Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Conservation and Human/Animal Conflict
This category's citations address the various conflicts that have occured or continue to take place between humans and animals, as well as international and local conservation efforts.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
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Adams, Douglas and Mark Carwardine. 1990. Last Chance to See. New York: Ballantine Books.
Bekoff, Marc. 1999. Jinxed lynx? Some very difficult questions with few simple answers.Human Ecology Review 6(1):57-58.
Bekoff, Marc. 2001. Human-carnivore interactions: adopting proactive strategies for complex problems. In Gittleman, J.L, S. Funk, D. Macdonald & R.K. Wayne (eds.) Carnivore Conservation , 179-195.
Bekoff, Marc. 2002 . The importance of ethics in conservation biology: let's be ethicists not ostriches. Endangered Species Update 19 (2): 23-26.
Bekoff, Marc and Jan Nystrom. 2004. The Other Side of Silence: Rachel Carson's Views of Animals. Human Ecology Review 11(2), 186-200.
Boyle , S.A. and F.B. Samson. 1985. Effects of non-consumptive recreation on wildlife: A review. Wildlife Society Bulletin 13: 110-116.
Brown, L. 1987. Conservation and Practical Morality. Basingstoke : Macmillan.
Callicott, John Baird, and Michael P. Nelson, (eds.). 1998. The New Great Wilderness Debate. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Caro, Tim, and Sheila Girling. 2010. Conservation by Proxy: Indicator, Umbrella, Keystone, Flagship, and Other Surrogate Species. Island Press.
Chrulew, Matthew. 2011. Managing Love and Death at the Zoo: The Biopolitics of Endangered Species Preservation . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Decker, Daniel J. and Gary R. Goff (eds.). 1987. Valuing Wildlife: Economic and Social Perspectives. Boulder, CO: Westview.
Foster, Janet. 1998. Working for Wildlife: The Beginning of Preservation in Canada (Second Edition). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Fuentes, Agustin.; Wolfe, Linda D. 2002. Primates Face to Face: Conservation Implications of Human and Nonhuman Primate Interconnections. Cambridge, UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Greene, Jeffrey. 2011. The Golden-Bristled Boar: Last Ferocious Beast of the Forest. University of Virginia Press.
Haraway, Donna. 2011. Speculative Fabulations for Technoculture’s Generations: Taking Care of Unexpected Country . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Hatley, James. 2011. Blood Intimacies and Biodicy: Keeping Faith with Ticks . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online amd PDF
Gunnthorsdottir, A. 2001. Physical attractiveness of an animal species as a decision factor for its preservation. Anthrozoös 14(4): 204-215.
Hoyt, John A. 1994. Animals in Peril: How ‘Sustainable Use' is Wiping Out the World's Wildlife. Garden City Park, NY: Avery.
Kellert, Stephen R. 1985. Social and perceptual factors in endangered species management. Journal of Wildlife Management 49: 528-536.
Koebner , L. 1994. Zoo Book: The Evolution of Wildlife Conservation Centres. New York : Doherty Publishers.
Lyster , S. 1985. International Wildlife Law: An Analysis of International Treaties Cambridge : Groitius.
Mcneely , J. 1997. Conservation of the Future: Trends and Options Towards the Year 2024. Gland , Switzerland : IUCN.
Mathews, Freya. 2011. Planet Beehive . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Mech, David L., and Luigi Boitani, (eds.). 2003. Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Michel, S. 1998. Golden eagles and the environmental politics of care. In J. Wolch and J. Emel. Animal Geographies. London : Verso.
Nie, Martin A. 2001. The sociopolitical dimensions of wolf management and restoration in the United States. Human Ecology Review 8(1): 1-12.
Ogden, Laura A. 2011. Swamplife: People, Gators and Mangroves Entangled in the Everglades. University of Minnesota Press.
Rigby, Kate. 2011. Getting a Taste for the Bogong Moth . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Rose, Deborah Bird. 2011. Flying Fox: Kin, Keystone, Kontaminant . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Rose, Deborah Bird, and Thom van Dooren, (eds.). 2011. Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review, Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Issue Online
Rose, Deborah Bird. 2011. Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction. University of Virginia Press.
Nie, Martin A. 2003. Beyond Wolves: The Politics of Wolf Recovery and Management.Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2003.
Norment, Christopher. 2010. Killing Things. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (ISLE) 17.1, 133-148. Full Text
O'Donnell, Michael A. and Larry W. VanDruff. 1987. Wildlife problems, human attitudes, and response to wildlife in the Syracuse , New York , metropolitan area. In Daniel J. Decker and Gary R. Goff (eds.), Valuing Wildlife: Economic and Social Perspectives. 355- 356. Boulder, CO: Westview. SUMMARY
Owen, David. 2003. Thylacine: The Tragic Tale of the Tasmanian Tiger. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen and Unwin.
Owen, David. 2009. Shark: In Peril in the Sea. Allen & Unwin.
Procter, J. 1998. The spotted owl and the contested moral landscape of the Pacific Northwest. In J. Wolch and J. Emel. Animal Geographies. London: Verso.
Regenstein, Lewis. 1975. The Politics of Extinction. New York: MacMillan.
Samples, K.C., J.A. Dixon and M.M. Gowen. 1986. Information disclosure and endangered species valuation. Land Economics 62: 306-312.
Sandlos, John. 1998. Savage fields: Ideology and the war on the North American coyote.Capitalism, Nature 9, 2(34), June, 41-51.
Scarce, Rik. 1997. Socially constructing Pacific salmon. Society and Animals 5 (2): 117-135.
Scarce, Rik. 1999. Fishy Business: Salmon, Biology and the Social Construction of Nature. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Shackley, Myra (ed.) 2001. Flagship Species: Case Studies in Wildlife Tourism. Burlington, VT: The International Ecotourism Society.
Smith, Douglas W. and Gary Ferguson. 2006. Decade of the Wolf: Returning the Wild to Yellowstone. Globe Pequot.
Smith, Mick. 2011. Dis(appearance): Earth, Ethics and Apparently (In)Significant Others . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Stolzenberg, William. 2008. Where the Wild Things Were: Life, Death and Ecological Wreakage in a Land of Vanishing Predators. Bloomsbury.
Stone, E. 2000. Separating the noise from the noise: A finding in support of the ‘Niche Hypothesis', that birds are influenced by human-induced noise in natural habitats. Anthrozoös 13(4): 225-231.
Suich, Helen, B. Child, and Anna Spenceley, (eds.). 2009. Evolution and innovation in wildlife conservation: parks and game ranches to transfrontier conservation areas. London; Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Taylor, Scott. 2003. Souls in the Sea: Dolphins, Whales, and Human Destiny. Berkeley, CA: Frog Ltd.
Tsing, Anna. 2011. Arts of Inclusion, or, How to Love a Mushroom . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Usher, M. ( ed. ). 1986. Wildlife Conservation Evaluation. London : Chapman Hall.
Warren, A. and F. Goldsmith. 1983. Conservation in Perspective. Chichester: Wiley.
Van Dooren, Thom. 2011. Vultures and their People in India: Equity and Entanglement in a Time of Extinction . In Deborah Bird Rose and Thom van Dooren (eds.), Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions. Australian Humanities Review , Special Issue (May, vol. 50). Full Article Online and PDF
Vucetich, John A. and Michael P. Nelson. 2007 What are 60 warblers worth? Killing in the name of conservation. Oikos 116:8, 1267-1278.