Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals as Food
These citations relate to the use and perception of animals as food as well as the numerous debates surrounding the practices required to consume animals.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
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Animals as Philosophical and Ethical Subjects
Adams, Carol. 1991. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. New York: Continuum.
Adams, Carol J. 1991. Ecofeminism and the eating of animals. Hypatia 6: 125-145.
Adams,Carol J. 2003. The Pornography of Meat. Continuum.
Adams, Carol J. 2008. Living Among Meat Eaters: The Vegetarian's Survival Handbook. Lantern Books.
Adams, Carol J. and Tom Tyler. 2006. An Animal Manifesto: Gender, Identity, and Vegan-Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. Parallax 38, 12(1): 120-28.
Barnard, Tanya and Sarah Kramer. 2002. How It All Vegan: Irresistible Recipes for an Animal-Free Diet. Arsenal Pulp Press.
Coe, Sue. 1995. Dead Meat. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows.
Crossley, Ceri, Malcolm Cook and James Kearns (eds.) 2005. Consumable Metaphors: Attitudes Towards Animals and Vegetarianism in Nineteenth-Century France (French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries). Peter Lang Publishing.
Dear, John. 2003. Christianity and vegetarianism: Pursuing the nonviolence of Jesus. Norfolk, VA : People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
Dietz, Thomas, Ann Stirling Frisch, Linda Kalof, Paul Stern and Gregory Guagnano. 1995.Values and Vegetarianism: An Exploratory Analysis. Rural Sociology 60, 533-542.
Dietz, Thomas, Linda Kalof and Ann Stirling Frisch. 1996. The Human Ecology of the Vegetarian Diet: A Bibliography. Human Ecology Review 2:181-186.
Eisnitz, Gail. 1997. Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry. Amherst , NY: Prometheus Books.
Fiddes, Nick. 1991. Meat: A Natural Symbol. New York: Routledge.
Fitzgerald, Amy J., Linda Kalof and Thomas Dietz. 2009. Slaughterhouses and Increased Crime Rates: An Empirical Analysis of the Spillover from “the Jungle” into the Surrounding Community. Organization & Environment 22(2), 158-184.
George, Kathryn Paxton. 2000. Animal, Vegetable, or Woman? A Feminist Critique of Ethical Vegetarianism. Albany , NY : State University of New York Press.
Harris, Marvin. 1986. Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture. London : Routledge.
Harris, Marvin. 1987. The Sacred Cow and the Abominable Pig: Riddles of Food and Culture: New York: Touchstone Books.
Hill, J. 1995. The Case for Vegetarianism: Philosophy for a Small Planet. Lanham Md : Roman and Littlefield.
Imhoff, Daniel (ed.). 2010. The CAFO Reader: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories. Berkeley: The University of California Press.
Kalof, Linda, Thomas Dietz, Paul Stern, and Gregory Guagnano. 1999. Social Psychological and Structural Influences on Vegetarian Beliefs. Rural Sociology 64(3), 500-511.
Kapleau, Philip. 1986. To Cherish All Life: A Buddhist Case for Becoming Vegetarian, 2nd Edition. Rochester, NY: The Zen Center .
Kheel, Marti. 2004. "The History of Vegetarianism." In Shepard Krech III, C. Merchant, and J.R. McNeil (eds.), The Encyclopedia of World Environmental History, Volume 3, 1273-1278. New York : Routledge.
Kheel, Marti. 2004. "Vegetarianism and Ecofeminism: Toppling Patriarchy with a Fork." In Steve F. Sapontzis (ed.), Food for Thought: The Debate Over Eating Meat, 327-341. Amherst , NY: Prometheus Books.
Korthals, Michiel. 2004. Before Dinner: Philosophy and Ethics of Food. Norwell, MA: Springer.
Leneman, Leah. 1999. No animal food: The road to veganism in Britain, 1909-1944. Society and Animals 7(3): 219-228.
Levi-Strauss, C. 1985. The Raw and the Cooked. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Linzey , Andrew. 1993. The Bible and Killing for Food. Between the Species . 9(1):1-8.
Mason, Jim and Mary Finelli. 2006. "Brave New Farm?" In Linda Kalof and Amy Fitzgerald (eds.), The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings , 158-170. Oxford, UK: Berg.
Mason, Jim and Peter Singer. 1980. Animal Factories. Crown.
McHugh, Susan. 2008. Revolting Nuggets and Nubbins. Pretty Ugly . Spec. issue of Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture 8 (2): 14-19.
Melina, Vesanto, Brenda Davis, and Victoria Harrison. 2003. Becoming Vegetarian: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Health Vegetarian Diet. John Wiley & Sons.
Peterson, Dale. 2004. Eating Apes . Berkeley: University of California Press.
Nibert, David. 2007. The Promotion of "Meat" and its Consequences," In Linda Kalof and Amy Fitzgerald (eds.), The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings , 182-189. Oxford, UK: Berg.
Rifkin, Jeremy. 1992. Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture. New York: Dutton.
Robbins, John. 2001. The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World. Berkeley, Calif: Conari Press.
Robbins, P. 1998. Shrines and Butchers: Animals as Deities, Capital, and Meat in Contemporary North India . In Wolch, J. and Emel, J. (eds.). Animal Geographies.London : Verso.
Schlosser, Eric. 2005. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Harper Perennial.
Skaggs, Jimmy M. 1986. Prime Cut: Livestock Raising and Meatpacking in the United States, 1607-1983. College Station , TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Spencer, Colin. 1990. The Heretics Feast: A History of Vegetarianism. London: Fourth Estate. 2nd Edition UPNE: 1995.
Stull, Donald D., Michael J. Broadway and David Griffith (eds.). 1995. Any Way You Cut It: Meat Processing and Small-Town America. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas .
Thompson, Paul B. 1993. Animals in the agrarian ideal. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 6 (special supplement 1): 36-49.
Thompson, Paul B. 1997. Ethics and the genetic engineering of food animals. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10: 1-23.
Thompson, Paul B. 1997. Food Biotechnology in Ethical Perspective. London : Chapman and Hall (Blackie Academic and Professional).
Thompson, Paul B. 1997. The varieties of sustainability in livestock farming. In J. T. S'en (ed.), Livestock Farming Systems: More than Food Production, 5-15. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Pers.
Thompson, Paul B. 1998. Agricultural Ethics: Research, Teaching and Public Policy . Ames , IA: Iowa State University Press.
Thompson, Paul B. and A. Nardone. 1999. Sustainable livestock production: Methodological and ethical challenges. Livestock Production Science 61: 111-119.
Thompson, Paul B. 2001. Animal welfare and livestock production in a postindustrial milieu.Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 4(3): 1 191-205.
Thompson, Paul B. 2005. Animal agriculture and the welfare of animals. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 226: 1325-1327.
Thompson, Paul B. 2004. Getting pragmatic about farm animal welfare. In E. McKenna and A. Light (eds), Animal Pragmatism: Rethinking Human-Nonhuman Relationships, 140-159. Bloomington , IN : Indiana University Press.
Thompson, P.B. 2008.“The Opposite of Human Enhancement: Nanotechnology and the Blind Chicken Problem,” NanoEthics 2: 305-316.
Thompson, P.B. 2009. “Of Biotechnology and Blind Chickens,” in Emerging Technologies: From Hindsight to Foresight, Edna Einseidel, Ed. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, pp. 69-80.
Thompson, P.B. 2009. “Animal Welfare in Livestock Production: Implications for Producers, Consumers and Public Health,” in Food Security in a Global Economy: Veterinary Medicine and Public Health, Gary Smith and Alan M. Kelly, Eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 51-60.
Vietor, D.M., P.B. Thompson, M.L. Wolfe and D. Jones. 1999. UD-R-ALL dairy: A decision case about dairy expansion. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education 28: 9-16.
Walters, Kerry S. and Lisa Portmess (eds.). 2001. Religious Vegetarianism: From Hesoid to the Dalai Lama. Albany , NY: State University of New York Press.
Wolfson, David J. 1996. Beyond the law: Agribusiness and the systemic abuse of animals raised for food or food production. Animal Law 2: 123-154.
Yarwood, Richard and Nick Evans. 1998. The changing geographies of domestic livestock animals. Society and Animals 6 (2): 137-165.