering: An exploratory study. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems 3(1): 42-49. SUMMARY
Brantz, Dorothee. 2002. Stunning bodies: Animal slaughter, Judaism, and the meaning of humanity. Central European History 35(2): 167-194.
Breslin, Andy. 1995. The connection between animal rights and environmentalism. The AV Magazine 103(4): 11-13.
Bringas, Ernie . 2003. Created Equal : A Case For the Animal-Human Connection. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Pub. Co.
Brown, L. 1988. Cruelty to Animals: The Moral Debt. London: MacMillan.
Buchanan, Brett. 2008. Onto-Ethologies. The Animal Environments of Uexkuell, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Buckner, E. D. 2003. Rod Preece (ed.). Buckner's The Immortality of Animals (1903). Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press.
Budiansky, S. 1997. The Covenant of the Wild. London: Phoenix.
Burch, Mary R. 2003. Wanted!: Animal Volunteers. New York: Howell Book House.
Burghardt, Gordon M. 2009. Ethics and Animal Consciousness: How Rubber the Ethical Ruler? Journal of Social Issues, July 23: 499-521.
Burghardt, Gordon M. and Harold A. Herzog, Jr. 1989. Animals, evolution, and ethics. In R.J. Hoage (ed.). Perceptions of Animals in American Culture. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. SUMMARY
Calarco, Matthew, and Peter Atterton, (eds). 2004. Animal Philosophy: Essential Readings in Continental Thought. London: Continuum.
Callicott, J. Baird. 1980. Animal liberation: A triangular affair. Environmental Ethics 2: 311-338.
Callicott, J. Baird. 1992. Rolston on intrinsic value: A deconstruction. Environmental Ethics 14(2): 129-143. SUMMARY
Callicott, J. Baird. 1996. On Norton and the failure of monistic inherentism. Environmental Ethics 18(2): 219-221.
Cantor, Aviva. 1983. The club, the yoke, and the leash: What we can learn from the way a culture treats animals. Ms. Magazine (August): 27-29.
Caplan, A. 1983. Beastly conduct: ethical issues in animal experimentation. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 406: 159-169.
Carpenter, E. (ed.). 1980. Animals and Ethics. London: Watkins.
Carson, Gerald. 1972. Men, Beasts, and Gods: A History of Cruelty and Kindness to Animals. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Carson, R. 1962. Silent Spring. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Cassidy, Rebecca. 2001. On the human-animal boundary. Anthrozoös 14(4): 194-203.
Castricano, Jodey (ed.).2008.Animal Subjects: An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World.Ontario,Canada:Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Cavalieri, Paola. 2001. The Animal Question: Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cavalieri, P. 2008. A Missed Opportunity: Humanism, Anti-humanism and the Animal Question. In Castricano, J. (ed.) Animal Subjects: An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World. Wilfrid Laurier University Press: Waterloo.
Cavalieri, Paola and Peter Singer (eds.). 1993. The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Cave, G. 1982. Animals, Heidegger, and the right to life. Environmental Ethics 4(3): 249-255.
Cavell, Stanley, Cora Diamond, John McDowell, Ian Hacking, and Cary Wolfe. 2008. Philosophy& Animal Life. New York: Columbia University Press.
Cazaux, Geertrui. 1998. Legitimating the entry of the ‘animals issue' into (critical) criminology. Humanity & Society 22(4): 365-385.
Chase, Marcelle P. 1990. Animal rights: An interdisciplinary, selective bibliography. Law Library Journal 82(2): 359-391.
Cigman, Ruth. 1980. Death, misfortune, and species inequality. Philosophy and Public Affairs 10(1): 47-64. SUMMARY
Clark, Stephen. 1977. The Moral Status of Animals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Clark, Stephen. 1984. The Nature of the Beast. New York: Oxford University Press.
Clark, Stephen R.L. 1999. The Political Animal: Biology, Ethics and Politics. London: Routledge.
Clark, S. and S. Lyster. 1997. Animals and Their Moral Standing. London : Routledge.
Clarke, Paul A.B. and Andrew Linzey (eds.). 1990. Political Theory and Animal Rights. Winchester, MA: Pluto Press.
Cohen, Esther. 1986. Law, folklore, and animal lore. Past and Present 110: 6-37. SUMMARY
Cohen, Joseph. 1989. About steaks liking to be eaten: The conflicting views of symbolic interactionists and Talcott Parsons concerning the nature of relations between persons and non-human objects. Symbolic Interaction 12(2): 191-214.
Coile, D. Caroline and Neal E. Miller. 1984. How radical animal activists try to mislead humane people. American Psychologist 39(6): 700-701. SUMMARY
Collard, Andree with Joyce Contrucci. 1989. Rape of the Wild: Man's Violence Against Animals and the Earth. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Corea, Genoveffa. 1984. Dominance and control: How our culture sees women, nature and animals. The Animals' Agenda (May/June): 37.
Cronon, William. 1996. Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
Crossley, Ceri, Malcolm Cook and James Kearns (eds.) 2005. Consumable Metaphors: Attitudes Towards Animals and Vegetarianism in Nineteenth-Century France (French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries). Peter Lang Publishing.
Crossman, Danny. 2011. The Animal Code: Giving Animals Respect and Rights. Arcadia. Book Listing.
Crowther, Barbara. 1997. Viewing what comes naturally: A feminist approach to television natural history. Women's Studies International Forum 20(2): 289-300. SUMMARY
Culliton, Barbara J. 1991. Can reason defeat unreason? Nature 351 (13 June): 517. SUMMARY
Dawkins, Marian Stamp. 1980. Animal Suffering: the Science of Animal Welfare. London and New York: Chapman and Hall.
Dayan, Colin. 2011. The Law is a White Dog: How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons. Princeton University Press.
Dear, John. 2003. Christianity and vegetarianism: Pursuing the nonviolence of Jesus. Norfolk, VA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
DeGrazia, David. 1996. Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life and Moral Status. New York: Cambridge.
DeGrazia, David. 2002. Animals Rights: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
DeKoven, Marianne. 2009. Why Animals Now? Publications of the Modern Language Association, March, Volume 124, Number 2: 361–369.
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. 2007. Becoming Animal. In Linda Kalof and Amy Fitzgerald (eds.), The Animals Reader: The Essential Classical and Contemporary Writings , 37-50. Oxford, UK: Berg.
de Jonge , Francien Henriëtte, and Ruud van den Bos (eds.). 2005. The human-animal relationship: forever and a day. Assen, Netherlands : Royal Van Gorcum.
Dickens, Peter. 2003. The labor process: How the underdog is kept under. Society and Animals 11(1): 69-72.
Dillard, Courtney L. 2002. Civil disobedience: A case study in factors of effectiveness. Society and Animals 10(1): 47-62.
Dixon, Beth A. 1996. The feminist connection between women and animals. Environmental Ethics 18(2): 181-194. SUMMARY
Dolins, Francine. (ed). 1999. Attitudes to Animals: Views on Animal Welfare. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Dombrowski, Daniel A. 1994. Time as asymmetrical and animal rights: An autobiography. Between the Species 10 (3/4).
Dombrowski, Daniel A. 2002. Bears, zoos, and wilderness: The poverty of social constructionism. Society and Animals 10(2): 195-202.
Donnellan, Craig (ed.). 1997. Animal Rights: A Question of Conscience. Cambridge: Independence Educational Publishers.
Donnelley, S. and K. Nolan (eds.) 1990. Animals, science and ethics . The Hastings Center Report.
Donovan, Josephine. 1990. Animal rights and feminist theory. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 15(2): 350-375. SUMMARY
Donovan, Josephine and Carol Adams (eds.). 1995. Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. SUMMARY
Donovan, Josephine and Carol Adams (eds.). 1996. Beyond Animal Rights: A Feminist Caring Ethic for the Treatment of Animals. New York: Continuum.
Dransart, Penelope. 2010. Animals and their possessions: properties of herd animals in the Andes and Europe. In Animals and Science: Anthropological Approaches, M. Bolton and C. Degnen, eds., 84-104. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Driscoll, Janis Wiley. 1995. Attitudes toward animals: Species ratings. Society and Animals 3(2).
Drummond, William Hamilton. 1778-1865. Rod Preece, Chien-hui Li (eds.). 2005 (1838). The Rights of Animals and Man's Obligation to Treat Them With Humanity. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Dunayer, Joan. 2001. Animal Equality: Language and Liberation. Derwood, MD: Ryce Pub. SUMMARY
Dunayer, Joan. 2004. Speciesism. Derwood, MD: Ryce Publishers.
Dunlap, Julie J. 1989. Moral reasoning about animal treatment. Anthrozoös 2: 245-258.
Earnshaw, Gwendellyn. 1999. Equity as a paradigm for sustainability: Evolving the process toward interspecies equity. Animal Law 5: 113-146.
Ehrenfeld, D. 1978. The Arrogance of Humanism. New York: Oxford University Press.
Einwohner, Rachel L. 1999. Gender, class, and social movement outcomes: identity and effectiveness in two animal rights campaigns. Gender and Society 13(1): 56-76.
Einwohner, Rachel L. 1999. Practices, opportunity, and protest effectiveness: Illustrations from four animal rights campaigns. Social Problems 46(2): 169-186.
Einwohner, Rachel L. 2002. Motivational framing and efficacy maintenance: Animal rights activists; use of four fortifying strategies. Sociological Quarterly 43(4): 509-526.
Elder, Glen, Jennifer Wolch and Jody Emel. 1998. Race, place, and the human-animal divide. Society and Animals 6(2): 183-202. SUMMARY
Elliot, Robert (ed.). 1985. Environmental Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Elston, Mary Ann. 1992. Victorian values and animal rights. New Scientist 134(1822): 28-31.
Favre, David. 1995. Time for a sharper legal focus: An introduction to the premiere issue of Animal Law. Animal Law 1(1): 1-4.
Favre, David S. 2003. Animals: Welfare, interests, and rights. East Lansing, MI: Animal Law & History Web Center .
Feeney, Dennis M. 1987. Human rights and animal welfare. American Psychologist 42(6): 593-599.
Feinberg, J. (ed.). 1980. Rights, Justice, and the Bounds of Liberty. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Fenner, David. 1998. Animal rights and the problem of proximity. International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12(1).
Fidler, M. 2001. The changing status of animals: Christian and secular teaching. Anthrozoös 14(4): 232-236.
Fine, G.A. and L. Christoforides. 1991. Dirty birds, filthy immigrants, and the English sparrow war: Metaphorical linkage in constructing social problems. Symbolic Interaction14(4): 375-393.
Finsen, Lawrence and Susan Finsen. 1994. The Animal Rights Movement in America. New York: Twayne.
Finsen, Susan. 1997. Obstacles to legal rights for animals: Can we get there from here? Animal Law 3: i-vi.
Fox, Michael Allen. 1997. On the "necessary suffering" of nonhuman animals. Animal Law 3: 25-30.
Fox, M.W. 1980. Returning to Eden: Animal Rights and Human Responsibility. New York: Viking.
Fox, M.W. 1990. Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Fox, M.W. 1996. The Boundless Circle: Caring for Creatures and Creation. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books.
Francione, Gary L. 1995. Animals, Property, and the Law. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Francione, Gary L. 1996. Rain without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Francione, Gary L. 1996. Animals as Property. Animal Law 2: i-vi.
Francione, Gary L. 1996. Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Rutgers Law Review 48(2): 397- 469.
Francione, Gary L. 1997. Animal rights theory and utilitarianism: Relative normative guidance. Animal Law 3: 75-102.
Francione, Gary L. and Alan Watson. 1999. Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Franklin, Adrian. 1999. Animals and Modern Cultures: A Sociology of Human-Animal Relations in Modernity. London/Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Franklin, Adrian. 2002. Nature and Social Theory. London/Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Franklin, A., B. Tranter and R. White. 2001. Explaining support for animal rights: A comparison of two recent approaches to humans, nonhuman animals, and postmodernity. Society and Animals 9 (2): 127-144.
Franklin, Julian H. 2005. Animal rights and moral philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press.
Frasch, Pamela D. 2000. Addressing animal abuse: The complementary roles of religion, secular ethics, and the law. Society and Animals 8(3): 331-348.
Frasch, Pamela D., Stephan K. Otto and Paul A. Ernest. 1999. State animal anti-cruelty statutes: An overview. Animal Law 5: 69-80.
Frasch, Pamela D., Sonia S. Waisman, Bruce A. Wagman and Scott Beckstead (eds.). 2000. Animal Law. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
Fraser, David. 2008. Understanding Animal Welfare: The Science in its Cultural Context. Blackwell.
Frey, R.G. 1980. Interests and Rights: The Case against Animals. Oxford: Clarendon.
Fudge, Erica. 2000. Perceiving Animals: Humans and Beasts in Early Modern English Culture. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Fudge, Erica. 2002. Animal. London: Reaktion.
Fudge, Erica, Ruth Gilbert and S. J. Wiseman. 1999. At the Borders of the Human: Beasts, Bodies and Natural Philosophy in the Early Modern Period. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Gaard, Greta (ed.). 1993. Ecofeminism: Women, Animals, Nature. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Galdikas, Birute M.F. 1996. Reflections of Eden: My years with the Orangutans of Borneo. Back Bay Books.
Galvin, Shelley L. and Herzog Jr., Harold A. 1992. Ethical ideology, animal rights activism and attitudes toward the treatment of animals. Ethics and Behavior 2(3): 141-149. SUMMARY
Galvin, Shelley L. and Herzog Jr., Harold A. 1992. The ethical judgment of animal research. Ethics and Behavior 2: 263-286.
Galvin, Shelley L. and Herzog Jr., Harold A. 1998. Attitudes and dispositional optimism of animal rights demonstrators. Society and Animals 6(1): 1-11.
Garner, Robert. 1993. Animals, Politics and Morality. Manchester University Press.
Garner, Robert. 1996. Animal Rights: The Changing Debate. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan.
Garner, Robert. 2002. Animal rights, political theory and the liberal tradition. Contemporary Politics 8(1): 7-22.
Garner, Robert. 2005. Animal Ethics. Polity Press.
Garner, Robert. 2005. The Political Theory of Animal Rights (Perspectives on Democratization). Manchester University Press.
Garrett, Aaron (ed.). 2000. Animal Rights and Souls in the Eighteenth Century. Sterling: Thoemmes.
George, Kathryn Paxton. 2000. Animal, Vegetable, or Woman? A Feminist Critique of Ethical Vegetarianism. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Gigliotti, Carol (ed.) 2009. Leonardo's Choice: Genetic technologies and animals. Dorchedt, Netherlands: Springer.
Godlovitch, S., R. Godlovitch and J. Harris. (eds.). 1971. Animals, Men, and Morals: An Inquiry into the Maltreatment of Non-Humans. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company.
Gold, Mark. 1995. Animal Rights: Extending the Circle of Compassion. Oxford: Jon Carpenter Publishing.
Goodall, Jane. 1998. Introduction: The conflict between species in an ever more crowded world. Animal Law 4: i-iv.
Goodall, Jane. 2000. Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey. Grand Central Publishing.
Goodall, Jane and Marc Bekoff. 2002. The Ten Trusts: What We Must Do to Care for the Animals We Love. HarperCollins.
Goodall, Jane and Steven M. Wise. 1997. Are chimpanzees entitled to fundamental legal rights? Animal Law 3: 61-74.
Goodney, S.R. 2002. Compassionate beasts: The quest for animal rights. Contemporary Sociology 31 (6): 762-764.
Gottlieb, Roger S. (ed.). 1996. This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, Environment. New York: Routledge.
Gray, John. 2002. Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals. London: Granta Books.
Grendstad, Gunnar and Dag Wollebaek. 1998. Greener still? An empirical examination of Eckersley's ecocentric approach. Environment and Behavior 30(5): 653-675.
Griffin, Susan M. 2009. Understudies: Miming the Human. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. 511–519.
Griffith, Marcie, Jennifer Wolch and Unna Lassiter. 2002. Animal practices and the racialization of Filipinas in Los Angeles. Society and Animals 10(3): 221-248.
Groce, Nora Ellen and Jonathan Marks. The Great Ape Project and disability rights: Ominous undercurrents in eugenics in action. American Anthropologist 102(4): 818.
Haraway, Donna. 1992. The promises of monsters: A regenerative politics for inappropriate/d others. In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paula Treichler (eds.). Cultural Studies. 295-337. New York: Routledge.
Haraway, Donna. 2003. The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness. Chicago, IL: Prickly Paradigm Press.
Hargrove, Eugene C. (ed.) 1992. The Animal Rights/Environmental Ethics Debate: The Environmental Perspective. Albany, NY: State of New York University Press.
Harrop, Stuart R. 1997. The dynamics of wild animal welfare law. Journal of Environmental Law 9(2): 287-302.
Havercamp, Steven J. 1997. Are moderate animal welfare laws and a sustainable agricultural economy mutually exclusive? Laws, moral implications, and recommendations. Drake Law Review 46(3).
Hawkins, Ronnie Zoe. 1998. Ecofeminism and nonhumans: Continuity, difference, dualism, and domination. Hypatia 13(1): 158-197.
Haworth, Lawrence. 1978. Rights, wrongs, and animals. Ethics 88: 95-105.
Heise, Ursula K. 2009. The Android and the Animal. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. 503–510.
Herzog, Jr., H. A. 1988. The moral status of mice. American Psychologist 43(6): 473-474. SUMMARY
Herzog, Jr., H. A. 1990. Philosophy, ethology, and animal ethics. Trends 6: 14-17. SUMMARY
Herzog Jr., H.A. 1993. The movement is my life: The psychology of animal rights activism. Journal of Social Issues 49(1): 103-120. SUMMARY
Herzog Jr., H.A. 1995. Has public interest in animal rights peaked? American Psychologist 50(11): 945-947.
Herzog Jr., H.A. 1996. A test of the declining interest hypothesis. American Psychologist 51(11): 1184.
Herzog Jr., H.A. 2002. Darwinism and the study of human-animal interactions. Society and Animals 10(4): 361-367.
Herzog Jr., H.A. and G. Burghardt. 1988. Attitudes toward animals: Origins and diversity. A. Rowan (ed.), Animals and People Sharing the World. 75-94. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. SUMMARY
Herzog Jr., Harold A., Beth Dinoff and Jessica R. Page. 1997. Animal rights talk: Moral debate over the internet. Qualitative Sociology 20(3): 399-418.
Herzog, Harold A., and Lauren L. Golden. 2009. Moral Emotions and Social Activism: The Case of Animal Rights. Journal of Social Issues, July 23: 485-498.
Herzog Jr., Harold A., Nancy S. Betchart and Robert B. Pittman. 1991. Gender, sex role orientation, and attitudes toward animals. Anthrozoös 4: 184-191. SUMMARY
Herzog, Harold A., and Sarah Knight. 2009. All Creatures Great and Small: New Perspectives on Psychology and Human–Animal Interactions. Journal of Social Issues, July 23: 451-461.
Hoff, C. 1980. Immoral and moral uses of animals. New England Journal of Medicine 302: 115-118.
Holzer, Henry Mark. 1995. Contradictions will out: Animal rights vs. animal sacrifice in the Supreme Court. Animal Law 1(1): 79-84.
Hopley, Emma. 1998. Campaigning Against Cruelty. London: BUAV.
Hursthouse, Rosalind. 2000. Ethics, Humans, and Other Animals: An Introduction with Readings. New York: Routledge.
Hyland, J.R. 1988. The Slaughter of Terrified Beasts: A Biblical Basis for the Humane Treatment of Animals. Sarasota, FL: Viatoris Ministries.
Ingold, Tim. 1994. Humanity and animality. Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. 14-32. New York: Routledge.
Ingold, T. (ed.) 1994. What is an Animal? London : Routledge.
Ingold, Tim. 2001. Animals and modern cultures: A sociology of human-animal relations in modernity. Society and Animals 9(2): 183-188.
Jamieson, Dale. 1998. Animal liberation is an environmental ethic. Environmental Values 7: 41-57. SUMMARY
Jamieson, Dale. 2002. Morality's Progress: Essays on Humans, Other Animals, and the Rest of Nature. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press.
Jamieson, Philip. 1992. The legal status of animals under animal welfare law. Environmental and Planning Law Journal 9(1): 20-30.
Jamison, W.V., C. Wenk and J.V. Parker. 2000. Every sparrow that falls: Understanding animal rights activism as functional religion. Society and Animals 8 (3): 305-330.
Jasper, James M. 1996. T he American Animal Rights Movement. In Robert Garner (ed.). Animal Rights: The Changing Debate . New York : New York University Press.
Jasper, James M. and Dorothy Nelkin. 1992. The Animal Rights Crusade: The Growth of a Moral Protest. New York: Free Press.
Jasper, James M. and Jane D. Poulsen. 1993. Fighting back: Vulnerabilities, blunders, and countermobilization by the targets in three animal rights campaigns. Sociological Forum 8: 639-657.
Jasper, James M. and Jane D. Poulsen. 1995. Recruiting strangers and friends: Moral shocks and social networks in animal rights and anti-nuclear protests. Social Problems 42(4): 493-512. SUMMARY
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