Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
Animals in Religion, Myth, and Folktales
The citations in this category address animals within religion, myth, and folktales from around the world. This category will include subjects such as animism, totemism, ritual and sacrifice, religious perceptions of animals, and mythologies.
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
For category definitions and criteria for inclusion, please click here.
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Aftandilian. David, (ed.). 2007. What Are the Animals To Us ? Approaches from Science, Religion, Folklore, Literature, and Art. Knoxville, Tenn.: University of Tennessee Press.
Aldhouse-Green, Miranda Jane. 1992. Animals in Celtic Life and Myth. Psychology Press.
Bourdillion, MFC . and Mayer Fortes (eds.) 1980. Sacrifice. London: Academic Press.
Bowd, A.D. and A.C. Bowd. 1989. Attitudes toward the treatment of animals: A study of Christian groups in Australia. Anthrozoös 3(1): 20-24. SUMMARY
Bulmer, R. 1989. The Uncleanness of the Birds of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Man 24(3): 434-453.
Clarke, Paul A. B., and Andrew Linzey. 1995. Dictionary of Ethics, Theology, and Society. Routledge.
Douglas , M. 1975. Animals in Lele Religious Symbolism. In M. Douglas. (ed.). Implicit Meanings. London : Routledge.
Douglas , M. 2002. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. London : Routledge (also published in 1978).
Eaton, J. 1995. The Circle of Creation: Animals in the Light of the Bible. London : SCM.
Hobgood-Oster, Laura. 2008. Holy dogs and asses: animals in the Christian tradition. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Hubert, M and M. Mauss. 1981. Sacrifice: Its Nature and Functions. Chicago : Midway Reprint.
Jones, Deborah. 2009. The School of Compassion: a Roman Catholic Theology of Animals. Leominster: Gracewing.
Jones, Deborah. 2010. Concern for Animals: from a Catholic Perspective. London: CTS.
Lewis, I. 1991. The Spider and the Pangolin. Man. 25(3): 513-527.
Linzey , Andrew. 1993. The Bible and Killing for Food. Between the Species . 9(1):1-8.
Linzey, Andrew. 1995. Animal Theology. London: SCM Press/University of Illinois Press.
Linzey, Andrew. 1997. After Noah: Animals and the Liberation of Theology. London: Mowbray/Continuum.
Linzey, Andrew. 1998. Animal Gospel: Christian Faith as If Animals Mattered. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press.
Linzey, Andrew. 1999. Animal Rites: Liturgies of Animal Care. London: SCM Press/The Pilgrim Press.
Linzey, Andrew. 2005. Gays and the Future of Anglicanism:: Responses to the Windsor Report. O Books.
Linzey, Andrew. 2007. Creatures of the Same God: Explorations in Animal Theology. Winchester University Press/Lantern.
Linzey, Andrew, and Dorothy Yamamoto.1999. Animals on the Agenda: Questions about Animals for Theology and Ethics. London: SCM Press and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Linzey, Andrew and Tom Regan, (eds.).1990. Animals and Christianity: A Book of Readings. London: Wipf and Stock.
Lodrick, D. 1981. Sacred Cows, Sacred Places: Origins and Survivals of Animal Homes in India . Berkeley : University of California Press.
Robbins, P. 1998. Shrines and Butchers: Animals as Deities, Capital, and Meat in Contemporary North India . In Wolch, J. and Emel, J. (eds.). Animal Geographies. London : Verso.
Rodrique, Christine M. 1992. Can religion account for early animal domestication? A critical assessment of the cultural geographic argument, based on Near Eastern archaeological data.The Professional Geographer 44(4): 417-430.
Ruel, M. 1990. Non-Sacrificial Ritual Killing. Man. 25(2): 323-335.
Schochet, E. 1984. Animal Life in Jewish Tradition: Attitudes and Relationships. New York : Ktav.
Smith, B. 1991. Classifying Animals and Humans in Ancient India . Man 25(3): 527-548.
Waldau, Paul and Kimberley Christine Patton (eds.). 2006. A communion of subjects: Animals in religion, science, and ethics.Columbia University Press.