Animal Studies Bibliography
Linda Kalof, Seven Mattes, Amy Fitzgerald
Animal Studies Program, Michigan State University
This bibliography is an ongoing project of the Animal Studies Program at Michigan State University. We welcome additions and corrections to this bibliography by email: LKalof@msu.edu
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Animals as Philosophical and Ethical Subjects
Adams, Carol J., Alice Crary and Lori Gruen (eds.). 2023. The Good It Promises, the Harm It Does: Critical Essays on Effective Altruism. NY: Oxford University Press. Description
Aaltola, Elisa. 2018. Varieties of Empathy: Moral Psychology and Animal Ethics. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Aaltola, Elisa. 2012. Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Aaltola, Elisa. 2011. The Philosophy behind the Movement: Animal Studies versus Animal Rights. Society & Animals 19(4), 393-406.
Aaltola, Elisa. 2010. The anthropocentric paradigm and the possibility of animal ethics. Ethics & the Environment 15(1), 27-50.
Aaltola, Elisa. 2009. Philosophy and Animal Studies: Calarco, Castricano, and Diamond. Society & Animals 17 (3), 279-286.
Aaltola, Elisa. 2002. ‘Other Animal Ethics’ and the Demand for Difference. Environmental Values 11 (2002): 193– 209.
Aaltola, Elisa and John Hadley (eds.). 2014. Animal Ethics and Philosophy: Questioning the Orthodoxy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Abram, David. 2011. Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology. New York: Vintage Books.
Acampora, Christa Davis and Ralph R. Acampora (eds.). 2004. A Nietzschean Bestiary: Animality Beyond Docile and Brutal. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Acampora, Ralph. 2006. Corporal Compassion: Animal Ethics and Philosophy of Body. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Acampora, Ralph. 2005. Oikos and Domus: On Constructive Co-Habitation with Other Creatures. Philosophy & Geography 7, 219-35.
Acampora, Ralph and Alyce L. Miller. 2007. Thinking Animals in Growing Territories. Society & Animals 15(2), 103-105.
Acampora, Ralph R. 2001. Real animals? An inquiry on behalf of relational zoöntology. Human Ecology Review 8(2): 73-78.
Adams, Carol J. 2010. The War on Compassion. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 5-11.
Adams, Carol J. and John Lawrence Hill. 1998. The debate within: Animal rights and abortion. The Animals' Agenda 18(3): 23-26.
Agamben Giorgio. 1998. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, translated by Daniel Heller-Roazen. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Description
Agamben, Giorgio. 2004. The Open: Man and Animal, translated by Kevin Attell. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Ahuja, Neel. 2009. Postcolonial Critique in a Multispecies World. Publications of the Modern Language Association, Volume 124, Number 2, March, pp. 556-563.
Akhtar, Salman and Vamik D. Volkan (eds.). 2014. Mental Zoo: Animals in the Human Mind and its Pathology. New York: Routledge.
Alaimo, Stacy. 2013. Jellyfish Science, Jellyfish Aesthetics: Posthuman Reconfigurations of the Sensible, In Janine MacLeod, Cecilia Chen and Astrida Neimanis (eds.), Thinking with Water, 139-164. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
Allen, C. 2002. Animal ethics for students, review of ethics, humans and other animals: An introduction with readings. Anthrozoös 15(1): 89-91.
Altman, Matthew C. 2018. Animal Suffering and Moral Salience: A Defense of Kant’s Indirect View. The Journal of Value Inquiry, 1-14. Published first online 27 October 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10790-018-9667-4.
Amber, George (ed.). 2021. Gender and Sexuality in Critical Animal Studies. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Anderson, Nicole. 2010. The 'Ethics' of Consensual Cannibalism: Deconstructing the Human-Animal Dichotomy. Antennae 14 (Autumn): 66-74.
Appleby, Michael C. 1999. What Should We Do About Animal Welfare? Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Science.
Appleby, Michael C. and Barry O. Hughes (eds.) . 1997. Animal Welfare. Wallingford, U.K.: CAB International.
Appleby, Michael C., I. Anna S. Olsson and Francisco Galindo (eds.). 2018. Animal Welfare, 3rd Edition. Boston: CABI.
Armstrong, Phillip. 2002. The postcolonial animal. Society and Animals 10(4): 413-419.
Armstrong, Susan J. and Richard G. Botzler (eds.). 2017. The Animal Ethics Reader, Third Edition. New York: Routledge.
Atterton, Peter and Matthew Calarco (eds.). 2010. Radicalizing Levinas. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2010.
Baelo-Allué, Sonia and Mónica Calvo-Pascual (eds.). 2021. Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative. New York: Routledge.
Balcombe, Jonathan. 2009. Animal Pleasure and Its Moral Significance. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 188, 208–216.
Banwell, Stacy. 2023. The War Against Nonhuman Animals: A Non-Speciesist Understanding of Gendered Reproductive Violence. Palgrave McMillan.
Barad, Karen. 2003. Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 28(3), 801-831.
Barton, M. 1987. Animal Rights. London: Watts .
Beauchamp, Tom L. and R. G. Frey (eds.). 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Beck, Benjamin B (ed. and author), Arnold Arluke, Elizabeth F. Stevens and Jane Goodall. 2001. Great Apes & Humans: The Ethics of Coexistence. Washington: Smithsonian.
Beers, Diane. 2006. For the Prevention of Cruelty: The history and legacy of animal rights activism in the United States. Athens, Ohio: Swallow Press.
Beirne, Piers. 2018. Murdering Animals: Writings on Theriocide, Homicide and Nonspeciesist Criminology (Palgrave Studies in Green Criminology). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Beirne, Piers. 2009. Confronting Animal Abuse: Law, Criminology, and Human-Animal Relationships. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Bekoff, Marc. 2010. The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons for Expanding Our Compassion Footprint. Novato, CA: New World Library.
Bekoff, Marc and Lori Gruen. 1993. Animal Welfare and Individual Characteristics: A Conversation Against Speciesism. Ethics and Behavior 3 (2), 163-175.
Benjamin, Andrew . 2011. Of Jews and Animals. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Review
Benston, Kimberly W. 2009. Experimenting at the Threshold: Sacrifice, Anthropomorphism, and the Aims of (Critical) Animal Studies. Publications of the Modern Language Association 124(2), 548-555.
Bentley, J.K. and J.M. Duncan (eds.). 2012. Earth, Animal, and Disability Liberation: The Rise of the Eco-ability Movement. New York: Peter Lang.
Benton, Ted. 2003. Marxism and the moral status of animals. Society and Animals 11(1): 73- 79.
Benton, Ted. 1998. Rights and justice on a shared planet: More rights or new relations? Theoretical Criminology 2(2): 149-175.
Benton, Ted. 1996. Animal rights: an eco-socialist view. In Robert Garner (ed.). Animal Rights: The Changing Debate. New York: New York University Press.
Benton, Ted. 1993. Natural Relations: Ecology, Animal Rights and Social Justice. London: Verso.
Benton, Ted and Simon Redfearn. 1996. The politics of animal rights: Where is the left? New Left Review 215 (Jan/Feb): 43-58.
Berger, Anne Emmanuelle and Marta Segarra (eds.) . 2011. Demenageries: Thinking (of) Animals After Derrida. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Bernstein, Mark H. 2015. The Moral Equality of Humans and Animals. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Berry, Bonnie. 1997. Human and non-human animal rights and oppression: an evolution toward equality. Creative Sociology 25: 155-160.
Best, Steve, Anthony J. Nocella II, Richard Kahn, Carol Gigliotti and Lisa Kemmerer. 2007. Introducing Critical Animal Studies. Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal 5(1), 4-5.
Best, Steven. 2014. The Politics of Total Liberation: Revolution for the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Best, Steven, Anthony J. Nocella. 2004. Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals. New York: Lantern Books.
Bezan, Sarah and James Tink (eds.). 2018. Seeing Animals After Derrida (Ecocritical Theory and Practice Series). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Birke, Lynda and Mike Michael. 1998. The heart of the matter: Animal bodies, ethics, and species boundaries. Society and Animals 6(3): 245-261 SUMMARY
Birke, Lynda I. A., and Ruth Hubbard. 1995. Reinventing Biology: Respect for Life and the Creation of Knowledge. Race, Gender, and Science. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Bisgould, Lesli. 1997. Animal oppression and the pragmatist. Animal Law 3: 39-44.
Block G. 2003. The moral reasoning of believers in animal rights. Society and Animals 11(2): 167-180.
Boisseron, Bénédicte. 2018. Afro-Dog: Blackness and the Animal Question. New York: Columbia University Press.
Bovenkerk, Bernice and F.W. Jozef Keulartz (eds.). 2016. Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring Boundaries in Human-Animal Relationships. The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Volume 23. New York: Springer.
Bradshaw, Karen. 2020. Wildlife as Property Owners: A New Conception of Animal Rights. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Description
Breslin, Andy. 1995. The connection between animal rights and environmentalism. The AV Magazine 103(4): 11-13.
Breyer, Thiemo and Thomas Widlok (eds.). 2018. The Situationality of Human-Animal Relations: Perspectives from Anthropology and Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press.
Broglio, Ron and Frederick Young (eds.). 2015. Being Human: Between Animals and Technology. New York: Routledge.
Brusseau, James. 2016. Dignity, Pleasures, Vulgarity: Philosophy + Animal Rights. Chicago: Overflow Publishing.
Buchanan, Brett. 2008. Onto-Ethologies. The Animal Environments of Uexkuell, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Buchanan, Brett, Matthew Chrulew and Jeffrey Bussolini (eds.). 2018. The Philosophical Ethology of Vinciane Despret. London: Routledge [see also Angelaki 20(2), 2015 for a special issue on Philosophical Ethology II – Vinciane Despret, edited by Buchanan, Chrulew and Bussolini].
Buckner, E. D. 2003. Rod Preece (ed.). Buckner's The Immortality of Animals (1903). Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press.
Burghardt, Gordon M. and Harold A. Herzog Jr. 1989. Animals, Evolution, and Ethics. In R.J. Hoage (ed.), Perceptions of Animals in American Culture, 129-151. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. SUMMARY
Caffo, Leonardo and Valentina Sonzogni. 2015. An Art for the Other: The Animal in Philosophy and Art, translated by Sarah De Sanctis. New York: Lantern Books.
Calarco, Matthew. 2021. The Boundaries of Human Nature: The Philosophical Animal from Plato to Haraway. New York: Columbia University Press. Description
Calarco, Matthew. 2018. The Three Ethologies. In D. Ohrem and M. Calarco (eds.), Exploring Animal Encounters: Philosophical, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives, 45–62. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Calarco, Matthew. 2015. Thinking Through Animals: Identity, Difference, Indistinction. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Description
Calarco, Matthew. 2008. Zoographies: The Question of the Animal from Heidegger to Derrida. New York: Columbia University Press. Description
Calarco, Matthew and Peter Atterton (eds.). 2004. Animal Philosophy: Essential Readings in Continental Thought. London: Continuum.
Callicott, J. Baird. 1996. On Norton and the failure of monistic inherentism. Environmental Ethics 18(2): 219-221.
Callicott, J. Baird. 1992. Rolston on intrinsic value: A deconstruction. Environmental Ethics 14(2): 129-143 SUMMARY
Callicott, J. Baird. 1980. Animal liberation: A triangular affair. Environmental Ethics 2: 311-338.
Carpenter, E. (ed.). 1980. Animals and Ethics. London: Watkins.
Carretero-González, Margarita (ed.). 2020. Spanish Thinking about Animals. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. Description
Cassidy, Rebecca. 2001. On the human-animal boundary. Anthrozoös 14(4): 194-203.
Castricano, Jodey (ed.). 2008. Animal Subjects: An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Description
Cavalieri, P. 2008. A Missed Opportunity: Humanism, Anti-humanism and the Animal Question. In Castricano, J. (ed.) Animal Subjects: An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Cavalieri, P. (ed.). 2016. Philosophy and the Politics of Animal Liberation. New York: Springer.
Cavalieri, Paola. 2012. Do We Need Continental Philosophy: Nonhumans, Ethics, and the Complexity of Reality. CR: The New Centennial Review 11(2), 83-114.
Cavalieri, Paola. 2001. The Animal Question: Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cavalieri, Paola and Peter Singer (eds.). 1993. The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity. New York: St. Martin 's Press.
Cavalieri, Paola, with Matthew Calarco, J. M. Coetzee, Harlan B. Miller, and Cary Wolfe. 2009. The Death of the Animal: A Dialogue. NY: Columbia University Press. Description
Cave, G. 1982. Animals, Heidegger, and the right to life. Environmental Ethics 4(3): 249-255.
Cavell, Stanley, Cora Diamond, John McDowell, Ian Hacking and Cary Wolfe. 2008. Philosophy and Animal Life. NY: Columbia University Press. Description
Chase, Marcelle P. 1990. Animal rights: An interdisciplinary, selective bibliography. Law Library Journal 82(2): 359-391.
Chen, Mel Y. 2012. Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect. Durham: Duke University Press. Description
Chen, Peter John. 2016. Animal Welfare in Australia: Politics and Policy. Sydney: Sydney University Press. Full Text Online
Cherry, Elizabeth. 2018. Culture and Activism: Animal Rights in France and the United States. New York: Routledge.
Chrulew, Matthew and Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel (eds.). 2016. Foucault and Animals. Boston: Brill.
Cigman, Ruth. 1980. Death, misfortune, and species inequality. Philosophy and Public Affairs 10(1): 47-64 SUMMARY
Cimatti, Felice and Carlo Salzani (eds.). 2020. Animality in Contemporary Italian Philosophy. London: Palgrave.
Clark, S. and S. Lyster. 1997. Animals and Their Moral Standing. London: Routledge.
Clark, Stephen. 1984. The Nature of the Beast. New York: Oxford University Press.
Clark, Stephen. 1977. The Moral Status of Animals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Clark, Stephen R.L. 1999. The Political Animal: Biology, Ethics and Politics. London: Routledge.
Clarke, Paul A.B. and Andrew Linzey (eds.). 1990. Political Theory and Animal Rights. Winchester, MA: Pluto Press.
Coccia, Emanuele. 2021. Metamorphoses, translated by Robin Mackay. New York: Polity Books. Description
Cochrane, Alasdair. 2013. Cosmozoopolis: The Case against Group-Differentiated Animal Rights. Law, Ethics and Philosophy, 1/1, 127-41.
Cochrane, Alasdair. 2012. Animal Rights Without Liberation: Applied Ethics and Human Obligations. NY: Columbia University Press. Description
Cochrane, Alasdair. 2010. An Introduction to Animals and Political Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cochrane, Alasdair, Robert Garner and Siobhan O’Sullivan. 2016. Animal ethics and the political. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Published first online 9 June 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13698230.2016.1194583.
Cohen, Joseph. 1989. About steaks liking to be eaten: The conflicting views of symbolic interactionists and Talcott Parsons concerning the nature of relations between persons and non-human objects. Symbolic Interaction 12(2): 191-214.
Cojocaru, Mara-Daria. 2021. Passionate Animals: Emotions, Animal Ethics, and Moral Pragmatics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Cole, M.. 2011. From 'Animal Machines' to 'Happy Meat'? Foucault’s Ideas of Disciplinary and Pastoral Power Applied to ‘Animal-Centred’ Welfare Discourse. Animals 11(1), 83-101.
Compton, David M., Kerri L. Deitrich and Summer D. Johnson. 1995. Animal rights activism and animal welfare concerns in the academic setting: levels of activism and the perceived importance of research with animals. Psychological Reports 76(1): 23-31.
Conn, P.M. and J. Parker. 1998. Animal rights: reaching the public. Science 282(5393): 1417-1417.
Cooke, Steve. 2014. Perpetual Strangers: Animals and the Cosmopolitan Right. Political Studies 62(4), 930–944.
Corbey, Raymond. 2005. The Metaphysics of Apes: Negotiating the Animal-Human Boundary. NY: Cambridge University Press. Description
Cottingham, J. 1978. A brute to the brutes? Descartes' treatment of animals. Philosophy 53(206), 551-59.
Coulter, Kendra. 2023. Defending Animals: Finding Hope on the Front Lines of Animal Protection. Cambridge: MIT Press. Description
Crane, Jonathan K (ed.). 2015. Beastly Morality: Animals as Ethical Agents. New York: Columbia University Press.
Crary, Alice and Lori Gruen. 2022. Animal Crisis: A New Critical Theory. New York: Polity. Description
Crossman, Danny. 2011. The Animal Code: Giving Animals Respect and Rights. North Melbourne: Arcadia.
Crowley, Martin. 2022. Accidental Agents: Ecological Politics Beyond the Human. New York: Columbia University Press. Description
Culliton, Barbara J. 1991. Can reason defeat unreason? Nature 351 (13 June): 517 SUMMARY
Daigle, Christine and Matthew Hayler (eds.). 2023. Posthumanism in Practice. London: Bloomsbury. Description
Dalal, Neil and Chloë Taylor. 2014. Asian Perspectives on Animal Ethics: Rethinking the Nonhuman. New York: Routledge.
Dardenne, Emilie. 2010. The Reception of Peter Singer’s Theories in France. Society and Animals 18(2), 205-218.
Davis, Janet. 2016. The Gospel of Kindness: Animal Welfare and the Making of Modern America. New York: Oxford University Press.
Davis, Karen. 2004. A Tale of Two Holocausts. Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal 11(2), 1-20. Full Text Online
Dawkins, Marian Stamp. 2021. The Science of Animal Welfare: Understanding What Animals Want. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dawkins, Marian Stamp. 2012. Why Animals Matter: Animal Consciousness, Animal Welfare, and Human Well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dayan, Colin. 2018. With Dogs at the Edge of Life. New York: Columbia University Press. Description
De Giorgio, Francesco and José De Giorgio. 2017. Equus Lost? How We Misunderstand the Nature of the Horse-Human Relationship--Plus Brave New Ideas for the Future. North Pamfret, VT: Trafalgar Square Books.
De Vos, Rick (ed.). 2023. Decolonising Animals. Sydney: Sydney University Press. Description
Deckha, Maneesha. 2011. Critical Animal Studies and Animal Law. Animal Law 18: 207.
DeGrazia, David. 2002. Animals Rights: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
DeKoven, Marianne and Michael Lundblad (eds.). 2011. Species Matters: Humane Advocacy and Cultural Theory. NY: Columbia University Press. Description
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. 2007. Becoming Animal. In Linda Kalof and Amy Fitzgerald (eds.), The Animals Reader: The Essential Classical and Contemporary Writings , First Edition, 37-50. Oxford, UK: Berg. SUMMARY
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. 1987. A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia, translated by Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Derrida, Jacques. 2009/2011. The beast & the sovereign, Volumes 1 and 2. Edited by Michel Lisse, Marie-Louise Mallet and Ginette Michaud, Translated by Geoffrey Bennington. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Derrida, Jacques. 2008. The Animal That Therefore I Am. Edited by Marie-Louise Mallet, translated by David Wills. New York: Fordham University Press (also published in Critical Inquiry 28, Winter 2002, 369-418).
Descartes, René. 1637/1994. Discourse on the Method of Conducting One’s Reason Well and of Seeking the Truth in the Sciences. In George Heffernan (ed.), translated by George Heffernan. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Despret, Vinciane. 2021. Living as a Bird, translated by Helen Morrison. New York: Polity Press. Description
Despret, Vinciane. 2016. What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Dierckxsens, Geoffrey, Rudmer Bijlsma, Michael Begun and Thomas Kiefer (eds.). 2016. The Animal Inside: Essays at the Intersection of Philosophical Anthropology and Animal Studies. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Dillard-Wright, David B. 2009. Ark of the Possible: The Animal World in Merleau-Ponty. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Dixon, Beth A. 2008. Animals, Emotions & Morality: Marking the Boundary. NY: Prometheus Books.
Dombrowski, Daniel A. 1994. Time as asymmetrical and animal rights: An autobiography. Between the Species 10 (3/4).
Donaldson, Sue and Will Kymlicka. 2014. Unruly Beasts: Animal Citizens and the Threat of Tyranny. Canadian Journal of Political Science 47(1), 23-45.
Donaldson, Sue and Will Kymlicka. 2014. Animals and the Frontiers of Citizenship. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 34(2), 201-219. Abstract
Donaldson, Sue and Will Kymlicka. 2011. Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights. New York: Oxford University Press. SUMMARY
Donnellan, Craig (ed.). 1997. Animal Rights: A Question of Conscience. Cambridge: Independence Educational Publishers.
Donnelley, S. and K. Nolan (eds.). 1990. Animals, science and ethics. The Hastings Center Report.
Donovan, Josephine. 2022. Animals, Mind, and Matter: The Inside Story. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. Description
Driessen, Clemens, Kars Alfrink, Marinka Copier, Hein Lagerweij and Irene van Peer. 2014. What Could Playing with Pigs Do to Us? Antennae 30 (Winter), 79-102.
Drouin, Jean-Marc. 2019. A Philosophy of the Insect, translated by Anne Trager. New York: Columbia University Press. Description
Drummond, William Hamilton. 1778-1865. Rod Preece, Chien-hui Li (eds.). 2005 (1838). The Rights of Animals and Man's Obligation to Treat Them With Humanity. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Dunayer, Joan. 2004. Speciesism. Derwood, MD: Ryce Publishers.
Dunayer, Joan. 2001. Animal Equality: Language and Liberation. Derwood, MD: Ryce Pub. SUMMARY
Dunlap, Julie J. 1989. Moral reasoning about animal treatment. Anthrozoös 2: 245-258.
Dupré, John. 2006. Humans and Other Animals. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Earnshaw, Gwendellyn. 1999. Equity as a paradigm for sustainability: Evolving the process toward interspecies equity. Animal Law 5: 113-146.
Eaton, R (ed.). 1927. Descartes Selections. New York: Scribner & Sons.
Edmundson, William A. 2015. Do Animals Need Rights? The Journal of Political Philosophy 23(3) 345-360.
Ehrenfeld, D. 1978. The Arrogance of Humanism. New York: Oxford University Press.
Einwohner, Rachel L. 2002. Motivational framing and efficacy maintenance: Animal rights activists; use of four fortifying strategies. Sociological Quarterly 43(4): 509-526.
Einwohner, Rachel L. 1999. Practices, opportunity, and protest effectiveness: Illustrations from four animal rights campaigns. Social Problems 46(2): 169-186.
Elder, Glen, Jennifer Wolch and Jody Emel. 1998. Race, place, and the human-animal divide. Society and Animals 6(2): 183-202 SUMMARY
Ellis, E. 2022. Australian Animal Law: Context and Critique. Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Elston, Mary Ann. 1992. Victorian values and animal rights. New Scientist 134(1822): 28-31.
Engel Jr., Mylan and Gary Lynn Comstock (eds.). 2016. The Moral Rights of Animals. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Favre, David. 1995. Time for a sharper legal focus: An introduction to the premiere issue of Animal Law. Animal Law 1(1): 1-4.
Favre, David S. 2021. The Future of Animal Law. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Favre, David S. 2020. Animal Law: Welfare, Interests and Rights, Third Edition. New York: Wolters Kluwer.
Favre, David S. 2003. Animals: Welfare, interests, and rights. East Lansing, MI: Animal Law & History Web Center .
Feeney, Dennis M. 1987. Human rights and animal welfare. American Psychologist 42(6): 593-599.
Feinberg, J. (ed.). 1980. Rights, Justice, and the Bounds of Liberty. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Fellenz, Marc R. 2007. The Moral Menagerie: Philosophy and Animal Rights. University of Illinois Press.
Fenner, David. 1998. Animal rights and the problem of proximity. International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12(1), 51-61.
Finsen, Susan. 1997. Obstacles to legal rights for animals: Can we get there from here? Animal Law 3: i-vi.
Fischer, Bob. 2021. Animal Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction. New York: Routledge.
Fischer, Bob (ed.). 2020. The Routledge Handbook of Animal Ethics. New York: Routledge.
Fontenay, Élisabeth de. 2012. Without Offending Humans: A Critique of Animal Rights, translated by William Bishop. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Forthram, Debra L., Lisa F. Kane, David Hancocks and Paul F. Waldau (eds.). 2009. An Elephant in the Room: The Science and Well-Being of Elephants in Captivity. North Graftan, MA: Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy.
Fox, M.W. 1980. Returning to Eden: Animal Rights and Human Responsibility. New York: Viking.
Fox, Michael Allen. 1997. On the 'necessary suffering' of nonhuman animals. Animal Law 3: 25-30.
Francione, Gary L. 2008. Animals as Persons: Essays on the Abolition of Animal Exploitation. NY: Columbia University Press. Description
Francione, Gary L. 1997. Animal rights theory and utilitarianism: Relative normative guidance. Animal Law 3: 75-102.
Francione, Gary L. 1996. Rain without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Francione, Gary L. 1996. Animals as Property. Animal Law 2: i-vi.
Francione, Gary L. 1996. Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Rutgers Law Review 48(2): 397- 469.
Francione, Gary L. 1995. Animals, Property, and the Law. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Francione, Gary L. and Alan Watson. 1999. Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Francione, Gary L. and Robert Garner. 2010. The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation? NY: Columbia University Press. Description
Franklin, A., B. Tranter and R. White. 2001. Explaining support for animal rights: A comparison of two recent approaches to humans, nonhuman animals, and postmodernity. Society and Animals 9 (2): 127-144.
Franklin, Adrian. 2002. Nature and Social Theory. London/Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Franklin, Julian H. 2005. Animal rights and moral philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press.
Frasch, Pamela D., Katherine Mary Hessler and Sonia S. Waisman. 2016. Animal Law in a Nutshell, Second Edition. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing.
Frasch, Pamela D., Sonia S. Waisman, Bruce A. Wagman and Scott Beckstead (eds.). 2000. Animal Law. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
Freeman, C. P. 2010. Embracing Humanimality: Deconstructing the Human/Animal Dichotomy. In G. Goodale & J. E. Black (Eds.). Arguments about Animal Ethics (pp. 11-30). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Freeman, Carrie P. 2020. The Human Animal Earthling Identity: Shared Values Unifying Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Environmental Movements. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. Description
Frey, R. G. 2011. Utilitarianism and Animals. In Beauchamp, Tom and R.G. Frey, The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics, 172-197. NY: Oxford University Press.
Frey, R.G. 1980. Interests and Rights: The Case against Animals. Oxford: Clarendon.
Gabardi, Wayne. 2017. The Next Social Contract: Animals, the Anthropocene, and Biopolitics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Description
Galgut, E. 2017. Animal rights and African ethics: Congruence or conflict? Journal of Animal Ethics 7(2), 175-182.
Gardner, Colin and Patricia MacCormack (eds.). 2017. Deleuze and the Animal. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Garner, Robert. 2013. A Theory of Justice for Animals: Animal Rights in a Nonideal World. New York: Oxford University Press.
Garner, Robert. 2005. Animal Ethics. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Garner, Robert. 2005. The Political Theory of Animal Rights (Perspectives on Democratization). Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Garner, Robert. 2002. Animal rights, political theory and the liberal tradition. Contemporary Politics 8(1): 7-22.
Garner, Robert. 1998. Political Animals: Animal Protection Politics in Britain and the United States. New York: St. Martins Press.
Garner, Robert. 1996. Animal Rights: The Changing Debate. NY: New York University Press.
Garner, Robert. 1993. Animals, Politics and Morality. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Garner, Robert and Siobhan O'Sullivan (eds.). 2016. The Political Turn in Animal Ethics. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Gålmark, Lisa. 2008. Aristotle Revisited: Anthro-androcentrism and Meat Normativity. In R. Sollund (ed.), Global Harms: Ecological Crime and Speciesism, 87-108. New York: Nova Science.
Gibbs, Leah Maree. 2020. Animal Geographies I: Hearing the Cry and Extending Beyond. Progress in Human Geography 44(4),769-777.
Godlovitch, S., R. Godlovitch and J. Harris. (eds.). 1971. Animals, Men, and Morals: An Inquiry into the Maltreatment of Non-Humans. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company.
Gold, Mark. 1995. Animal Rights: Extending the Circle of Compassion. Oxford: Jon Carpenter Publishing.
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Animals in Religion, Myth, and Folk Tales
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